In a recent Stansberry Research presentation, Dr. David Eifrig states that America is about to experience one of its most significant inflationary periods in history.
And according to Eifrig, “The New Era Playbook” can help.
In short, it’s a report that he and his team have put together on how they believe this “new inflationary era” is likely to play out, and it’s aimed at helping you protect and grow your wealth.
In this article, I’ll discuss why Eifrig is so concerned about inflation, what his report is about in more detail, and discuss his four-step plan.
David Eifrig’s “New Era of Inflation” Thesis
I first heard about The New Era Playbook through a presentation on the Stansberry Research website titled “Are You Ready for FINANCIAL LOCKDOWN?” which I wrote about in this article.
In the presentation, Eifrig talks about how America is in a serious situation regarding inflation. One that he says could push millions of people out of the middle class, out of retirement, private health care, and essentially out of a decent life.
And he says he says this “collectivist nightmare” could lead to a “financial lockdown.”
What does that even mean?
According to Eifrig, a financial lockdown is what happens “when people are trapped by their own collapsing currency and their own deeply indebted government.”
He explains why he’s concerned about inflation in detail in the presentation, so it may be worth visiting the Stansberry Research website if you want the full details.
If you don’t feel like watching the presentation, the gist of his inflation thesis centers around things like loose monetary policy (AKA “money printing” from the Fed), large government debt, and excessive government spending.
David Eifrig points out that these things, among others, are leading to higher inflation and excessive speculation in both real estate and financial markets.
Because as he points out, thanks to something called Money Illusion, people can mistakenly believe they’re getting wealth when asset prices are going up when in reality, it could be due to the value of the currency declining.
Anyway, long story short, Dr. Eifrig believes inflation is only going to get worse. And that it’ll be different from the inflation seen in the 1970s, which is why he calls it a “new era of inflation.”
Because, for starters, he doesn’t believe anyone at the Fed will be willing to raise interest rates to 22% as Paul Volcker did in 1981 (which subsequently reduced inflation). And second, he points out that there’s a considerable amount of debt in the system.
As a result of these factors, he says, “pushing interest rates higher could essentially bankrupt the nation.” And that’s a big part of why he believes inflation could be around for years.
What’s the solution?
The solution, according to Eifrig, can be found in The New Era Playbook.
What Is The New Era Playbook?
The New Era Playbook is a special report on overcoming inflation put together by David Eifrig and the team at Stansberry Research.
According to David Eifrig:
“You’ll learn which assets are most likely to fall dramatically in value over the next few years as well as which stocks, bonds, and other investments to avoid.
“In short, we’ll show you our FULL PLAYBOOK on exactly how we think this inflationary era will all play out… and all the steps you’ll want to take along the way to protect and grow your wealth.”
So to sum it up, it’s a guide on inflation. And while there’s no shortage of resources aimed at helping people beat inflation, this one was developed by David Eifrig.
And as I’ll explain shortly, this report is part of a “four-step plan” he’s developed, so there’s more to it than this one report. But before we get to that, let me give you the heads up on who David Eifrig is since he’s the main person behind all of this.
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Who Is Dr. David Eifrig?
According to the Stansberry Research website, Dr. David Eifrig is a former investment banker for Goldman Sachs, a medical doctor, and editor of several stock advisories for Stansberry Research.
The most well-known advisory he runs is probably Retirement Millionaire. This is a monthly newsletter that Stansberry Research says is focused on helping retirees live a more prosperous life during retirement.
And from what I understand, Eifrig shares tips with subscribers related to saving money, growing wealth, and protecting the wealth you already have.
David Eifrig also runs several other services for Stansberry. For example, he’s the editor of a higher-end service called Income Intelligence, which appears to be mostly focused on helping subscribers generate income through dividends.
Aside from being a doctor, investment expert, and stock picker, Eifrig has founded a successful biotech company and has extensive academic achievements.
Not to mention, he has recommended some great stocks over the years and has a loyal reader base from across the globe.
That doesn’t mean everything he predicts works out, and there’s no guarantee you’ll make money following his recommendations, but Eifrig seems to share worthwhile insights.
What Is Eifrig’s Four-Step Plan?
Earlier, we talked about The New Era Playbook and how this is Eifrig’s “solution” to helping people survive and thrive during times of high inflation.
However, this is only one “part” of his overall solution.
Eifrig and the team at Stansberry have put together a “four-step plan” designed to help subscribers of Retirement Millionaire protect and grow wealth as inflation rises.
Each “step” in the plan is laid out within a “special report” that you get with a subscription to Retirement Millionaire. So in that respect, the New Era Playbook is just one step out of four.
Here are the reports that make up David Eifrig’s 4-step plan:
- Step 1: New Era Playbook
- Step 2: The Perfect Inflation-Era Portfolio
- Step 3: The 100% Stock Boost
- Step 4: The Two Most Valuable Assets In a Time of Crisis
Step 1: The New Era Playbook
As mentioned earlier, the New Era Playbook is a special report on overcoming inflation put together by David Eifrig and the team at Stansberry Research. And this represents the first “step” in his four-step plan to beat inflation.
