Today I’ll be looking into Jeff Brown’s latest presentation about profiting from a $2.1 quadrillion “World IPO Day,” which he says will be unlocked by “G.T.E Technology.”
According to Jeff, there’s a global shift to “tokenizing” everything from real estate and cars to software and art that he says is creating the “biggest wealth shift in human history.” And apparently, all you need is $25 and a few minutes to potentially profit from it.
It was quite an interesting presentation, but also a bit vague. It left me wondering what exactly he was talking about and what he was recommending.
Which may have been the point.
Because, towards the end of the presentation, he says all the details are contained in a report titled “Your #1 Easiest Way to Profit from a $2.1 Quadrillion World IPO Day,” which you can only get as a bonus for joining his paid advisory service, The Near Future Report.
Anyway, long story short, I decided to take a closer look. And in this article, I’ll show you what I found about the technology he’s referring to and the “opportunity” I think he’s teasing.
Jeff Brown’s “Tokenization” Presentation
The presentation we’ll be discussing is located on the Brownstone Research website, and it’s basically an interview between host Chris Hurt and investment guru Jeff Brown.
It begins with Jeff stating that a “new technology is ripping through the financial world” called G.T.E, and it could grow 48 times bigger than the entire stock market. And apparently, billionaires like Elon Musk, Mark Cuban, and Michael Jordan are investing in it.

Jeff says it will disrupt everything from real estate, technology, and energy to healthcare, entertainment, and automotive. Basically… everything.
According to Jeff Brown, G.T.E technology is “set to overhaul the entire world economy” and “bring a $2.1 quadrillion “private economy” online.”
… the smartest investors in the world are circling… because “G.T.E.” is set to overhaul the entire world economy.
I know that sounds impossible, but “G.T.E.” will bring a $2.1 quadrillion “private economy” online… with thousands of ‘IPOs’ every day.
To put that into context, $2.1 quadrillion is equivalent to $2,100 trillion.
And if you read the “details and disclosures” page on the Brownstone Research website, you’ll see that $2.1 quadrillion is Jeff’s estimate of the monetary value of just about everything.
All global wealth, all global debt, fiat money, commodities, crypto… everything.
He also talks about something he calls “World IPO Day.”
Which, as I’ll explain shortly, isn’t about IPOs (Initial Public Offerings) or any specific day in the future (lol). It’s essentially Jeff’s way of describing how 20,000 new “tokens” could become publicly traded each day once G.T.E Technology rolls out.
Which, according to Jeff, could begin very soon thanks to a recent “blockchain update.”
He also talks about a specific opportunity that can “cut you in” on this technology for as little as $25 and potentially “put early investors on the path to millionaire territory.”
But before we get to that, let’s unpack what he’s talking about regarding the underlying technology, the scope of the opportunity, and what “World IPO Day” has to do with it.
What Is G.T.E Technology?
According to Jeff Brown, G.T.E stands for “Global Token Exchange.”
Despite the name, there doesn’t appear to be an actual Global Token Exchange. Instead, this is a term Jeff uses to describe the technology behind “tokenization,” the process of converting digital and physical assets into publicly traded tokens.
So, when Jeff says “Global Token Exchange,” he’s really referring to the blockchain technology behind the creation and transaction of these digital tokens.
“G.T.E.” stands for “Global Token Exchange.” It’s the technology that powers the creation & transaction of these digital tokens.
According to Jeff, almost everything could soon be tokenized.
From real estate, art, and jewelry, to vehicles, software programs, and businesses. And once that happens, he says anyone can buy and trade these tokens with one another.
He says tokenization is creating a “private economy” where everything can be tokenized and traded, kind of like the stock market. Except, instead of buying and selling shares, you’re buying and selling digital tokens. And Jeff says one of the benefits of tokenization is that it allows you to have fractional ownership of high-priced assets like real estate.
Is any of this actually true?
There is truth to what Jeff is saying about tokenization in general, but whether or not it will become a $2.1 quadrillion market is another story.
Nevertheless, regarding tokenization, this issue of Inside Magazine from Deloitte offers some interesting insight into the subject. According to Deloitte:
The tokenization of assets refers to the process of issuing a blockchain token (specifically, a security token) that digitally represents a real tradable asset—in many ways similar to the traditional process of securitzation, with a modern twist.
A security token is capable of having the token holder’s rights and legal responsibilities embedded directly onto the token, along with an immutable record of ownership.
