What Are Whitney Tilson’s 5 “Connexa Terra” Picks?

Today I’m reviewing a presentation from Whitney Tilson about a technology he’s calling “Connexa Terra.” According to Tilson, it could reduce your everyday expenses while giving investors the “opportunity to make 3x… 5x… even 10x” gains within the next few years.

What’s it all about? And is the presentation legit?

That’s what I’ll be delving into in this post. Let’s start by breaking down Tilson’s “Connexa Terra” prediction. Then, I’ll show you what stocks I think he’s teasing and give you an overview of the advisory service he’s pitching – Empire Stock Investor.

What Is “Connexa Terra?”

One thing I’ve come to learn over the years is that investment gurus love making up weird names for existing “things” as part of their presentations. I can only speculate as to why, but whatever the reason, it makes it difficult to know what they’re (actually) talking about.

So, let’s cut right to the chase… what is Connexa Terra?

According to Whitney Tilson:

“‘Connexa Terra’ is Latin for ‘Connected Earth.'”

“And it’s what the Washington Post calls ‘the next version of the internet.'”

“That’s putting it mildly, though.”

“I think of it as the ‘Internet Killer'”

Source: empirefinancialresearch.com

Based on that, Tilson believes “Connexa Terra” is a new type of internet and, as I continued my research, it became clear that what he’s really talking about is the metaverse.

Oddly, he doesn’t mention the term “metaverse” at all in the presentation. However, if you visit the “Details and Disclosures” page of the Empire Financial Research website, you’ll see that many of the sources used to support his presentation are related to the metaverse.

So, Connexa Terra is essentially a term Tilson uses to describe the metaverse.

This is the third time in less than a week I’ve come across a well-known finance guru talking about investing in the metaverse, too. Interest in this space seems to be exploding right now.

For instance, Teeka Tiwari recently released his Freedom 2022 metaverse pitch, and shortly after that, I wrote about Jeff Brown’s MTA metaverse (Final Tech Wave) prediction.

What is the metaverse?

According to Wikipedia, a metaverse is a network of 3D virtual worlds focused on social connection. Notice how Wikipedia uses the term “a metaverse?” Well, that’s because there is no “one” metaverse; there are many different iterations of it.

It’s essentially a digital world you can access using a virtual reality headset or augmented reality headset, and there are many potential use-cases beyond gaming and socializing—for example, e-commerce, manufacturing, logistics, and more.

According to Whitney Tilson, “this technology is set to completely disrupt the entire $85 trillion global economy.” And he highlights sectors like real estate, retail, health care, banking, and entertainment as examples.

Tilson also predicts that “Connexa Terra” will:

  • Slash your medical bills
  • Cut your grocery spending
  • Drop your transportation costs
  • Lower your travel expenses
  • Reduce what you pay for gas

Why does he believe this? According to the presentation, Whitney thinks this technology will allow you to visit the doctor virtually and get preventative medical care, find the best deals on groceries, and visit any location on the planet virtually. All without leaving your couch.

Makes sense, I guess. As in, the metaverse could potentially cut out a lot of unnecessary travel, improve the online shopping experience, and reduce a person’s overall expenses.

However, it’s still early days, and I find it hard to imagine people would prefer to wear a headset instead of visiting the physical location when it comes to vacations and events.

Nevertheless, Tilson is uber-bullish on Connexa Terra (AKA the metaverse), and he specifically mentions five opportunities investors could profit from in the years ahead.

But before we get to that, let me give you some background on Whitney Tilson.

Who Is Whitney Tilson?

Whitney Tilson is the founder and CEO of Empire Financial Research, the financial publishing company behind his metaverse presentation.

He’s also the editor of the company’s flagship stock advisory, Empire Stock Investor (the service the presentation leads to), and one called Empire Investment Report.

What sort of investments does he recommend?

Whitney Tilson describes his investment philosophy as contrarian and says he and his team seek out opportunities that mainstream analysts overlook.

“We’re contrarians on the hunt for investment opportunities that Wall Street has overlooked… and we aren’t afraid to make bold predictions.”

I haven’t looked into all of Tilson’s predictions, but I recently wrote about his Netstake stock pick, which centered around an online sports betting company. And I tend to agree that he makes some bold yet interesting predictions when it comes to technology trends.

In any case, before founding Empire Financial Research in 2019, Tilson was a Wall Street hedge fund manager for 20 years and ran his own investment firm, Kase Capital Management.

According to his Empire Financial Research website profile, he started the company out of his bedroom with $1 million and grew the assets under management to over $200 million.

Aside from that, Whitney Tilson holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, has authored multiple books on finance, and written for numerous financial media companies like Forbes, Motley Fool, and Financial Times, among others.

