Banyan Hill Publishing’s Ian King has released a stock teaser presentation about a technology he has dubbed “ASI,” or Artifical Super Intelligence.
According to Ian King, this so-called “super” AI could have an “enormous” impact on America’s world dominance and lead to a host of innovative breakthroughs.
King also claims that “Executive Order 001” could lead to $113 billion being funneled into a handful of tech companies as soon as Jan 20.
And he recommended a handful of stocks that he claims could hand us 100X gains…

A lot of the presentation is pure hype, so take it with a grain of salt.
But if you’re like me, you probably want to know what stocks he’s recommending. So, I did some research to uncover his picks, and in this post, I’ll show you what I found!
Breaking Down Ian King’s ASI Teaser
The first part of Ian King’s presentation centered around what he is calling “Trump’s Executive Order 001,” which he claims will funnel billions into his stock picks.
Here’s a snippet from the teaser:
“Biden broke it…
“Trump’s going to fix it.
“Starting with what I call Executive Order 001.
“I believe it’s going to funnel $113 billion into a handful of little known tech companies you’ll hear about today.
“Trump’s Executive Order 001 will fully cement America’s position as the most dominant nation on earth…”
I’m pretty sure there’s no such thing as Executive Order 001 (it’s just something Ian King made up to make the presentation sound more interesting).
He also refers to it as “Trump’s Manhattan Project,” but that’s not a real project either. It’s just a gimmick Ian King has used to make the whole thing seem more important.
So, what the heck is he (actually) talking about?
In a nutshell, Ian King claims that Donald Trump plans on doing whatever it takes to win the “new secret arms race” of ASI (artificial super intelligence).
Because apparently, ASI will double America’s economy every month, unlock countless innovations, and cement America’s position as the most dominant nation on earth.
“Trump’s Executive Order 001 will fully cement America’s position as the most dominant nation on earth…”
“With this new technology, America’s economy will double every month.”
“It will allow our scientists to find a cure for cancer and other deadly diseases…
“Help American exploration companies discover oil, lithium and boatloads of valuable rare earth metals in places we never knew existed…
“Help American workers operate U.S. factories capable of manufacturing products in Ohio, Tennessee, or Georgia for half the cost… and half the time as our world competitors…
“Allow American engineers to build quantum computers that could solve the greatest mysteries known to man with just a click of a mouse…
“It could even help U.S. physicists design hypersonic rocket ships capable of traveling warp speeds to distant corners of the universe.”
Lots of bold claims there…
And who knows, maybe Ian King is right about some of this stuff.
AI is a hugely disruptive technology that has enormous potential, so it stands to reason that any country mastering this tech has a lot to gain economically and geopolitically.
But let’s not forget that this is a sales pitch for his service, Strategic Fortunes. So, a lot of what is said is said to ramp up excitement to join his $49 newsletter.
What is ASI all about?
Ian King doesn’t elaborate much on the specifics of the ASI technology he’s talking about. He basically just says it’s a “super” version of AI…
“Now, ASI is not like any kind of Artificial Intelligence you’ve ever seen or heard of before.
“This is where AI moves from being something we have today… something that can answer your questions and queries on ChatGPT…
“To actually having a transformational impact in the real world.
“An AI capable of actually “thinking and doing” EVERYTHING a human can on its own — but 100X better… without any human assistance whatsoever.
“It’s when artificial intelligence becomes smarter than the smartest human on earth — and thus the point of ‘super intelligence.'”
When you boil it all down… Ian King’s main argument is that if the U.S. wins the “arms race” of harnessing the full power of AI, it will benefit immensely, and he claims that Donald Trump (once in office) will do everything he can to make sure that happens.
That’s the gist of it, anyway.
What stocks is he teasing?
Read on!
What Are Ian King’s ASI Stocks?
According to Ian King, the “executive order” he talks about in the presentation could “funnel $113 billion” into a handful of “little known tech companies” he is teasing.
And he claims it could hand investors 100X gains or more…
“I’m going on the record saying this could give you the chance to turn $1,000 starting stakes in each of these companies into a six-figure fortune.”
Again, take claims like that with a HUGE grain of salt because it’s mostly hype used to sell newsletter subscriptions.
It is possible for stocks to see huge gains like this, and maybe Ian King has found one of them, but there are no guarantees in the world of investing.
Anyways, Ian King teased seven stocks in the presentation.
And after researching his clues, I managed to uncover four of them.
“TRUMP’S Manhattan Project STOCK # 1: The Body Behind ASI”
The first company Ian King teased has something to do with the technology behind autonomous fighter jets that are supposedly powered by “ASI.”
According to King, during a test flight in California, an “ASI pilot” outperformed one of the best “Top Gun” pilots in the world.
“In fact, in a groundbreaking test over California…
“This ASI pilot engaged in a ‘nose-to-nose’ dogfight against an actual Air Force Top Gun – one of the best pilots in the world.
“Flying 1200 miles per hour… twice the speed of sound… the two went after each other — only 2,000 feet apart.
“But the ASI outperformed the star Top Gun pilot… hands down.”
And apparently, the company behind it is about to “start a revolution.”
“… an ASI pilot cannot lose. It’s unbeatable. It will make our air force nearly invincible.
“And now this tiny tech company… that I bet 99% of Americans have never heard of… is about to start a revolution.”
What specific clues did he share?
Other than what I just mentioned, King revealed three main hints about this stock.
- First, it has $2.3 billion in defense contracts.
- Second, its market cap was about $4 billion at the time the presentation went live (November 2024).
- And third, its stock price was about $25 at that time as well.
“I’ve learned through my sources that this tiny defense tech company has already locked up $2.3 billion in defense contracts.”
“… right now this company’s market cap is only $4 billion.
“So, can you imagine what’s going to happen to this company’s $25 stock price when orders start flowing in?”
What could it be?
After looking into the clues about the unmanned fighter jet test flight, I found an article that suggests King was referring to the X-62A VISTA, which was built by General Dynamics.
Problem is, that stock doesn’t fit his other clues.
So, I kept on digging.
And from what I can see, King is teasing a smaller company called
Kratos Defense & Security Solutions Inc (KTOS):

