Today I’m looking into a Jason Williams presentation that centers around the “alternative protein” (aka plant-based food) sector and one company that he believes “could turn every $5,000 into $134,050 for early investors.”
“The company I’m going to reveal today has been preparing for a moment exactly like this. That’s why I believe it could turn every $5,000 into $134,050 for early investors.”
Long story short, it’s part of a pitch for an Angel Publishing service that costs almost $2k per year called Future Giants. And the details of his pick are in a report called “The ‘Manhattan Project for Food’: How to Position Yourself for a $162 Billion Revolution.”
He also teased two other companies toward the end of the presentation.
And in this post, I’ll show you what I think all three companies are.
Unpacking Williams’ Plant-Based Food Pitch
Jason Williams believes that the world is facing a giant “food gap” if the industry “remains stuck in its old ways,” and he points to a growing population as part of the cause.
“The world is facing a giant ‘food gap’ if the industry remains stuck in its old ways…
“Because by 2050 we have to produce 70% more food than we did in the last decade with nearly 10 billion on the planet by then.”
Aside from the need to produce more food (i.e., increasing demand), Williams also talked about how supply chain issues, driver shortages, and production problems are causing supply-side issues in the food industry.
As for the solution, Williams suggested that plant-based protein alternatives could help close this so-called “food gap” and specifically mentioned pulses.
“So what is this superior protein source?
“It’s pulses — edible seeds of legume plants like peas.”
I can only speculate on why he thinks pulses are “superior,” but a big part of his overall pitch on why plant-based alternatives are the solution to the “food gap” has to do with how governments around the world are set on reducing carbon emissions.
In short, Williams said in the presentation that meat production is “highly inefficient” as it requires a lot of grain and water. He also said that it “unlocks” a lot more CO2 than plant-based protein alternatives.
“… emissions from food production are about to use up almost all of the world’s carbon budget.”
“Meat production is highly inefficient. The production of one pound of beef requires about 25 pounds of grain and almost 4,000 gallons of water.”
“When you look at the numbers, it’s clear that one kind of protein is set to dominate this global arms race…
“Because making one pound of it generates less than one pound of CO2… while getting one pound of beef into your kitchen unlocks a whopping 60 pounds of CO2.”
Long story short, Jason Williams believes that companies that don’t innovate will be left behind, while those that can both increase food outputs while also reducing their carbon footprint will “be the big winners.”
“And it’s what this global arms race is about:
“Firms that don’t innovate will perish…
“But those that manage to increase outputs while radically slashing down their carbon footprint will be the BIG winners.”
And to sum it all up… Williams believes that the Vancouver-based company he’s tracking is “perfectly positioned to come out ahead.”
So with that said, let’s look into his pick now.
What’s Jason Williams’ “Manhattan Project for Food” (Alternative Protein) Pick?
Based on what we just discussed, we already know that the company Williams is teasing is based in Vancouver and operates in the “alternative protein” sector.
Aside from that, Williams said that the company had a $34 million market cap and traded for less than $1 at around the time the presentation was made (which isn’t clear). And he said that it trades on the Over the Counter (OTC) market.
“… its market cap is still tiny. The stock was trading at a $34 million market cap, as of this publication.”
“It’s really simple. This market is known as ‘over the counter,’ and if you follow the steps I’m about to lay out…
“You can buy this stock from your regular brokerage account for less than $1 today.”
What else did he say?
According to Jason Williams, the company has “relationships with over 3,000 farmers” and has “spent more than 40 years building this network.”
“They have relationships with over 3,000 farmers and this number is growing as we speak.
“In fact, they’ve spent more than 40 years building this network. It’s the reason they’ve been able to keep up with surging demand even as the food supply chain has broken.”
And he also dropped some hints about one of the company’s brands:
“One of its brands is already skyrocketing.
“According to Business Insider, it’s the fifth-fastest growing name in the direct-to-consumer sector.
“This product was the No. 1 new release on Amazon after a 533% revenue increase in less than one year…
“And it’s available almost everywhere… Costco, WalMart, Whole Foods, and Kroger are only a few retailers.”
What could it be?
Well, that last clue led me to an article on Yahoo Finance about Amara Organic Foods, which the article says was “named #1 new release on Amazon for its toddler line” and managed to grow its revenue “5x since January 2021.”