As far as his track record goes, Whitney Tilson claims to have outperformed the S&P 500 since the launch of his newsletter two years ago. He also says he “called the exact day bitcoin peaked” in 2017, called the top of the cannabis bubble in 2018, and predicted “TaaS” in 2019.

On that last point, TaaS has been one of Tilson’s most popular presentations over the past couple of years. In short, TaaS stands for “Transportation as a Service,” and his prediction had to do with the rise of autonomous electric vehicles, which is similar to Jeff Brown’s SAV prediction.

According to Tilson, the five TaaS stocks he recommended as part of the presentation are up an average of 120%, although he believes the Connexa Terra opportunity is “much bigger.”

In the next section, we’ll look at what stocks he might be teasing.

What Are Whitney Tilson’s 5 “Connexa Terra” Picks?

Whitney Tilson says there are five “buy now” stocks he’s interested in as part of his “Connexa Terra” prediction, and he claims they could 3x to 10x your money within a few years.

He only shares one stock for free during the presentation. The others are revealed in a research report called “Five Ways to Earn 10x on the World’s Biggest Tech Shift,” which comes as a bonus for subscribing to Empire Stock Investor for $49.

However, I looked into his clues to figure out what stocks he might be teasing, and in this section, I’ll show you exactly what I found.

1. “Investment #1: Buy Meta Platforms”

The first stock Whitney Tilson recommends is Meta (FB).

This is the only pick he shares for free, and it didn’t surprise me it was Meta, formerly known as Facebook. This company has been showing a lot of interest in the metaverse recently, hence the name change, and other gurus like Jeff Brown have been talking about it, too.

Tilson also states in the presentation that he does not recommend paying more than $375 per share for this company.

2. “Investment #2: Own the “Connexa Terra” Stock Hidden to Most Investors”

Tilson’s second pick centers around attending live music events without leaving home. He talks about how famous artists from around the globe have been “taking advantage of ‘Connexa Terra’ to attract massive amounts of fans” and how there’s one company taking advantage.

“Now, one of the most influential companies in music history is taking advantage…”

“I’m talking about a company with a catalog of subsidiaries in 42 different countries and 15 different recording labels.”

“It’s worked with everyone from The Beatles and the Bee Gees to Michael Jackson and Ray Charles.”

“It earns almost $6 billion per year and employs more than 8,000 people.”

“They just created an entire band that will be tied directly to ‘Connexa Terra.'”

“Even better, for now, you can get in at just $25 per share.”

That’s not a lot to go off, but I did some research and managed to find one music company that makes roughly $6 billion per year; Universal Music Group NV (ticker UMGNF), a multinational music corporation headquartered in the Netherlands.

UMG matches up pretty well with Tilson’s other clues, too. For example, its number of record labels and how many subsidiaries it has. It’s also trading at just over $26 as of writing.

It’s unclear if the company has created a metaverse brand or not, though. But according to Forbes, they have partnered with Genies to amp their metaverse presence.

3. “Investment #3: Own “Connexa Terra’s” Backbone”

Whitney Tilson’s third Connexa Terra pick has to do with the role he believes artificial intelligence will play as the metaverse develops.

According to Tilson, artificial intelligence will “form the backbone of ‘Connexa Terra.'” And he claims that the best way to take advantage of this is to buy a company that provides the chips and graphics interfaces needed in the years ahead.

Tilson doesn’t provide many clues on this one, though. Instead, he shares some vague hints and mentions that the company “released a set of software tools.”

“It’s a firm that’s prepared to usher in a new world that will demand more computing power as well as more chips.”

“The company also recently released a set of software tools that will allow companies to collaborate in building ‘Connexa Terra,’ the computing power for which will, naturally, come from this company.”

“The company’s CEO believes about half its ‘Connexa Terra’ revenue will come from chips and half from software.”

All we can really glean from those clues is that the company makes semiconductors (AKA “chips”), they recently released some software tools, and the CEO thinks half of the company’s metaverse revenue will come from semiconductor chips.

In reality, Tilson could be talking about any number of companies.

However, I did some digging to see what I could find and came across a Stock Gumshoe article that suggests NVIDIA (NVDA) could be Tilson’s third pick.

That makes sense for a few reasons, too. First, NVIDIA is a leader in the semiconductor space. Second, Whitney Tilson recommended this company in the past. And third, NVIDIA’s CEO, Jensen Huang, appears to be keenly interested in the metaverse.

4. “Investment #4: Own the Currency”

Whitney Tilson believes that “cryptocurrencies will be the primary form of currency as it pertains to ‘Connexa Terra'” and says there’s “one in particular” he believes will soar. As with the previous two picks, he doesn’t mention it by name, but he does share some clues.

