Bryan Bottarelli’s Trade of the Day Plus (Is It Legit?)

Hi, today I’ll be looking into a trading service called “Trade of the Day Plus,” run by Bryan Bottarelli of Momentum Traders Alliance, LLC.

In the presentation for the service, Bryan says he recommends “one simple trade” every Wednesday evening. And that, since the service began in October of 2020, his recommendations have generated an 83% win rate for subscribers.

Is it legit?

I am a little skeptical of some of the Trade of the Day Plus claims, but I couldn’t find anything that indicates it’s a scam, and there is a full-year money-back guarantee in place.

Either way, in this article, I’ll show you everything I learned about Bryan Bottarelli and his trading service to help you decide if it’s right for you.

Trade of the Day Plus Review

I first stumbled across Trade of the Day Plus through an email I received which led me to a presentation on the Momentum Traders Alliance website.

Bryan Bottarelli during a presentation of his service called Trade of the Day Plus that took place on the Momentum Traders Alliance website.

The presentation is titled “Wednesday Market Trend That Has Returned 83% Winners” and starts with Bryan talking about “extracting income” from the market each week.

And how, out of 23 closed trades, 19 of them were winners.

The 83% figure isn’t the amount of profit his subscribers have made on each trade; rather, it’s a measure of how many of Bryan’s trade recommendations have worked out.

Still, if true, that’s an impressive win rate.

And he does provide a full breakdown of the wins and losses in the model portfolio later in the presentation, so you can see how much each trade has generated on average.

In any case, Bryan says this is the strategy he perfected after years of being a trader on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) and that it’s all about taking advantage of a “market trend” that occurs every Wednesday.

This is a strategy that I perfected after years as a trader on the Chicago Board Options Exchange…


The main “selling point” of the Trade of the Day Plus service is that it’s simple, has an 83% win rate, and doesn’t take much time to implement.

According to Bryan, all you need to do is check your email on Wednesday and watch the video he shares with you.

The video describes what trade he recommends and provides updates on other active trades in the model portfolio.

From there, you can use your own brokerage account to place the trade if you think it’s worthwhile.

How Does Bryan Bottarelli’s Trading Strategy Work?

Bryan Bottarelli’s “Trade Of The Day Plus” strategy involves trading stocks with a typical holding period of around 60 days, and he recommends using options to maximize returns.

His recommendations aren’t limited to any one sector; he basically recommends any stock he thinks has the potential to rally by 25% or more.

However, according to Bryan, he does “a hell of a lot of due diligence” over the course of three days (Monday to Wednesday) to select the one trade opportunity he shares with subscribers of each week.

Bryan says that Monday is arguably the most active trading day of the week and that this is the day he starts developing his “watch list” of potential trade opportunities.

All in all, Bryan says he creates a list of 10 to 20 stocks that he is interested in and targets trades that have at least 25% upside potential within a “relatively short period of time.”

According to Bryan, if the 25% mark is hit, he recommends selling half of your position and upping the profit target on the new trade to 50% and aims for 100% gains.

We set our first profit target at 25%. When we hit that, we sell half our position and move our profit target up to 50% for the next half. At that point, we typically look for 100% to close the remaining portion of the position.

Bryan also recommends using options to “turbocharge your growth” and provides subscribers with a guide called “Options for Dummies 101” as a bonus of joining the service.

Stock options allow you to speculate on the price of a stock, up or down, without owning the underlying shares. Options are more complicated than trading regular stocks and can increase the downside risk, but options can also offer you more upside potential.

In any case, on Tuesday, Bryan says he “weeds out the stocks” from his list that he doesn’t think are worthwhile and narrows it down to a list of about five stocks. He says these stocks make his list because they are still trading at prices within the technical parameters he has set.

Wednesday is the final day in Bryan’s process and the day he recommends the trade. He doesn’t elaborate on exactly how he selects the winner out of the final five or so stocks, but he does say he spends three full days evaluating the markets to pinpoint one trade opportunity.

