Federal Rent Checks Review (Sign Up to the Distribution List?)

Welcome to my review of Federal Rent Checks.

This site is presented by D.R. Barton, Jr., who says you can start “collecting rent checks” thanks to a “little known IRS directive”. Apparently, all you need to do is “get on the distribution list” to begin receiving monthly checks of $1,795 or more.

How do you sign up to the distribution list?

There is no such thing as the Federal Rent Check distribution list. The whole thing is (loosely) based on public law 92-313, which has to do with collecting dividends from shares you buy in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). So the government is not handing out checks for people to pay their rent. There is no distribution list.

I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but it’s the truth.

What’s really going on here?

The team at Money Map Press (who D.R. Barton, Jr. works with) came up with the Federal Rent Checks concept, to sell a subscription to The 10-Minute Millionaire Insider. Which is a financial newsletter subscription that costs $39 per year or $79 every two years.

That’s what’s really going on here, and I think it’s a bit misleading.

In this review, I’m going to walk you through how I discovered this, and go into more detail as to what this is about, to help you decide if it’s worth your time.

Federal Rent Checks Review

Federal Rent Checks reminds me of other sites I’ve looked into, such as Freedom Checks and Congressional Checks for example.

These sites basically come up with a clever “hook” that sounds appealing (like how to get your hands on free government money) and use it as a way to sell you something. Which from what I’ve seen, is always a subscription to some sort of investment newsletter.

So as soon as I landed on this site, I was skeptical. Because I’d seen this type of thing before, just packaged a little differently.

In this case, the Federal Rent Checks website consists of a 51 minute video featuring D.R. Barton, Jr. Who basically says that millions of Americans can now apply for Federal Rent Checks and collect $1,795 or more per month from the US government.

The presentation is quite convincing too.

By the time you finish watching, it feels as though you’re going to be signing up to a distribution list, so that you can receive rent checks each month for doing nothing.

Which as I later discovered, is simply not the case.

Who Is Behind Federal Rent Checks?

The video I watched was on the Money Map Press website.

Money Map Press is a site that provides subscribers with “analysis and actionable investing ideas” through their various investment newsletters. And D.R. Barton, Jr. (the guy in the sales video) is part of the team who run this site.

According to his Money Map Press profile page, D.R. Barton is “one of the most widely read financial coaches and a world-renowned authority on technical trading with 30 years’ experience”. He’s also a regular analyst on Fox Business, CNBC and Bloomberg Radio.

So he obviously knows his stuff.

And from what I can tell, Money Map Press itself is a legit company. The content they provide appears to be of a high quality and they are industry experts.

In any case, D.R Barton published a book called “The 10-Minute Millionaire”, and he’s also the creator of a Money Map Press newsletter called “The 10-Minute Millionaire Insider”.

And that’s what “Federal Rent Checks” is about when you boil it down…

What Is “Federal Rent Checks” All About?

D.R. Barton, Jr. says Federal Rent Checks allow everyday Americans over the age of 18, to “get on the distribution list” and receive monthly checks of $1,795 or more.

And that there’s an $11.1 billion pool of money, sitting in the Federal Building Fund, just waiting to be handed out. Which he says is all thanks to public law 92-313.

Now to be fair, there is such a thing as public law 92-313 and it does have to do with the Federal Building Fund. And there is a way you can profit from this.

But it’s not that simple and I will explain why…

The method of earning that D.R. Barton, Jr. is explaining in the video, is really about collecting dividends from shares you buy in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs).

REITs are basically companies on the stock exchange that do not pay corporate taxes, so they pass on at least 90% of the profits to investors. And in this case, he’s referring to investing in REITs that own government buildings.

On the plus side, this is a legitimate way to invest.

On the flip side, it has nothing to do with getting on a distribution list so you can collect government checks. That is one big fat load of BS. This is about investing, and as such, you need money to invest and you need to understand that there are risks involved.

So to sum it up…

Federal Rent Checks is a marketing gimmick created by Money Map Press and D.R. Barton, Jr., to sell you a subscription service called 10 Minute Millionaire for $39 per year. Which shows you how to make money investing in REITs that own government buildings.

That’s what this is (really) about.

How Does Federal Rent Checks Work?

Essentially what they’ve done here, is taken a legitimate method of investing, and created a “marketing hook” that is loosely based on this, to sell a subscription service.

Of course there is testimonial after testimonial from “regular people” who are cashing in. Which makes it seem like it’s a real way to sign up to a real distribution list. Here’s some screenshots I took from the video of people who are apparently making money:

Fake Testimonial for Federal Rent Checks
Fake Testimonial

But these people are really just stock photos as you can see:

Stock Photo
Source: BigStock.com
Stock Photo
Source: ShutterStock.com

I guess their stories could be real, but I’m not convinced.