Basically, the Deloitte article talks about how the ownership rights of real, tangible assets can be tokenized and traded among individuals, similar to shares.
And as this article on Forbes points out, some of the potential benefits include fractional ownership, lowering trading costs, and making illiquid assets more liquid.
So, based on my research, it does seem as though Jeff’s comments about tokenization have merit overall. However, it also seems as though he’s more or less talking about NFTs (non-fungible tokens) because what he describes is (more or less) how NFTs work.
But according to the presentation, Jeff isn’t referring to NFTs when he talks about tokenization.
Chris: Ok, and I’ve been hearing about this NFT craze a lot recently. If this technology isn’t crypto, are you talking about NFT?
Jeff: No. NFT, or “Non Fungible Tokens,” are just the smallest, most recognizable example of tokenization.
He does talk about NFTs later in the presentation, but that’s not at the core of his tokenization prediction. When he talks about tokenization, he’s referring to digitizing fractional ownership of “almost everything.” Much more than just digital art, collectibles, and other forms of media.
But at its core, here’s what tokenization means:
In today’s world, most assets are tied to one owner.
But in the world of tokenization, you can split any asset into infinite pieces. Thousands, even millions of people, could take tiny ownership stakes in almost anything.
In any case, while tokenization is a real thing, and there are potential benefits to it, there are also challenges involved with making the technology work and regulatory uncertainties.
Still, Jeff says the shift to tokenization could be the beginning of the “biggest wealth shift in human history” and that the “Global Token Exchange could open an opportunity 1,000 times bigger than crypto and NFT combined.”
He also talks about how “trillions of dollars could start pouring onto this digital exchange” in the coming weeks. And says it’s important to “act fast” because hesitating now could force you to wait centuries for another investment opportunity as big as “World IPO Day.”
What Is “World IPO” Day?
One of the main things Jeff talks about during the presentation, concerning his prediction, is something he refers to as “World IPO Day.” Yet, oddly, he never really defines what it is.
We’ll get into all the details in a moment, but imagine a “World IPO Day.”
Where 20,000 “IPOs” all go public in a single day… and then 20,000 more every day after that… forever.
I know that sounds impossible, but “G.T.E.” will bring a $2.1 quadrillion “private economy” online… with thousands of ‘IPOs’ every day.
Now to be clear, I’m not talking about IPOs in the traditional sense. As I’ll explain today, these “IPOs” are an evolution of the kind that you’re familiar with.
Based on what Jeff says in the presentation, it’s pretty clear he’s not talking about any specific day, nor is he talking about an actual initial public offering (IPO) of a real company.
Which is kind of funny considering he calls it “World IPO Day” (lol).
What’s Jeff (actually) referring to?
From what I can gather, when Jeff says “IPO,” he’s referring to the creation of the publicly tradeable tokens I mentioned earlier.
So he’s more or less using the term “World IPO Day” to refer to “globally tradable tokens that will be created each day” on the “Global Token Exchange.”
Something like that anyway.
It’d be much less confusing if the whole thing weren’t so cryptic. But then again, I guess that’s the nature of these presentations; they’re designed to arouse your curiosity.
Anyway, in the next section, I will walk you through one final piece of the puzzle before we get into what I think he’s recommending.
What Is EIP-1559?
Before we get to the opportunity that Jeff is teasing in the presentation, I wanted to dig into one final point he made about something called EIP-1559.
Days from now, this update, titled EIP-1559, could send tokenization into hyperdrive on a global scale… and start flooding the blockchain with trillions of dollars.
The blockchain update outlined in this document indicates the rollout could begin very soon… a moment I believe could put early investors on the path to millionaire territory… in record time.
What exactly is EIP-1559?
EIP-1559 is short for Ethereum Improvement Proposal 1559 and has to do with an “upgrade” to the Ethereum protocol dubbed “London,” which, according to Coindesk, is designed to make transaction fees less volatile and more predictable.
It’s not exactly clear how this could “send tokenization into hyperdrive on a global scale,” as Jeff claims in the presentation. But I think it may have something to do with the ERC-20 standard, the technical standard for tokens using the Ethereum network.
Here’s how Investopedia explains ERC-20:
ERC-20 tokens are blockchain-based assets that have value and can be sent and received. The primary difference is that instead of running on their own blockchain, ERC-20 tokens are issued on the Ethereum network.
How blockchain and cryptocurrencies work is a topic for another article.
But basically, Ethereum is a popular altcoin (alternative cryptocurrency to bitcoin), and there’s a bunch of other altcoins that use its network and its ERC-20 standard tokens.
