Is Tom Gentile’s Alpha-9 Trader Legit?

If you’ve been around the trading industry long enough, chances are that you’ve heard the name Tom Gentile and the various services he offers. Out of all the subscriptions and trading tools he offers, the Alpha-9 Trader is no doubt one that has garnered a lot of attention.

So, is it a legitimate way to make money, or just another scam?

The Alpha-9 Trader is not a scam. It’s a subscription service that gives you access to Tom Gentile’s Double-Your-Money trade recommendations produced by his proprietary market analyzing system. You also get resources to help you become a better trader. 

With that being said, does it actually work like they say it does, and is it worth the remarkably high price tag? Let’s take a closer look to find out.

Who Is Tom Gentile?

Before we get into what this Alpha-9 Trader is all about, we should know a little bit about the guy behind it. So, who is Tom Gentile?

He is a professional trader and “one of the world’s foremost authorities” in various forms of stock market trading (at least according to his website).

And he must be good at what he does, because he co-founded a company called Optionetics, which was one of the leading financial education companies in the world. At least, until it was acquired by optionsXpress for $20 million a few years back.

He’s also written a few books and has over 25 years of experience in the trading business. So, it’s safe to say he’s been financially successful.

What Is the Alpha-9 Trader?

In essence, the Alpha-9 Trader is a subscription to get access to the Alpha-9 stock analyzing system’s daily results as well as a few bonuses.

Here’s what you get with his subscription:

  • Daily Double-Your-Money Trade: An alert sent to your phone or computer telling you the name of the stock and instructions on how to make the trade. It also gives you another alert for when and how to cash out.
  • War Room Access: Live weekly trading sessions where you can watch Gentile make trades in real-time.
  • Trader Network: Access to their online network to communicate with other traders.
  • Hotline: A phone line where you can get your questions answered.
  • Video Training Series: A set of training videos where he draws from his years of experience as a trader to teach you.
  • Trading Manual: A book filled with his trading secrets and tips.
  • Summits: An invitation to join others at the various trading summits he hosts.

The main part that you’re really paying for, though, is the Double-Your-Money Trade recommendation.

Basically, the Alpha-9 tool analyzes the stock market using a sequence-matching protocol to spot hidden patterns that other softwares – and people – can’t see. With that information, it produces a “Double-Your-Money” trade recommendation that Tom says is up to 90% accurate.

With this subscription, you get an alert on your phone or computer (whichever you prefer) that tells you which stock it recommends, how to make the play, and how/when to cash out.

How Does It Work?

The way it works for you is pretty simple: you buy the subscription, and you’ll have access to all your bonuses and get set up to start receiving your Double-Your-Money trade recommendations.

Alpha-9 Trader Subscription

You do get a lot of extra information, specifically with his training videos, that can be of real value to you.

Trading isn’t something that’s learned overnight, so the more knowledge you can glean from the experts, the better.

Plus, it’s nice that they offer you chances to watch him trade live. You’ll be able to see him actually endorsing his own product, and see how well it works for him. Not to mention, it can give you some interesting insight into the subtle nuances of pattern trading.

How Much Does It Cost?

Tom Gentile is known for having high-priced services, but this one takes the cake. For an Alpha-9 subscription, you’re going to pay the painfully expensive price of $6,250 per year.

But it comes with a money-back guarantee, right?

Technically, yes, but I feel it’s a bit misleading (which is part of the reason it’s been rated 1.5 stars). It proudly states a 100% money-back guarantee where he promises to “refund every penny of your subscription price” with “no questions asked.”

But there will be one question asked, and that is: did you receive 250 Double-Your-Money trade recommendations? And if you answer yes to that (which you inevitably will) then you don’t get a refund! I don’t know about you, but I find that sort of refund policy to be a waste of time.

Subscription Refund Policy

The refund policy is worded to clearly state that you can cancel your subscription at any time, however, you won’t get a refund until after the 12-month subscription would’ve ended. That’s because you’ll only get a refund if they don’t send you 250 Double-Your-Money trade recommendations (one for every day of the year the stocks are open).