Anyways, by the time you get to the end of the video, Barton pitches a yearly subscription to The 10-Minute Millionaire Insider. Which costs either $39 for one year or $79 for two years. And after that 1-2 year period is up, you are automatically billed again.

Now don’t get me wrong, D.R. Barton seems like a very knowledgeable investor. And someone who probably shares a lot of valuable information with people.

I’m just not a fan of how this is marketed to people. In my opinion, it’s a bit misleading and absolutely doesn’t paint a realistic picture of what to expect if you do buy.

Anyway, The 10-Minute Millionaire Insider itself is an ebook that contains lots of information about investing and trading the market, beyond just REITs.

It’s something Barton developed that he says can help you become a millionaire.

Update: They are now calling this The 10-Minute Millionaire Pro which costs $299 per year. They may still be selling the $39 version but it doesn’t look that way. In this version, Barton provides bonuses like a 5-Part Video Training series, monthly newsletters and trade alerts, and other content he says you can use to create wealth.

Is Federal Rent Checks a Scam?

Federal Rent Checks isn’t a scam because it doesn’t exist. It’s a marketing gimmick. One that was created to sell a yearly subscription to The 10-Minute Millionaire Insider.

And I personally don’t believe that The 10-Minute Millionaire Insider is a scam either. This is a product that was created by someone who is an expert in the field of investing and does contain useful information.

With that being said…

I wouldn’t expect to buy it and become a millionaire overnight. Success with anything takes time, effort and persistence. And investing is generally just risky, so there’s even a chance you could join this and end up losing money.

And if I’m being honest, I didn’t like the Federal Rent Checks sales pitch. I found the whole thing to be nothing more than a clever marketing gimmick. It’s that sort of marketing that is why people are literally searching for how they can get on the “distribution list” and start receiving government checks.

And if you’ve read this far, you’ll know that this is simply not the reality.

Summing It Up

Sites like Money Map Press probably do provide some great information. D.R. Barton, Jr. seems like a very knowledgeable guy. And The 10-Minute Millionaire program looks legit overall.

What I don’t like is the whole Federal Rent Checks gimmick. Because that’s what it is- a clever gimmick someone came up with to sell more subscriptions. It’s clever from a marketing point of view, genius even, but it’s also not what I would personally call ethical.


What Is Federal Rent Checks?

Federal Rent Checks is essentially a marketing gimmick that was created to sell a subscription service called 10 Minute Millionaire Insider for $39 per year.

How Does It Work?

The concept revolves around public law 92-313. Which is all about purchasing shares of REITs that own government buildings, and collecting monthly dividends.

What Is Public Law 92-313?

Public Law 92-313 is a law that was passed in 1972 that covers how the US government leases buildings they use. And some of the buildings are owned by Real Estate Investment Trusts, which Americans can invest in.

Who’s Behind This?

D.R. Barton, Jr. is the person who presented the sales video and created The 10-Minute Millionaire. And he works with a company called Money Map Press, who runs the show.

Is D.R. Barton, Jr. Legit?

Yes, I think D.R. Barton, Jr. is legitimate and so is the company he works with, Money Map Press. I just don’t agree with some of their sales tactics.

How Do You get On The Federal Rent Checks Distribution List?

You can’t apply for the Federal Rent Checks distribution list, because it’s not a real thing. It’s something they made up to sell a yearly newsletter subscription.

58 thoughts on “Federal Rent Checks Review (Sign Up to the Distribution List?)”

  1. Sounds too good to be true. I have zero dollars to even spend. Usually in the red each month. I am having trouble deciding whether to buy groceries or to get my much needed medications. I am two months behind with my rent and facing eviction after living where I am at for 13 years. I do not own but rent. I think of death every day to escape the situation I am in. I need help but do not know what to do. I have taken out 5 loans just to keep up with my living expenses. At 70 years old and having had 39 major surgeries and facing two or three more, only God knows how much I need extra money, but this sounds like a scam and I do not have any money to invest. Thanks for the heads up.

  2. I knew there was misrepresentation going on somewhere. I learned [the hard way] on matters like this to first check with Snopes and then read every bloody review posted on the subject. That’s how I found YOU! Hurrah! I got suspicious when he wouldn’t shut up about testimonials [those can be so easily faked]. Thank you for your detailed explanation. If folks care to search, you may have saved many from loss of a lifetime nest egg at worst, to disappointment at the least. The world these days forces one to expect that n.o.t.h.i.n.g. is as it appears to be. Blog on! 🙂

  3. I purchased D. R. Barton’s information only to discover it is nothing more than a 14-page typed version of his video. He simply reiterates that money can be made from filing for REITs – Renter’s Payout.