How does this relate to Jeff’s prediction?
The EIP-1559 update Jeff cites in the presentation is mostly about reducing fees on the Ethereum network. And while it’s not exactly clear how he thinks this update will impact “tokenization,” the update theoretically could lead to an increase in activity on the Ethereum network.
Which, in turn, could benefit altcoins that use Ethereum’s ERC-20 standard tokens.
And, as it turns out, one company using the ERC-20 token claims to hold the key to helping tokenization reach its full potential. And it’s currently trading at $25.
What $25 Opportunity Is Jeff Teasing?
Most presentations I analyze provide a bunch of clues about what the person behind it is recommending, so it’s normally fairly easy to figure it out.
However, in this case, Jeff doesn’t give us many clues to go off. Instead, he mostly talks about the technology itself, which could apply to many companies, and the potential he sees behind it.
Here are some of the clues Jeff provides in the presentation:
All you have to do is kick back & watch. As the traffic flows… your wealth grows.
That’s the kind of opportunity you can look forward to today…
Because when quadrillions of dollars begin moving onto this digital exchange… it could drop a giant payday in your lap. All from one buy & hold investment.
Think about it like this: imagine owning the tollbooth on a private roadway — everyone who passes through pays a fee.
In the coming weeks, trillions of dollars could start pouring onto this digital exchange. Up to 20,000 “IPOs” every single day… and just $25 lets you profit from all of them.
Unfortunately, as you can see, we don’t have much to go off.
However, based on the clues he provides and considering what we’ve already discussed in this article, I believe he might be talking about an altcoin called Chainlink.
Here’s a summary of why I think this:
- In an article on the Chainlink blog, the company talks about how it’s all about helping asset tokenization “reach its full potential” through its “dectralized oracles.”
- It uses ethereums ERC-20 tokens, which are part of the ethereum network, and Jeff says the EIP-1559 (ethereum) update “could send tokenization into hyperdrive.”
- It currently trades at around $25 at the time of writing (August 2021).
I admit this is far from concrete, I could be totally wrong on this one, but after spending hours digging into this, this is my best guess. It fits with most of what Jeff talks about.
Update (September 28, 2021): After publishing this article on August 19, 2021, I received a comment from a reader who (more or less) said Jeff Brown is recommending Ethereum. This was initially one of my guesses, but because the price of Ethereum was, and still is, miles above $25, I ruled it out.
However, I decided to research this further to see what others were saying. And I found an article from Travis of Stock Gumshoe who’s guess is that Jeff is teasing the Grayscale Ethereum Trust (ETHE). From what I understand, this is a way to gain exposure to Ethereum without buying the token itself, and it was trading at around $25 in early August of this year. So this could be what Jeff Brown is teasing in the presentation, but I don’t know for sure.
Either way, please do not consider anything on this page to be an endorsement or financial advice of any kind. I’m simply sharing my opinion of Jeff’s presentation based on my research, so you should always do your own research.
Either way, to find out for sure what Jeff is recommending and why, you need to read his report titled “Your #1 Easiest Way to Profit from a $2.1 Quadrillion “World IPO Day,” which you get as a bonus for joining his paid advisory service, Near Future Report, for $49.
Are Jeff Brown’s recommendations worthwhile?
Jeff has recommended numerous winning tech stocks over the years, and he recommended bitcoin in 2015, so I think he’s someone worth paying attention to.
However, as I’ll explain in the next section, I don’t think altcoins are as good an opportunity as some suggest, and I think the whole “this is bigger than bitcoin” narrative is overblown.
Is Jeff’s Prediction Really 2,000X Bigger Than Bitcoin?
One of the main points Jeff Brown makes in the presentation is that G.T.E technology will be “2,000X bigger than Bitcoin.” He also says that “blockchain goes light-years beyond Bitcoin.”
But is this really the case?
Not in my opinion, no.
Granted, I’m not an investing guru like Jeff Brown, nor do I claim to be. But I do have a reasonable understanding of how bitcoin works. And I’m afraid I have to disagree with him on this.
In fact, I’d probably disagree with numerous tech-investing gurus on this.
Because many popular gurus seem to more or less say that “bitcoin was a big deal, but this new (insert altcoin or blockchain company) is going to be so much bigger.”
For example, Teeka Tiwari suggests this in his Genesis Technology presentation, Eric Wade in his Freedom Fuel presentation, and Matt McCall in the Crypto Investor Network presentation.
