Eric Fry of InvestorPlace recently released a stock teaser presentation (January 2023), where he teased a bunch of different companies he’s interested in.
And I think I’ve managed to uncover some of them.
One of his picks was a copper mining company (which he revealed for free), but the others are part of a research report called “The New 1,000% Portfolio.” And the only way to access that report is to subscribe to his flagship service, Fry’s Investment Report.
Ahead, I’ll show you what these companies are, and I will endeavor to update this post with new research as I come across new Eric Fry presentations in 2023.
But first, let’s take a quick look at what he’s predicting for 2023…
What Is Eric Fry Predicting for 2023?
The essence of Eric Fry’s latest prediction, as per his January 2023 pitch, is that a so-called “phenomenon” he’s tracking could create “decades of rapid new growth” and see thousands of Americans “join the millionaire class.”
“Already, the phenomenon that’s happening down there at ground level has one-percenters flocking in from around the country, ready to invest billions of dollars in this incredible phenomenon.
“Before they’re done, we could have America’s entire economy remapped……
“We could see decades of rapid new growth……
“And what’s about to happen could pave the way for thousands of lucky Americans… or even tens of thousands… to join the millionaire class. This phenomenon could even create a few new billionaires.
“At the same time, thousands of other middle-class Americas… possibly millions… could also find themselves backed into a corner with no jobs… shrinking nest eggs… and no idea what to do next.”
What “phenomenon” is he talking about?
In short, the phenomenon Eric Fry talked about in the presentation centered around what he calls “cluster events” (or “superclusters),” which he explained is when a group of similar companies gets together to create a “mega-boom” of innovation and wealth.
Something like that, anyway.
Some of the examples he gave to illustrate his point were of Silicon Valley and Wall Street firms, but the “supercluster” he’s predicting this time is supposedly happening in seven U.S. states, especially in Kentucky and Tennessee.
And according to Fry, this phenomenon is creating “Made in America, 2.0.”
“This ‘supercluster’ phenomenon isn’t a fluke.
“It’s baked into the American economic cycle.
“And a brand-new ‘supercluster’ is taking shape.
“Only this time, it’s happening in a place that will take a lot of folks by complete surprise. Especially our global elites.”
“… spread out on this horizon, you’re looking at America’s new technological heartland. And I’m not talking about Silicon Valley.
“Instead, I’m talking about the seven U.S. states you can see from this mountain…
“Tennessee… Kentucky… Virginia… Georgia… Alabama… and both Carolinas…
“Because in each of these states – especially in Kentucky and Tennessee – there’s a new economic “supercluster” of innovation and investment taking shape .
In fact, in the 300 square miles surrounding this mountain…
You’ll find no fewer than 28 different companies, each dedicated to building out the future for electric vehicles and the batteries that power them.
Collectively, they’re investing billions of dollars in kickstarting a new era of American ingenuity and prosperity – something I call ‘Made in America, 2.0.'”
Long story short, when you boil it all down… Eric Fry is bullish on electric vehicles and technology related to EVs, such as energy storage, LiDAR, and 5G.
Here’s a snippet from the presentation (emphasis mine):
“You see, EVs are just the beginning of this opportunity.
“Because building EVs on a scale where they can be practical and affordable for a mass market… which is exactly where all of this is headed… will require innovations in countless technologies that can be used in many other fields.
“Computer vision, advanced battery chemistries and miniaturization, next-generation semiconductors, smart power grids , mass-energy storage technology, LiDAR sensors… and 5G-enabled everything.
“The explosive new EV supply chain will give birth to dozens of technological marvels. And those marvels will inevitably forge pathways for other radical changes and breakthroughs, even in markets we have yet to imagine.”
So, that’s the gist of what Eric Fry is predicting for 2023… that a “supercluster” of EV tech innovation is taking place in the states he mentioned earlier and that this could create economic opportunities in the U.S. for decades to come.
What about his stock picks?
Let’s discuss that now.
Eric Fry’s “#1 Stock” for 2023
The first company Eric Fry teased in his 2023 presentation was Freeport-McMoRan (FCX), an American mining company based in Phoenix, Arizona.