    On page 5, you are told, in order to Reserve Your Spot on the REIT Check Distribution List, you must do the following:
    1. Set up your online brokerage account.
    2. Choose your REITs.
    3. Use your brokerage account to purchase shares.
    4. Specify whether you want your dividend checks sent through the mail or to your online banking account.
    5. TaDa -Start collecting your checks!

    Amongst all the endless emails sent to me as a result of my purchase; I simply could not find the 92-313 Forms, general information on how to complete the form or just basic answers to questions people have asked regarding this process.

    With every “Press Here” button, I was taken on another journey of; “Buy my product and I’ll show you how you can make enough to live comfortably for the rest of your life” videos.

    Perhaps I am mistaken, but I watched D. R. Barton’s very lengthy video twice and I do not recall being told I would have to set up a brokerage account or hire anyone to purchase shares. I’m very disappointed and intend to request a Full Refund.

  4. Oh my God! After 3 minutes of Barton’s blabbing, I had to stop watching. If you haven’t got your elevator pitch down in 1 minute or less, I’m out! Thank you for confirming what I already knew .

    • I would love to receive those Texan to help my family and I I just being nice to start working for doing things for myself and helping my family around

  5. Could you answer me a question Mr. Barton, How do I get my name on the distribution list? I need this money. But I need to know how to do it all. Please help me. I got your book, but I can never get a hold of you.I have written and called but writing to Money Morning is not the right way to go. Lance James has let me know that. I have been trying for about a year to get involved in making money online and haven’t made a dime. Why do I have to wait for reports, cant you tell me now? I have waited so long. My name is Patricia Wheeldon. You have my email address. I live in Pleasant Hill, Mo a far cry from where you live. Please answer me I need the answer. I believe you so can you do it for me asap? I need to get on the distribution list asap. Yea what is that income stream? I need help now.

  6. Do not do it it is a marketing gimmick for his book to sell Federal Rent Checks is not exactly a scam because it doesn’t exist. It’s a marketing gimmick.

    One that was created for the sole purpose of selling people a yearly subscription to The 10-Minute Millionaire Insider. Which I do not believe is a scam all things considered.

    D.R Barton and the team that produce this, do appear to be very knowledgable so no doubt you could learn a lot from these guys. So in this respect this is not an outright scam it is a low-Key scam

  7. If you were silly enough to get the 1 year subscription – and are willing to say it was a mistake you don’t want to repeat….how do you make sure they don’t charge for another year once the original year is up???

      • Hi Tim. I just saw that article on federal Rent checks. I almost bought into it except when they give you the different pitches on how much you pay like $47.00 for 1 year. $135.00. 4 2years or something like that. I’m not working on disability and I no nothing about investing money!@!!???? Glad I Google it to see if it was real or not. Glad I didnt just throw money to the wolfs!@ but another question that has nothing w this ?? What about doing stuffing envelopes work real or a scam ?? I looked that up too late . I. Paid $47.00 and trying to get money back cause I never receive the job . I pd 4 air?? Mad. Did that 4 a company years back and got pd 4 it. Though I could do that at home . But guess …. not??? How do people get away w all this shit!! Like bite coin they are a scam too.

        • Yeah unfortunately there are a lot of scams online, and envelope stuffing is absolutely one of them. You can read this post about how to get your money back from an online scam here. Hope this helps.

  8. Thank you so much for this. I am a single mom and could definitely use extra income, but when I saw the cost for the ‘how to’ info, I thought yeah, this is a joke. If I had a large amount of money to invest, I wouldn’t need the monthly ‘rent’ checks. Why is it that ‘millionaires’ have to charge for their supposedly expertise. Again, thanks for this. However, it does discourage one from believing any of the investment possibilities.

  9. Thanks for your insight. As one says if it is too good to be true is is. The Gentleman just wants to sell his business. Also Rent checks seem to be for the wealthy, not the average Joe.

  10. Thank you for the information. I seen the video and was wondering about it. Glad I did not spend my time and money on it. Also, am trying to find out if there is such a thing as the United Nations Development Programme we’re you can win grant money ? I am unable to work due to a work comp accident. I am living off of Social Security Disability. That maybe pays seventy percent of my monthly bills. I am looking for something I can do at home to bring in a little bit of extra income. Do you have any suggestions?