Personally, I think bitcoin is better than any altcoin in existence.
Why am I so bullish on bitcoin?
Well, full disclosure, I am personally invested in bitcoin, so I am biased. And I highly encourage you to do your own research into bitcoin to decide for yourself.
But I do believe it has many advantages over altcoins.
For example, bitcoin operates on the most decentralized network, has the greatest network effect, has a capped supply of 21 million coins, and utilizes “proof of work,” a more inclusive, decentralized, and secure consensus mechanism.
And concerning innovation, there’s currently a lot of this happening on a second layer protocol called the lightning network that integrates with bitcoin’s secure base layer.
Put simply; the lightning network is kind of a big deal.
It has the potential to facilitate near-instant peer-to-peer payments at transactions costs of less than one cent. And according to this article on Business Insider, the lightning network could lead to bitcoin processing more transactions than Visa.
Why am I telling you all of this?
It’s not because I’m trying to shill bitcoin, lol. It’s because I think it’s important to point out that the whole “bigger than bitcoin” narrative is just that – a narrative.
And it’s okay if you don’t take my word for it either. In fact, I recommend you don’t take my word for it, but rather do your own research and decide for yourself.
Another thing I want to touch on is the following statement Jeff made about bitcoin:
I certainly love Bitcoin, but this year prices have soared above $60,000 a coin. That puts it out of reach for most investors.
Here’s the thing… you don’t have to buy a whole bitcoin – you can buy a fraction of a bitcoin.
In fact, you can buy one “satoshi.”
A satoshi isn’t an actual coin; rather, it’s the name given to the smallest fraction of a bitcoin you can buy. And there are 100 million satoshis to every bitcoin, which means, as of writing, you can own some bitcoin for less than one single cent.
And this, by definition, makes bitcoin “within reach” of every investor on the planet.
Recommended: Go here to see my #1 rated stock advisory of 2024
Who Is Jeff Brown?
Jeff Brown is the founder of a financial publishing company called Brownstone Research and editor of The Near Future Report, the company’s flagship advisory service.
He is probably best known for his research on tech investing.
However, according to his bio on the Brownstone Research website, Jeff has over 25 years of experience as a technology expert. He has worked for large tech companies like NXP Semiconductors and Qualcomm.
Jeff is also an active angel investor, which means he invests in early-stage companies in the tech sector. And this is one of the reasons his insights are unique; not everyone has the experience of investing in and helping develop startups that he does.
Over the years, Jeff has made some impressive recommendations, too.
For example, according to the presentation, he recommended bitcoin when it was around $240 in 2015, NVIDIA in 2016 before it went up over 3,000%, and Tesla before it rallied by 1,155%.
Granted, these are the exception, not the rule. But, overall, the Brownstone Research website says the average gain on Jeff’s recommendations in 2020 was 39.4%. And this is still decent, considering it’s taking into account his winning and losing recommendations for 2020.
What Is The Near Future Report?
The Near Future Report is an advisory service headed up by Jeff Brown that is aimed at helping subscribers make money from the latest technology trends.
For example, he recommends opportunities based on technologies like artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, robotics, 5G, and blockchain technology.
In this respect, it’s similar to other stock advisories I’ve looked into, like Strategic Fortunes from Banyan Hill, for example. Although, among other differences, The Near Future Report does tend to focus more on large-cap stocks.
What do you get if you join?
The main thing you get access to are the monthly issues of The Near Future Report, which provide you with Jeff Brown’s latest recommendations and insights.
But you also get access to resources like the model portfolio so that you can see all of his latest recommendations and regular updates on the model portfolio.
And if you join through the “tokenization” presentation, you get access to the following bonus reports that detail Jeff’s recommendations related to “G.T.E Technology.”
- Your #1 Easiest Way to Profit from a $2.1 Quadrillion “World IPO Day”
- 5 Turbo-Charged Token Companies Set to Explode ASAP
- Your 101 Guide to Striking it Rich in the NFT Gold Rush
- How to Make a Tax-Free Fortune With Cryptocurrencies
Also, the cost of joining The Near Future Report is normally $199 per year, but if you sign up through the presentation, you can join for $49. And it comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee so you can try it out for a couple of months and get your money back if you don’t like it.
Bottom Line
Jeff Brown’s presentation about tokenization is all about how G.T.E Technology could unlock “World IPO Day” and eventually become a $2.1 quadrillion “private economy.” And how you can own a piece of the entire “Global Token Exchange” for $25.