“You’re all but promised to see all kinds of ways you could profit from this megatrend.
“But what if you could get started by cashing in with just one stock?
“I’m talking, of course, about the #1 stock pick I promised you earlier.
“And the name of that pick is… Freeport-McMoRan… with the ticker ‘FCX.’
“That’s right, the U.S.-based mining giant.”

Why’s he bullish on this company?
Based on what he said in the presentation, Eric Fry is bullish on the company because it mines copper, and EVs need lots of copper.
He also talked about how the company mines molybdenum, which he says is a “key element for every renewable energy tech you can think of.”
“EVs need batteries. Batteries need raw minerals.
“In fact, did you know that your average EV contains up to ten times as much copper as a gas-powered car?
“Power grids, solar, EV charging stations, and even wind energy won’t work without copper.
“Freeport owns and operates five of the six biggest U.S. copper mines… and the company also cranks out more than half of our nation’s total supply.
“That makes Freeport America’s biggest copper supplier.
“It’s also one of the biggest copper producers worldwide.
“By the way, Freeport is also the world’s largest producer of the metal called molybdenum… which is a key element for every renewable energy tech you can think of, from wind and solar to nuclear energy, geothermal, wind, and hydro.
“Molybdenum is also a key element for – yep – making EV batteries.”
It’s probably best to see Eric Fry’s pitch if you want all the details, but that’s my take on what he said and why he’s bullish. And aside from that “freebie” stock pick, Fry teased three other companies in the presentation that are part of his “New 1,000% Portfolio.”
And I think I’ve managed to uncover two of them.
Recommended: Go here to see my #1 rated stock advisory of 2024
Eric Fry’s “The New 1,000% Portfolio” Stock Picks
Pick 1 (“Smart” EV Charging Grids)
According to Eric Fry, the first company he teased (after his free pick) “uses AI to run ‘smart’ EV-charging grids” and is trading for under $10 a share.
Here’s what he said about this company:
“This first company uses AI to run “smart” EV-charging grids.
“With multiple energy sources hitting power grids these days…
“And with all that power getting stored until it’s needed…
“You need software that’s smart enough to manage that energy flow.
“This company has an AI-powered system that does exactly that.
“It’s already built the largest smart energy storage network in the world.
“It’s also already partnered with Fortune 500 companies across the US.
“And it’s machine-learning technology is tailor-made for streamlining operations for the vast EV-charging networks already being built across the US.
“Demand for this company’s product is booming, with an order backlog that’s already doubled year-over-year.
“This is the first pure smart-energy-network play to go public in the US.
“And you can still get shares for under $10.”
What could it be?
Those clues led me to a company called Stem, Inc (ticker: STEM), which two other newsletter gurus (Paul Mampilly and Adam O’Dell) have pitched in recent years.
Stem is a California-based company that describes itself as a “world leader in AI-enabled smart energy storage,” and it’s currently trading at under $10 a share.

I can’t be certain if this is his pick, but it looks that way to me.
Pick 2 (Synthetic Graphite)
The second company Eric Fry teased is one that he says makes synthetic graphite, a material that is essential to the production of EV batteries.
Here’s a snapshot of what he said about this company:
“The second company I want to show you makes synthetic graphite…
“You can’t make lithium batteries without graphite. And this company cuts battery costs by making that graphite synthetically instead of mining it.
“As I’m sure you know, cutting battery costs is a huge EV priority.
“Already, this second company has partnered with Honda, Panasonic, Samsung, and Bosch, just to name a few.
“And it’s just won a huge $150 million grant from the U.S. government to build a brand-new plant right here in Chattanooga.
“Speaking of graphite…
“You also need to compress and coat it so it can be packed into the anode post of EV batteries.
“This company will do exactly that when its new plant in Louisiana goes into production later this year.
“It’s the first plant of its kind outside of China and the only one in the U.S.
“What’s more, the company’s initial graphite output is nearly sold out already…
“Thanks to a four-year purchase contract with a major U.S. EV manufacturer.”