Once Bryan decides which trade he’s bullish on, he makes a two-to-three minute video and shares the video with subscribers via email. This video gives you all the details on what he’s recommending and how to take advantage of it.

From there, it’s up to you to decide if you want to follow his recommendation. And if you do want to, you can place the trade he recommends within your own trading account.

The video also provides you with updates on Bryan’s previous recommendations so that you know when he suggests modifying or exiting an existing trade.

Trade of the Day Plus Track Record

One of Bryan’s main claims about Trade of the Day Plus is its track record of recommending 83% winning trades since the service began in October 2020. He says that, out of 23 trade recommendations, 19 of them have been winners.

He even goes as far as to guarantee this as part of joining the service:

Since our inception in October 2020, our model portfolio has shown readers the chance to close 23 trades, and 19 of them have been winners.

And lastly, I’m going to guarantee you’ll see AT LEAST an 83% win rate in the year ahead, per my model portfolio.

So is the 83% win rate legit?

Without knowing Bryan personally or having been a member of his service from the very beginning, it isn’t easy to know for sure.

However, what I can say is that, during the presentation, he provides a list of 33 trades which he says represents the full track record of Trade of the Day Plus since it launched.

And no, 33 isn’t a typo. At first, I was confused because he also says he’s recommended 23 trades since the service began. But after taking a closer look, I think I know what the deal is.

Basically, Bryan shows the track record of a total of 33 trades, but from what I can gather, some of these are just trades where a portion of the position was closed out to make some profit.

For example, one line of Bryan’s chart shows that he recommended buying Rocket Companies on February 4th, 2021, and selling it on March 2nd for a 26.81% gain. Then, a new line of the same chart shows the same recommendation closed on March 3rd for a 69.53% gain.

So, my point being, based on the information Bryan Bottarelli provides, his service does appear to have an 83% win rate. Of course, this doesn’t tell you what the average gain of each recommendation has been, but Bryan says that $1,000 could’ve turned into $3,071 in profit since inception.

Even factoring in those four losers, if just $1,000 was put into each of these trades, you could have been sitting on nearly $3,071 in profit.

And when you do the math, this means that, overall, his trading service has provided a 207.1% gain since it began in October of 2020. And the date that is shown on the page is July 2021.

So, assuming my math is correct, that’s a roughly 207% gain in nine months.

As to how accurate Bryan’s claims are, I can’t say for sure, but 207% in roughly nine months isn’t exactly the wildest claim I’ve seen floating around. And I don’t imagine someone as popular as him would provide a fake performance chart because otherwise, the FTC would be all over it.

Either way, even if what he says is true, it’s important to understand the risks involved and that there are no guarantees that any of his recommendations will make you money.

What Do You Get If You Join?

As a Trade of the Day Plus member, the main thing you get is the weekly trade recommendations. Each week, for 12 months, subscribers get a new trade recommendation and a short video that walks you through the trade and updates you on the model portfolio.

All in all, you get 52 trade recommendations total.

Bryan also provides subscribers with some bonus reports that show you his latest stock recommendations and guides that show you how to profit from IPOs and trade options.

How Much Does It Cost and What Is the Refund Policy?

The cost of joining the service, according to Bryan, is normally $249 per year. However, he says he is currently offering the service for $49.

And it comes with a kind of “double guarantee.”

From what I understand, the first part of the guarantee is that if the service doesn’t uphold an 83% win rate over the course of your membership, you get a second year for free.

And the second part is that you can get a refund at any point throughout the first 12 months.

I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen a guarantee like this. Normally it’s one way or the other. As in, if you’re not happy or it doesn’t perform, you can either get a second-year free, or they give you your money back. But, from memory, this is the first time I’ve seen both.

Over the next year, if I don’t BEAT that 83% win rate that I’ve shown you in my model portfolio, call my team and I will give you a second year for FREE to make up for it.

Yeah, you heard that right. Anytime over the next year, for any reason, if you’re not satisfied, you can get a FULL refund.

Assuming it’s legit, that’s a comprehensive guarantee.