    • Hi Alision,

      I am not aware of any program involving winning grant money with the United Nations Development Programme, but I intend to look into this today, and if I decide to review it, I will update this comment with a link to the review.

      Regarding learning how to create an income online, I created a page that shows people how to start an online business for free here.

      Hope this helps and thanks for commenting.

  11. I, too, appreciate the information you have provided regarding this program, Tim. I vaguely remember checking on this a year ago or so. You did refresh my memory as to what a scam it is. I’ve, in the past, been a subscriber to both the Money Map Press and Agora Financial. As you said, they have some good info, but the way they market things is……….questionable. I won’t deal with either company again.
    In passing, I will agree with W.E. above who told R. Mongeau, to leave out his political views. This is not a forum for that kind of comment.

  12. Thank you for your insight. Was glad I searched right away and found your write up. Stopped video when I saw the sales pitch heading down the pike. Dad always said nothing is free. Also, when I saw he was an affiliate of trump, that sent up a red flag from the start. Had to laugh (sadly), as being a retired graphic designer, I thought I recognized one of the senior-looking guys from Shutterstock images. Jeeze.

    • Look another Mr. Trump Hater that all I see in your Post. Big Laugh (Not Sadly) Sorry Tim Nice Info you Provide. But Sadly As far as I’m Concerned Leave your Political Stance to your self Mongeau (Rolls Eyes). And that’s being nice….

  13. Well I fell for the sales gimmick and purchased the 10 min millionaire thinking I was going to get insight on fed rent checks but after I bought it I tried to go to the link for fed rent checks thinking I could get my name on the so called list and the link said it couldn’t be displayed so I called money map and they told me that they will send me another link by email and that I would be able to get on the list that way but they never sent me an email so the next day I called them and I asked for my money back and they returned it to my account I should have known it was too good to be true

  14. Ryan
    I have read alot of your statement and find them hard to believe that you or anyone else can make money with out having money to start. I know everyone says you can if you want to take the time (what does that mean) the time. Weeks mouths years. What I would like to know I am interested and would like to be able to do this but I still have to support my family and that means work a full-time job of 40-70 hours a week to make ends meet now. So please tell me how I can do what I need to do to get ahead to stop working so much so I can watch my kids grow up before it’s too late

  15. Same thing here I thought I was getting an instruction pamphlet that would guide you through getting a list of properties, that you could then pick the property or properties you wanted get your name on that list. How ever each time I thought I was done, it took me to another place to pay more money, than another, with 3 strikes I tried to back out, but was not able too. This is a recurring thing on these make money on the internet sites. If you cannot get to their money making sites with just click or 1 payment then it is a scam. This one is one of the biggest scams I have come across

    • I thought I purchased a starting program with some incentives. I am a disabled person, military vet and did not want to pay $2,000 plus dollars for the program. I wanted to increase my participation slowly as my understanding increased.

      I still want to be a part of the program but not at the rate being billed. I honestly thought a lot of the AD-ONS were part of the program.

      I even requested someone to call me back. But nobody did. I love the idea but with my head trauma wounds it takes time to absorb.

      I would like to talk to someone to help me develop a program I can understand and afford. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding but did not understand what I was buying, I only wanted to purchase the basic package and go from there.


      Jerry Alb

  16. I am a US citizen born in New York but right now me and my family lives in the shelter and we trying to get apartment and really really need help thank you and God bless you

    • I’m sorry to hear about your situation Elizabeth.

      In that case I would avoid looking to start ANY online business or investment method- until you have some cash flow again. If you do want to use the internet to generate an income, maybe look into becoming a freelancer or try legitimate sites like ‘User Testing’ which pay a small amount of money to people to review sites. It can be hard to figure out what’s legit and what’s not but as a general rule, avoid anything promising you quick and easy money, because it is always too good to be true.

      Anyways thanks for commenting and hope it all works out for you and your family.

  17. Hi Tim, So what are some legit ways to make significant money from home? I see you had a link to affiliate guru. Does that really work?

    • There are many legitimate ways to create an income online, even a significant income.

      Personally I do affiliate marketing, because it’s simple, lucrative and the startup costs are VERY low, which appealed to me at the time given (late 2015 when I first started) I was operating on a shoestring budget.

      The thing is it does take time though, which is what most ‘gurus’ won’t tell you because most people want results now. If you’re willing to put the effort in over time, you can be very successful online, there’s no doubt about it.

      The links on this page you’re referring to, take you to a page where I basically explain my story and show you how to get started with affiliate marketing for free.

      As I said this isn’t the only way to start a business but it’s definitely one of the best ways in my opinion.

      Hope this helps!