So, we’re looking for a company that:
- Makes synthetic graphite.
- Has partnered with Honda, Panasonic, Samsung, and Bosch.
- Recently won a $150 million grant from the U.S. government to build a new plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
- Has a four-year purchase plan with a major U.S. EV manufacturer.
Any matches?
It seems so, yes. My research of the above clues led me to NOVONIX Limited (NVX), an Australian battery materials and technology company.

How is it a match?
For one thing, according to an October 2022 press release on the company website, Novonix was recently “selected to enter negotiations to receive US$150 million in grant funding from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
And the funding relates to the company expanding its “domestic production of high-performance, synthetic graphite anode materials.”
Aside from that, Novonix has an existing Riverside facility in Chattanooga, Tennessee. And my research (this article and the company’s latest investor presentation) suggests that the clue about the companies Novonix has “partnered” with lines up.
The only clue I wasn’t able to shed light on was the last one about the “four-year purchase contract.” I am not sure what Eric Fry was referring to there.
Still, Novonix seems like a possible match overall, especially given the clue about the $150 million grant, as that is a very specific clue.
Pick 3 (Microsensors)
Lastly, Eric Fry teased a company that specializes in microsensors:
“Finally, the last company I want to show you specializes in microsensors…
“Why microsensors? Here’s why…
“EV batteries need all kinds of monitoring to keep your vehicle running smoothly.
“This company specializes in a fiber-optic technology, that’s ideal for the job.
“It also makes 5G network solutions that help make autonomous driving possible.
“This company is already an industry leader and has an impressive list of partners…
“Including not just car companies but NASA, ConocoPhilips, and Lockheed-Martin.”
Given the lack of clues, I’m not sure what this one is. But if you have any ideas on what it could be, feel free to share your guess in the comments section below!
Bottom Line
I’ve looked into numerous Eric Fry presentations on this blog, and he has made it clear in recent years that he is quite bullish on the electric vehicle, 5G, and battery energy storage sectors (among others). Those sectors have taken a beating since late 2021, but time will tell if his thesis plays out or not.
Regardless, one thing I would not recommend doing is rushing into an investment based on what you hear about in a stock teaser presentation.
These presentations can be very convincing, but ultimately, they are designed to sell a service. In this case, the pitch is for Fry’s Investment Report, an InvestorPlace newsletter that the company is selling for $29 a year.
I haven’t found Eric Fry’s presentations to be the most overhyped of the lot, but there was a lot of talk about becoming a millionaire and seeing 10X gains in the teaser.
So I would suggest taking that stuff with a grain of salt.
Anything is possible in the markets, but investing is risky, so there’s no guarantee that his picks will make you money. In fact, they could end up losing you money.
Also, keep in mind that I haven’t read the report Eric Fry has put together, so I don’t know for sure if the companies I mentioned earlier are his picks or not. Nor do I know if shares in those companies will go up or down in the future.
But at least now you have some ideas as to what Eric Fry may be pitching, so I hope you got some value from this post! Thanks for reading.
Pick No. 2 Syrah Resources Limited (SYAAF)
Are there any current recommendations regarding U.S. manufacturers that are in the GPU manufacturing arena?
If the predicted, upcoming shortages in this market has any validity, this could be an interesting sector.
I’m not aware of anything he’s shared publicly related to GPUs, but I can’t speak to everything he’s recommending within his newsletters.
Check out LUNA Innovations for microsensors.
Hello, I’m new to the community and not to get off topic from EV’s but I would love your take on MDT- Medtronics Healthcare that Fry mentioned as well. It has to do with the medical field and they are coming out with a new “smart insulin pen” which caught my attention. I just listened to his pitch and was just about to buy his Investors report before I read your blog. He also mentioned these companies: NVIDIA – INNODATA – C3.IA – SOUND HOUND – BIGBEAT.AI if anyone is interested.
I really appreciated reading your post. Thank you Tim
Great work Tim – It is interesting also that these guru’s all intertwine and promote each others websites along to their subscribers like weeds and tentacles digging and tugging at your emotions and wallet. Sick – it is really so overboard and overwhelming to cope – I find it best to not click and then they do eventually go away.