Of course, none of that really explains anything.
So, in translation…
Jeff talked about the tokenization of virtually every asset on the planet through blockchain technology and how he thinks it represents a huge opportunity.
And he reveals the details of one specific recommendation he says could allow you to profit from this in a bonus report you get for joining The Near Future Report.
On the one hand, in and of themselves, I do think things like asset tokenization, decentralized financed (Defi), and smart contracts are great innovations with huge potential.
On the other hand, there is no guarantee that tokenization will become a $2.1 quadrillion “private economy,” as Jeff suggests, or that his recommendations will make you money.
And even though all types of investing involves risk and speculation, I personally believe extra caution is needed when it comes to speculating on altcoins.
Some people have made a lot of money betting on small alternative cryptocurrencies over the years, but there’s no shortage of failed crypto projects and scams in this space either.
I’m not saying all altcoin projects are scams, but I personally don’t invest in them anymore, and I don’t subscribe to the narrative that bitcoin is old news. Because, quite frankly, it’s not.
In any case, Jeff Brown does have a track record of spotting emerging tech trends and companies at the forefront of these trends. So even if his tokenization prediction doesn’t eventuate, The Near Future Report could still be worth checking out.
how can I invest for 25$$ I watched your video seems like the only way is to buy your subscription correct?
Thanks a bunch Tim. I also fell for the $49 nightmare trying to decode and understand the $25 dream lol. Thanks for bringing some much needed clarification
Pleasure, glad you found it helpful.
I have some table coins for sale. You get digital fraction of my kitchen table!!
I paid the 49 dollars to get the answer to this stock investment and it was all BS because he clearly says the investment isnt a crypto but he lied because the report says the answer is Ethereum… So his gig he is running is a way for him to line his pockets with more cash and laugh at everyone who buys his money pit subscription
How can I get the gte secret u say it only takes 25$
Hi, Tim, Thank you for your insite on Jeff Browns GTE investment opportunity. It has been helpful in making a decision one way or the other to invest. As for alt coins there are definitely some that have huge potential for growth and real world use. XRP is blazing fast and factions of a penny per transaction and is positioned to solve the slow and exspensive cross border payments process with a trust less system called ODL (on demand liquidity) with corridors that are open and used now. Plus there open source ledger is used in Enterprise grade software. Both of these our real world use cases that show value which is different than price and IMO also shows that it is not going away anytime soon.
My pleasure, glad you found it helpful Donald, and thanks for commenting.
Maybe, but the thing I think few people understand is that many, if not all, of the innovations associated with altcoins, could be built on top of the bitcoin network, which is the most decentralized, secure, and robust monetary network in the world.
For example, the lightning network (right now) is facilitating almost instant, virtually no-cost, cross-border transactions… and it sits on top of bitcoin. So on “layer one” you have the steady, secure, decentralized bitcoin network, and on “layer two” you have cutting-edge applications being built that have the potential to make many of these altcoins redundant over time.
I’m not saying all altcoins go to zero, or that they’re all scams, but I do feel that the innovation taking place on the bitcoin network is overlooked by most people and will likely catch many by surprise.
Agree 100%! XRP will dethrone BTC and ETH… very soon for those reasons you mentioned above.
Hi Tim. I truly enjoyed your interpretation on Jeff Brown futer G.T.E. of which I totally agree the way you dissected article. On another note I wonder your thoughts on this stock BNXA. (CVE )
Thank you.
Awesome, glad you found it helpful Domenico.
I don’t have any thoughts on that stock, no. And either way, I don’t make recommendations on any particular investment, my aim is just to break down what I find to help people do their own research.
Thanks for commenting.
Hi, Tim, thanks for your interpretation. I wonder where are the keys for my share of the condo in Hawaii. Haha. Almost as funny as “quadrillions”.
But, anyway…
I guessed I missed it in the scrolling process. Tim, what is the $25 (as of Aug. 2021) stock? The one involved with GTE technology.
Thank you, Tim!
Xoxo Jeannie
Hi Jeannie,
I don’t believe it’s a stock, I think it might be an alternative cryptocurrency (altcoin) called Chainlink.
I explain why in the article, and I also explain why I do not recommend ANY altcoins, but that’s my best guess.
Hope this helps. 🙂
So how much is GTE crypto and where can you buy it at? Thanks
How can I buy GTE global token exchange?
kindly tell about gte
Oh my gosh, read the damn article