However, nobody can guarantee you will actually make money because nobody can predict the future. So there is risk involved regardless. If you follow Bryan’s recommendations and lose a bunch of money, there is no possible way to get that back.

Who Is Bryan Bottarelli?

Bryan Bottarelli is the “Head Trade Tactician” for a trading research company called Momentum Traders Alliance, LLC. And he’s part of three trading services for this company.

One is a free daily e-letter called Trade of the Day. Another is the service we’ve discussed in this post, Trade of the Day Plus, which is basically a step up from the free service. And the other service he runs is called The War Room.

It’s unclear who started or runs Momentum Traders Alliance, LLC. But Bryan Bottarelli and Karim Rahemtulla (the “Head Fundamental Tactician”) are the only people listed on the company website. So I think it’s safe to assume they are the main people behind the company.

In any case, according to his bio on the Momentum Traders Alliance website, Bryan has a business degree from Indiana University and started trading at the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) in 1999. Where he says, he was mentored by one of America’s top floor traders.

From there, Bryan apparently “walked off the CBOE floor” and started his own trading advisory service in 2006 called Bottarelli Research, which closed in 2018.

The Momentum Traders Alliance domain was registered in 2018, so I’m guessing that this is the company that took the place of Bottarelli Research.

Either way, as part of the free “Trade of the Day” email newsletter service, Bryan shares his latest insights, and stock picks on the Your Trade Of The Day Youtube channel.

Here’s his latest video as of writing (not an endorsement):

Is Trade of the Day Plus Legit?

I’m always skeptical of trading, investing, and make money online programs because there are many scams and overhyped programs out there.

So, when I first came across the Trade of the Day Plus presentation and saw the part about a “guaranteed” 83% win rate, my first reaction was one of skepticism.

Although, as I learned more, I became a little less skeptical.

Because for one thing, he provides the full track record of the service before you even join, which in my experience isn’t something most gurus in the space do.

Second, assuming what he’s saying is correct and assuming my math is correct, a 207% gain over a period of nine months isn’t exactly outrageous.

And third, the service comes with a one-year money-back guarantee, and if it doesn’t perform, you get a second year for free.

Of course, none of this guarantees the service is legitimate, but it did reduce some of the skepticism I initially felt when I discovered the service.

What are other people saying?

During the course of my research, I wasn’t able to find many reviews for Trade of the Day Plus, but I did find over a dozen reviews for Momentum Traders Alliance on the BBB website. I also found some reviews of an old advisory Bryan ran called Bottarelli Research Options.

Overall, there seems to be a mix of both positive and negative reviews. But I couldn’t find many reviews about Trade of the Day Plus itself, which might be because it’s a fairly new service.

Either way, I think it’s worth checking out reviews from others. Because even though most programs out there have negative reviews, if you see lots of similar complaints over a sustained period of time, this can indicate how worthwhile a program is.

Bottom Line

Trade of the Day Plus is a trading research service headed up by Bryan Bottarelli of Momentum Traders Alliance that provides subscribers with one new trade recommendation every Wednesday. And it aims to provide subscribers with trades that win 83% of the time.

Personally, I wouldn’t join this, or any, trading service expecting that 83% of the recommendations will win. Because, to me, that’s not very realistic.

No matter what “guarantees” are in place, nobody can rightfully guarantee you will actually make a profit because nobody has a crystal ball. And there are too many variables to factor in.

In any case, trading and investing are risky. So regardless of what strategy you’re using, what asset you’re trading, or who you’re following, it is possible you can lose money.

Is it worth it?

Assuming what Bryan says is true about how well his service has performed so far and considering you can get your money back if you’re not happy, I don’t see a huge downside in trying it out with a demo trading account or something.

Then, if it works, you could start trading with real money.

You could also start by signing up for the free Trade of the Day email newsletter. That might give you more insight into Bryan and his method before you risk any money.

Either way, what you decide to do is up to you. My aim with this was to help make your decision a little easier, not to try to sway you one way or the other. I hope you found it helpful.

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