So, the money-back guarantee doesn’t cover whether or not you lose money or like the service, only if they fail to deliver enough alerts to your phone/computer.

That type of policy wording is in my opinion synonymous with dishonesty. But to be fair, he didn’t write it, Money Map Press did.

What Is Money Map Press?

Money Map Press is a financial publishing company with a team of investing “experts” (like Tom Gentile).

They offer subscriptions to services provided by any of their team members that aim to give you financial education and investing tools and tips to help you become successful in your trading ventures.

Gentile’s Alpha-9 Trader is offered through them, as well as many other of his services, as well as his free resource “Power Profit Trades.”

So if you do end up buying this, or any other subscription by Tom Gentile, the company you’re really buying through is Money Map Press LLC.

Is It a Scam?

So, is Tom Gentile’s Alpha-9 Trader a scam? No, it’s not. You do get what the subscription promises: trade recommendations and a bunch of resources to help grow your knowledge.

But just because it isn’t a scam doesn’t mean it works.

I’m not saying you won’t make money with it – you very well might. Some people have had good experiences, but a lot of people have had bad ones based on my research.

Granted, they may have gone into it with unrealistic expectations. But, then again, I feel the marketing promotes results that not everyone should expect.

And, while it does mention the fact that you need to invest significant amounts of money to get the level of returns they’re promoting, I do feel that the numbers are to some extent downplayed or glazed over.

Ultimately, if you want to get involved in Gentile’s trading tactics, he has many other resources (one even free) that are probably a safer place to start.

And, while the premise of making tens of thousands of dollars consistently per week might be tempting to some, it’s important to remember that any software, algorithm, or calculation is fallible, and you should never invest any amount of money that you can’t afford to lose.

Summing It Up

In the end, even though it isn’t a scam, not everyone who buys is going to make lots of money. So the choice of whether or not you should sink over six grand into Tom Gentile’s Alpha-9 Trader is a personal one.

If you are on the fence, it might be worth looking into some of Tom’s free resources first, such as his Youtube videos or email course. Or his lesser expensive services like Fast Fortune Club, or some of his books for example.

That way, before making any decisions, you can learn more about Tom Gentile and his trading methods, to see if they work for you.

Either way, trading is a difficult and volatile thing that no person or machine can predict with 100% accuracy. It’s a gamble. And no one will become a millionaire overnight without risking a large amount of money that, realistically, may not be worth risking in the first place.

2 thoughts on “Is Tom Gentile’s Alpha-9 Trader Legit?”

  1. Here’s the issue I have ?
    Essentially, you say it’s not a scam.
    However it’s not an independent review you’ve provided,its essentially an advertisement where you can say whatever you want about your program.
    Suggestion for improvement:
    Think about it.
    If your program is as great as you claim,not saying it isn’t,I don’t really know yet.
    Why not provide a free month of service with a condition that if a subscriber is provided with actual winning trades after one month ,enough to pay for above and beyond regarding your research plus trades for the subscription, then that’s proof enough. After one month the subscription should then pay for itself ! If the potential subscriber refuses after such proof,then they don’t receive any further information after that time.
    A pretty effective selling point,I’d say,if your confident enough, then there’s no better way to sell to a serious potential subscriber.
    I can’t think of a more effective selling point concerning minimizing risk. Yet,
    ultimately such a decision remains with you though doesn’t it.
    Over all , I do like your research.
    I’m the type of person who tends to be very careful regarding such promotions or ads.
    Many times if it seems to good to be true, it usually is.
    But not always.
    Perhaps this is one of those rare times ? Its possible to better eliminate such concerns as mentioned.
    I’m watching and considering only for now,based on the research you’ve provided so far.
    Good luck !

    • Hi Marec,

      Appreciate the feedback and thanks for commenting.

      I’m not actually selling a trading service though. I do recommend a stock advisory service I joined myself, but I don’t sell my own services anywhere on this site.

      In any case, I do try to be as objective and informative as possible when I’m doing a review, it makes no difference how I monetize this blog as to the information I put into the reviews. So I hope you find them helpful either way.


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