Step 2: The Perfect Inflation-Era Portfolio
The next step in Eifrig’s plan is all about structuring your portfolio in preparation for inflation. Because, as he points out, some portfolios will perform better during high inflation than others. And according to Eifig, subscribers learn what assets to buy, which ones to sell, and how to allocate a portfolio.
Step 3: The 100% Stock Boost
The third step involves a report called “The 100% Stock Boost,” which Eifrig says explains how a “one-of-a-kind web-based software algorithm system” he and his team developed works, that can apparently help you track your investments and “maximize the returns on each one.”
Step 4: The Two Most Valuable Assets In a Time of Crisis
The fourth and final step in Eifrig’s four-step plan centers around two assets that he says have “proven to be among the best ways to protect and grow your wealth, even in the worst type of monetary crisis.”
What two assets is he talking about?
David Eifrig says it’s not gold, silver, bonds, or bitcoin. And that it’s “up over 2,010% over the long term since 1992, without a single down year.” He also says you could get it from your local bank. But that’s not a lot to go off, so I’m not sure what he’s talking about.
To find out what two assets he’s referring to, you’ll need to read the fourth report, which is titled “The Two Most Valuable Assets In a Time of Crisis.”
And the only way to access this report is to subscribe to Retirement Millionaire.
What Is Retirement Millionaire?
Retirement Millionaire is a stock advisory service published by Stansberry Research and edited by Dr. David Eifrig aimed at retirees or those approaching retirement.
Each month, subscribers receive a new issue of the newsletter that, according to Stansberry Research, contains money-saving tips, new investment recommendations, and Dr. Eifrig’s latest market insights.
Subscribers also get access to a model portfolio that shows you David Eifrig’s current recommendations, updates on the portfolio, the New Era Playbook report, and the other reports I mentioned.
Aside from stock picks, the newsletter discusses things like health, travel, and saving money. So in that sense, it caters mostly to people focused on retirement.
So if you’re looking for the next Tesla or Netflix, this service is unlikely to suit you. But if you’re interested in dividend income, boosting your savings, making your money go further, and creating a better lifestyle, that seems to be what this service caters to.
How much does it cost to join?
The regular subscription fee for Retirement Millionaire is $199 per year, but if you join through the “financial lockdown” presentation we’ve been discussing, it’s $49.
Bottom Line
There seems to be a growing concern in the world right now regarding inflation, and Dr. Eifrig created a presentation on the Stansberry Research website to warn people about it and offer a solution detailed in a report called The New Era Playbook.
In it, he details his thesis on inflation, how long he believes it will last, and what he recommends doing to protect and grow wealth should inflation continue rising.
He also created three other reports – The Perfect Inflation-Era Portfolio, The 100% Stock Boost, and The Two Most Valuable Assets In a Time of Crisis – which more or less compliment The New Era Playbook.
Will it help you beat inflation?
Dr. Eifrig makes some great points about inflation in the presentation, and he has a solid track record of providing value to his readers. So chances are you’d learn a thing or two from him if you joined Retirement Millionaire and went through the reports he’s offering.
And maybe even get some great stock ideas to hedge against inflation, too.
However, despite Dr. Eifrig’s experience and track record, I doubt he has a crystal ball. Well, at least, not one that actually works. So nobody knows for sure how bad inflation will get, how long it will last, or the best assets to invest in.
That’s why it’s always important to do your own research before deciding anything and to understand that there are always risks involved in investing.
Regardless of how knowledgeable any “expert” is or how good their track record may be, there’s no guarantee that anyone’s recommendations will help you make money.
July 19, 2022
Hi Tim,
Would you kindly provide me with a business address for Affiliate UNguru and both a working email and business phone number. I have been bitten many times with worthless subscriptions, the “come hither” is always better than the “deliverable”.
Please send it to my email (below), and also provide it on your page for others.
Thank you.
P.S. For this simple query, I would appreciate by email not being misused, irrespective of your privacy policy.
Hi Ayesha,
I’m not sure if you’re aware or not, but I do not own or run the service mentioned in this post (i.e., Retirement Millionaire). Nor do I have any affiliation (whatsoever) with the company behind it, Stansberry Research.
This is an independent blog where I share my opinion and research.
If you have any questions about any of Stansberry Research’s services, the best company to speak with would be Stansberry Research. And here is their email and phone number (which I got from their contact page):
– info[at]
– (888) 261-2693
Nevertheless, you can find my contact details on the privacy policy page of this site. You can also visit the contact page of this site if you want to send me an email.
As for my phone number, that is not something I feel is appropriate to share publicly. Fair enough if I was selling you something, but I’m not, so I don’t see why you’d need my phone number lol.
Furthermore, I have no intention of emailing you about anything, so please consider this my reply.