“Right now, there are several new cryptos coming out that are tied specifically to ‘Connexa Terra.'”

“And they are ALL based on the coin that I suggest you should buy immediately.”

“Some are even projecting that this coin could be the new Bitcoin and hit values as high as $50,000 per coin by 2030.”

Again, that’s not much to go off. But my guess is it’s Ethereum because many smaller altcoins connected to the metaverse utilize Ethereum’s ERC-20 standard.

Ethereum has the second-largest market cap next to bitcoin, too. So this also lines up with Tilson’s theme of recommending larger-cap opportunities thus far. Not to mention, its price is also below $50k as of writing, and some have predicted it could hit $50k per coin by 2030.

5. “Investment #5: Own Part of This $240 Billion Industry”

The last opportunity Whitney Tilson talks about in the Connexa Terra presentation has to do with online gaming and how this will be a “huge part of ‘Connexa Terra.'”

Here are the clues he shares:

“One company is in position to dominate this industry, and it’s not the makers of Minecraft, Roblox, or Fortnite.”

“They’ve been around since the ’80s and have produced some of the most popular video game titles in the world.”

“And I believe they’re going to be one of the major players as ‘Connexa Terra’ hits full stride.”

“Already they publish a wildly popular online game that has more than a dozen iterations and the beta version of their newest version has already been played by 7.7 million people.”

This one was pretty easy to figure out; all I did was Google “online game 7.7 million people” (lol), which led me to an article about Battlefield 2042 on gamestop.com. And that, in turn, led me to conclude that this pick is most likely Electronic Arts (EA).

Why? In short, Electronic Arts is the company behind Battlefield 2042, the game reached 7.7 million players when it was in beta, and EA was founded in 1982.

So, I believe EA is Tilson’s fifth stock pick.

And that sums up my take on Whitney Tilson’s Connexa Terra stock picks.

If you want to see what these five opportunities are first-hand, you’ll need to read Tilson’s research report titled “Five Ways to Earn 10x on the World’s Biggest Tech Shift.”

This report details Tilson’s five stock picks and the reasons why he’s recommending them, and it comes as a bonus for joining Empire Stock Investor.

What Is Empire Stock Investor?

Empire Stock Investor is Whitney Tilson’s flagship stock advisory service that focuses primarily on large-cap U.S. stocks based on emerging trends Tilson and his team track.

A large-cap stock is a publicly listed U.S. company with a market capitalization of over $10 billion. And these are typically seen as less speculative than small-cap stocks, given more money has been invested in the company.

As a subscriber, you receive Tilson’s latest investment recommendations each month and access to the model portfolio showing all the active Empire Stock Investor picks. You also get updates on the opportunities Tilson recommends and the following bonus reports:

  • Five Ways to Earn 10x on the World’s Biggest Tech Shift
  • The #1 Way to Profit on the Electric Vehicle Boom
  • The Two Critical Driverless Technologies You Must Own Today

As I mentioned earlier, the first report details the five “Connexa Terra” opportunities we’ve discussed in this post, and the other two detail different opportunities Tilson is interested in.

Regardless of which research reports you end up reading, if any, the general idea is that Whitney shares his top picks and analysis with subscribers through these reports and the monthly newsletters. From there, it’s up to you which opportunities you want to follow.

How much does it cost?

The cost to join Empire Stock Investor through the Connexa Terra presentation is $49, and there’s a 30-day refund policy on this, according to the company website.

Bottom Line

Whitney Tilson’s Connexa Terra presentation centers around the metaverse, an immersive digital world where people can connect, shop, and play games, among other things.

This is the third time I’ve come across a presentation about the metaverse by a well-known finance guru within the space of a week. So there seems to be a lot of hype around this topic at the moment.

How this technology develops and what investments will be the biggest winners remains to be seen. But I do think this technology is here to stay and that it has the potential to “enhance” the way we interact with the digital world.

Either way, it goes without saying that Whitney Tilson is bullish on this tech.

Does that mean you’ll make 10x your money betting on the metaverse?

Not necessarily. Whitney Tilson is a real investment expert, and he has a good track record from what I can tell, so it’s possible you could profit by following his stock tips. You could also learn a lot from him over the course of a year for a relatively small ($49) investment.

However, as with any service, there’s no guarantee you’ll make money. And there’s always a chance you could lose money when speculating in the market. That doesn’t make it a scam. It just means there are risks involved, and you need to decide what’s right for you.

Anyway, that’s it from me.

What do you think about the Connexa Terra presentation? Is Whitney Tilson onto something, or is it all just hype? Let us know in the comments below!

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