Long story short, Amara is a majority-owned subsidiary of Eat Well Investment Group Inc., a Vancouver-based plant-based foods investment company that owns numerous brands in the agribusiness, foodtech, and consumer packaged goods (CPG) space.
And this appears to be the company Jason Williams is teasing.
Aside from the previous clue about its Amara subsidiary and the company’s overall description, Eat Well Investment Group’s market cap is below $34 million, and it is trading on the OTC (ticker: EWGFF) for around $0.15 as of writing.
That’s not an exact match, but this stock has traded down significantly in recent months, and it’s possible that Williams’ pitch was released when the stock price and market cap were closer to what he said in the presentation.
Another thing that lined up were the clues Williams shared about the company’s network of 3,000 farmers that took it 40 years to build.
In short, this appears to relate to Belle Pulses, a company owned by Eat Well Investment Group. Not only does it produce pulses and other plant-based ingredients, but according to, the company has “over 40 years of legacy and global growth” and has “developed over 3,000 relationships with the Canadian farming community.”
So, to sum it up, Eat Well Investment Group appears to be the company Williams is teasing and the one he talks about in the research report I mentioned earlier.
But that’s not all he pitched…
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Two Other Stocks Jason Williams Teased
Aside from the previous company, Williams teased two other stocks in the presentation. One company operates in the food waste sector and the other in the energy storage space.
According to Williams, the first company uses “proprietary processing tech” to convert food waste into “a number of viable energy sources.”
Here’s what else he said about this company:
“Its market cap is $22 million.”
“… it just bought a 40,000-square-foot facility…
“It has the capacity to make $2 million worth of organic fertilizer a day.
“In one year, that facility alone could generate $730 million.”
Based on those clues, Williams might be teasing a company called SusGlobal Energy Corp., a Canadian biotech company that converts waste into energy.
The market cap is higher than what Williams said, which may be due to when he released this pitch. However, according to Yahoo Finance, the company is developing a “40,000 square foot facility” in Hamilton, Ontario. One that, according to the same article, will have the annual capacity to “produce, distribute and warehouse $2 million worth daily of the Company’s SusGro™ organic liquid fertilizer” and other products.
So, while I’m not 100% sure, my guess is that this is the company Jason Williams details in the report called “Landfill Warrior: The Tiny Tech Firm Conquering the $1.5 Trillion Food Waste Crisis.”
What about his second “bonus” pick?
That’s part of a report called “Newton Battery: The New Emperor of Energy Storage.” And I think it might be Energy Vault Holdings, a Swiss-based energy storage company that he teased in a different presentation I looked into a while back.
Those are my guesses, anyway. If you want to find out for sure, the best thing to do would be to see those reports, which is only possible by joining Williams’ Future Giants service.
What Is Future Giants?
Future Giants is an Angel Publishing service run by Jason Williams that costs $1,999 for 12 months and focuses on stocks with a market cap of $10 to $20 million.
“With Future Giants, you’ll be given recommendations that are often so small and so unique that I can only recommend them to a small number of savvy opportunists.
“I look for companies with ‘market caps’ as small as $10 million or $20 million that could soar to $50 million, $100 million, or more within a few short months or years.”
What do you get if you join?
According to the Angel Publishing website, subscribers get weekly issues of the service, which includes “research on fast-growing companies.” Subscribers also get a new stock pick each month, a model portfolio, updates, a monthly video series, and other resources.
Is it worth it?
I’m not a member of this service, so I don’t know how worthwhile it is.
However, what I can say is that while stocks with small market caps can have higher growth potential, they can also be extremely volatile and risky.
I’m not saying you should avoid it, that’s totally up to you. My point is just that it’s probably not suited to conservative investors since it focuses on stocks with tiny market caps.
Bottom Line
Jason Williams’ “Manhattan Project for Food” pitch centers around the idea that non-meat sources of protein could be the future, and he teased a company that he suggests could be positioned to benefit from the plant-based protein trend in the future.
I haven’t seen the research report he has put together on this company (or the others he teased), so I can’t say for sure that my guesses are right. Nor is it clear what Williams’ specific recommendation involves regarding price, timing, etc. However, I’m reasonably confident that the companies I mentioned earlier are his picks.
Either way, there’s no guarantee that ANY company will help you “turn every $5,000 into $134,050.” So I wouldn’t rush into anything expecting to get rich overnight, as there is no way of knowing if any investment will work out or not, let alone work out that well.
Anyway, that’s my take.
Hope it helps, and thanks for reading!
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