I don’t know if Kratos had anything to do with the test flight King mentioned in the presentation, but it is a California-based technology company focused on the military space, its customers include the U.S. government, and its market cap and stock price line up.
So, while I’m not certain, this may be the stock he’s teasing.
“TRUMP’S Manhattan Project STOCK # 2: The Brains Behind ASI”
According to Ian King, his second pick has developed a software that “collects billions upon billions of data points” and uses “the most advanced AI machine learning and computer vision technology” to interpret the data for use in military applications.
He also dropped some other hints about the company’s stock price, patents, and founders of the company. Apparently, J.D. Vance is a “very close friend and long-time business associate to one of the company’s founders.”
My guess?
Palantir Technologies (PLTR), a Colorado-based company specializing in software platforms for big data analytics.

“TRUMP’S Manhattan Project STOCK # 3: ASI’s Central Nervous System”
According to Ian King, the third company “designs, develops and builds the ASI semiconductor chips that are critical to Trump’s Manhattan Project.”
“Their ASI chips are called ‘1-Alpha.’
“They’re the most advanced chips the United States has at its disposal.
“They’re more advanced than anything else on the planet.”
He also mentioned some of the company’s partners:
“Recently, it’s entered into major partnerships with a number of global tech titans, too.
“Including Apple…Dell…Intel…IBM…Microsoft…Samsung…
“In fact, NVIDIA will be using this company’s new ASI chips in its next-generation H200 Graphic Processing Units (GPUs).”
What’s this one?
Based on the clues, this one appears to be Micron Technology (MU), an Idaho-based company that produces computer memory and data storage solutions.

“TRUMP’S Manhattan Project STOCK # 4: The Power Behind ASI”
Ian King claims that the fourth company he’s teasing could “provide the fuel that will power the entire ASI race” thanks to what he calls “Quantum Energy.”
“It’s using a new source of power, what I call Quantum Energy. This revolutionary breakthrough will soon be rolling out in brand new facilities all across America to generate power.
“They’re a fraction of the size of traditional power plants.
“They can be built for pennies on the dollar compared to old-school plants.
“And they can be constructed in HALF the time it normally takes.
“Plus, they’re also more efficient…
“They emit 30 times less waste than traditional power… which is a total game-changer.”
What company is he teasing here?
It looks like Ian King is teasing a company called BWX Technologies (BWXT), a Virginia-based company that supplies nuclear components and fuel to the U.S.

It appears as though the Quantum Energy “breakthrough” that Ian King talks about in the presentation relates to small modular reactors, a type of nuclear power plant that is smaller, safer, cheaper, and takes less time to build.
I’m not an expert on BWXT’s technology or what they’re developing, but King might be referring to a technology the company discusses on this page of their website.
“TRUMP’S Manhattan Project STOCKS # 5-6-7: The Backbones That Make ASI Work”
Aside from the ones I just mentioned, Ian King teased three other stocks in the presentation, but he didn’t reveal much about them, so I don’t know what they are. The following is a summary of what he said about each pick, so take a look and see what you think.
“One is another specialized power company — one of America’s best power storage companies — absolutely essential for ASI weapons.
“The other is a brilliant AI logistics company that nobody knows about.
“I learned that this company has locked up millions in DOD contracts already… and will be the secret glue keeping Trump’s plan together. So, it’s a must-buy right now. I’ll give you the details in a second…
“Finally, my research has led me to one more pick and shovel stock that will be essential to making Trump’s Manhattan Project go…
“It’s a tiny company that designs, manufactures, and installs mission-critical equipment into facilities just like what the Manhattan Project will need to operate daily.”
If you have any ideas on what these might be, let me know in the comments below!
Recommended: Go here to see my #1 rated stock advisory of 2024
Bottom Line
There you have it, four Ian King “ASI” stock picks. Finding those was no easy task, but these appear to be Ian King’s latest 2024/2025 AI picks.
Of course, I can’t guarantee I’m right about these, but the clues seem to match.
What about Ian King’s Strategic Fortunes newsletter?
Is it worth joining?
Ian King appears to have recommended some decent stocks over the years. However, he has also recommended some real duds, and despite all the sales hype, the company is not upfront about the service’s overall track record, which is a red flag.
There are also quite a few negative reviews about the Strategic Fortunes service online, with many complaining about its lack of performance in recent years.
Not to mention, Ian King is known for recommending what I would consider massively overhyped crypto tokens. So, if you join his service, expect to be pitched on stuff like that.
Safe to say, it’s not my top-rated newsletter.
Anyway, that’s my take.
Whatever you decide, I hope you found this post helpful and appreciate you stopping by.
Let me know your thoughts on all of this below.
The other 3
Your other evaluations are right on.
This is not the email I get your picks at, but a friend of mines. He would also like to receive your picks.
Thanks for sharing!