  18. Fine sir,
    You’re genius. Give a review on a too good to be true offer, and finish the review by giving the reader another option, a potentially better option. Hats off to you bucko! You’re going to turn a zero into a one everytime you turn around. And with that in mind there’s no reason to believe that you can’t empower others to do the same.

    Most sincerely, JRL

    • Hi James,

      I appreciate your words.

      To be honest some people think the review is bias when it’s negative and I recommend an alternative at the end. But the fact is there are tons of scams and over hyped programs online, and I just call it like I see it (positive or negative). I’m also passionate about sharing legitimate programs with folks, because there’s a very real opportunity to earn money online when you have access to quality tools, training and support to build your business.

      Anyway, thank you for commenting and all the best going forward!

    • Yes there is, but you need to own a Federal building…you can buy a vacant Federal building anywhere, but it’s a considerable sum to do so.
      Ever wonder how Zuckerberg became rich so fast? He bought a Federal building that the government pays him for.
      Also note: it’s easy to find and invest in REITS, just Google REIT companies.. I’ve held shares in a few REITS….BUT the interest payout is quite poor and risky in my opinion.
      They are heavily reliant on *shell companies* and *shuffling* the business between “Titles”
      They also rely heavily on “sharks” ooopss!!! I mean: Market Makers to con investors out of their invested money Reverse stock splits, for example.

  19. Tim
    Thanks for exposing the Fed Rent Check marketing video as simply REITs that invest in Government properties. Saved me some time and the $39. I already invest in REITs thru my Schwab account and the payouts range from 5% to 13% (for UNIT, a relatively small and risky REIT).

    To those folks asking about what is min investment – it is simply the cost of a single share, which varies by REIT. Most REIT shares are under $30 a share.
    The key is the payout. If you invest in a high payout (say 10%) REIT, you would need to invest $210,540 to get that “$1795” monthly check. It would take an investment of $1,200,000 to get$10,000 a month.

    There is no such thing as “getting your name on a distribution list” – its simply buying the REIT shares thru your broker(Etrade, Schwab, or any other stock broker). The check you get when you ” sell your position on the distribution list” is simply the check you get from your broker when you sell your REIT shares.

    The only advantage to buying this newsletter, is the research they do to identify REITs that invest in Gov building which might be safer. But reality is REITs are highly affected by general interest rate moves, so the capital value can drop significantly as interest rates are raised. Your payout is not affected unless the REIT gets in to trouble with its underlying tenants and has to lower its payout (which definitely happens during a recession), but the share value definitely can decline in a period of rising interest rates.

    Anyway – DR’s Federal Rent check video is a scam from perspective that the normal investor can simply sign up on a list and start getting $1795 a month. I’m surprised there isn’t a law around truth in advertising that this video is breaking, as there is never a single mention of fact that this requires purchasing securities that come with risk to the principle.

  20. So, what your saying is that in order to invest in these real estate ventures with Federal Rent Checks, the original investment must be at least
    ..what amount? Are you saying that it isn’t possible?

    • It’s not the minimum amount to get started that is the issue. It is that if you want to make anywhere near the amounts constantly touted in the sales video, you will need a very significant amount of capital, many times the amount you hope to earn. Like most investments, you are only going to see a relatively small percentage of return on your capital.

  21. Tim Thank U so much, I got a book from Zach Scheidt called “Congress Secret $1.17 Trillion Giveaway” & several other books from him ” The Big Green Book of How to Make Money 2 Add To Ones Retirerment”. In there he has a lot of programs one could get into to Retire wealthy etc… It’s on this same order the selling of his “Lifetime Income Report” news letter. He is with this Agora Financial Company out of Baltimore MD. The Congress Secret one U mentioned on here is exactly like this guy Burton’s program the investing in REIT’s.
    I two am on a fixed income however I try 2 put aside funds 2 do investing because I like that much better that MLM’s.

    What do U know or think about Zach’s programs and/or Agora Financial.

    Thank U just found U because I got a call about the article U did on doing online businesses making a lot of money. Was gonna purchase it til I saw the $47 U had 2 pay & up pays they add on.
    U convinced me 2 stay away from that SCAM.
    I’m getting ready 2 look up another one I got a call about getting $10K a month the company is called ” Winning Team 3000.org. What do U know about that?

    • Hi Tina,

      My opinion of Agora Financial isn’t particularly positive to be honest. It’s not that they aren’t offering people value within their subscriptions, it is that in my opinion they misrepresent what they are really selling within the sales material. In other words, they use a lot of hype.

      I haven’t heard of Winning Team 3000 but I just checked that URL and it’s down.

      Thanks for commenting and all the best going forward.


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