As for Eric Fry – he is less hype and less email saturation but he also gave away in one I saw an energy company TTE – Total – which was doing ok and then like many of the oil and gas recently – tank and go through a slow slog back up – so frustrating – and the dividend can;t come soon enough to bear through the down trends.
Yeah, it’s mostly all a bunch of hype and BS designed to sell newsletters. The more time that goes on, the more I come to terms with this. It’s not like it’s all scams, there is value even in some of the newsletters with overhyped presentations, but many of them don’t teach you how to actually become a successful investor. Instead, they focus on showing you different companies (and hyping them up in different teasers).
Also, to your point about them promoting each others sites, the reason that’s the case (at least one reason anyway) is that many of these companies are owned by a larger company called MarketWise. Many of the popular newsletter companies (InvestorPlace, Stansberry Research, Empire Financial Research, and numerous others) are all owned by MarketWise. I don’t really want to link to their site, but if you Google “MarketWise brands” you’ll see what I mean.
Anyways, thanks for the comment, and all the best!
Wow. About marketwise , that makes perfect sense. Most of my junk mail comes from those you mentioned. Ty for the insight on your stocks and the publications.
Best to you.
My pleasure Gio, and likewise – all the best.
Hello Tim.
Much appreciate your work regarding the apparently never ending list of experts who know how to make investors rich.
For anyone interested in an update, Eric Fry’s supercluster isn’t doing so super in 2023.
FCX NYSE 2023 HIGH 2502 TO LOW AT 2505 DOWN 28%
NVX ASX 2023 HIGH 1701 TO LOW AT 2704 DOWN 55% (Up 2% since)
STEM NYSE 2023 HIGH 0202 TO LOW 2103 DOWN 67% (Up since still down 53%)
Thanks Rob
Hi there, Tim,
With the latest updates on Eric Fry’s 2023 picks which you have researched & disclosed, which I wrote down a while back now, shows the following DOWN trends.
FREEPORT-McMORAN : with what they do and own, their shares should be “Through the Roof”, but are hanging in there by the skin of their teeth by trading in the RED for the past year.
Stem, you’d have absolutely “LOST THE SHIRT OFF YOUR BACK” with them.
Novonix, Back in mid December ’21, they had a “Very” nice high, but now, in the doldrums & just hanging in by the skin of their teeth.
As it has been mentioned before, the way these “TOUTERS & SPRUIKERS” make their money is by us buying into their services.
Tim, you do us a great service, thank you.
Thanks Richard, appreciate your comment.
SITM for microsensor
1 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE for EV Charging: STEM INC sounds good.
3 GRAPHITE COMPRESSION AND COATING Syrah Technologies for its Syrah Vidalia
Facility in Vidalia, Louisiana
4 LITHIUM Piedmont Lithium
5 MICROSENSORS Sensirion? maybe but c/b Microsoft or IBM…
Microsensors might be Luna, based in Roanoke, VA. The company is large enough to have business in other large companies. It also has the fiber optic EV battery solutions.
Thanks for all your immense efforts.Much chat on blockchain being combined and enhancing A/I.That semi conductor breakthrough is amazing using G.P.U. with so many
thousands of cors instead of C.P.U.’s.
Pleasure, glad my sleuthing has been helpful. 😉
Hey Tim, good work like always, I agree with you one is STEM and NOVONIX, they are making all time reports, only take time. I wish to find the margins of the E.V and E.V products such as batteries, sensors, Lidar, and metals for sure is more related with commodities. But E.V for example Tesla talks over a 20% margin, here the important is find in this E.V industry a solid supplier with contract with low market cap, and with high margin, you have idea over the margins in any segment. Thanks and great work
Thanks for the comment Frederick, and all the best.
Koyfman has been touting NHHHF and Green HonHai Inds. Do you confirm? I
Hi Bill. I’m not sure about the second company you mentioned, but I wrote about a Koyfman teaser in early 2022 where my research suggested that he was pitching Fuel Positive Corporation (ticker NHHH or NHHHF).