Hello and welcome. In this post, we’ll be discussing a new service called GVI Investor, which is run by investment guru Alpesh Patel and published by Manward Press.
According to Alpesh, it could help you outperform the S&P by 580%. He also says that if you’d followed his recommendations since 2004, you could’ve made $1 million after ten years by starting with $100K and adding $1,500 each month to each of his recommendations.
If true, that’s an impressive track record. And in a recent presentation with Buck Sexton about GVI Investor, Alpesh said that the “profit opportunities ahead” will be even greater.
How does Alpesh’s system work? And is it the real deal?
That’s what I intend to help answer in this post. I’ll show you everything I learned about GVI Investor, Alpesh Patel, and his stock picks to help you decide if it’s a worthwhile service.
Overview of Alpesh Patel’s GVI Investor
I discovered GVI Investor through a presentation on the Manward Press website featuring Alpesh Patel and Buck Sexton titled “The Queen’s Billion-Dollar Dealmaker.”

That headline had me curious from the get-go. I wanted to know who Alpesh Patel was, what he had to do with the queen, and why he was “the UK’s Most Respected Stock Picker.” I also wanted to know the supposed “secret” behind how he’s been able to beat the market by 580%. Long story short, I did my homework, and I’m going to share what I found.
So, what is GVI Investor?
GVI Investor is a new stock advisory service published by Manward Press and edited by Alpesh Patel. The aim of the service is to help subscribers outperform the market with a mix of 15 to 20 stocks that Alpesh Patel says he selects using his “G-V-I” formula and CROCI tool.
What does G-V-I stand for?
According to Alpesh, G-V-I stands for Growth, Value, and Income. And each of these relates to a unique investment approach used by investors according to their preference.
For example, as this article on Motley Fool explains, growth investors seek out companies with high revenue growth, while value investors tend to buy shares of publicly traded companies trading below their actual value.
Then there are those who prefer to invest for dividend income. These folks are usually looking to generate passive income and aren’t as concerned about the share price going up.
Each of these strategies has its own pros and cons, so one approach isn’t necessarily better than another; it depends on your goals and preference. However, Alpesh Patel says his GVI Investor system combines Growth, Value, and Income because he believes you can have all three.
“Through my research as a Visiting Fellow at Oxford University, I discovered you can have all three.
“Growth-Value-Income is the basis of my GVI system.”
Source: https://pro.manwardpress.com/p/LAUNCHTO1900GVILTMTDMTDLT/EGVIXABE/Full
And according to Alpesh Patel, he uses “proprietary formulas” to sift through nearly 9,000 publicly traded companies to find the “best-ranked stocks based on their growth, value and income metrics.” So let’s take a look at each metric and how it fits into the system as a whole.
In the presentation, Alpesh says he believes that, in the long run, it’s a “mathematical certainty” that revenue growth will lead to a higher stock price.
And the reason, according to Alpesh, is that there’s never been an instance of a company with significant revenue growth that didn’t eventually see its stock price rise.
So the “Growth” part of his system involves finding companies with consistent revenue growth. In particular, Alpesh says he looks for companies with “better than 10% revenue growth for multiple quarters in a row.” And he says this narrows down his list of almost 9,000 stocks by 50%.
The “Value” part of Alpesh Patel’s system involves taking his list of growth stocks and finding the companies with a P/E ratio that’s “cheap relative to that level of growth.”
The P/E ratio (or price-to-earnings ratio) is a ratio that helps investors value a company based on its share price and earnings per share. And investors who are looking for an undervalued company typically look for lower P/E ratios.
However, Alpesh explains that while some investors seek out ultra-low P/E ratios of 3 or 4, these companies usually don’t have any growth.
So he says he looks for growth stocks that “trade cheaply in comparison with the future growth ahead” with P/E ratios in the “30-to-60 range.”
He also says he runs an algorithm to rank each company based on its growth and value metrics.
“Every stock receives a Growth/Value score, ranked on a 1-10 scale – 1 being the worst, 10 being the best.”
And according to Alpesh, he only recommends stocks with a Growth/Value score of 7 or higher, which he says eliminates 85% of all stocks from his list.
Income is the final part of Alpesh Patel’s “GVI” system, and he says it involves three things:
- First, he says the company must have “at least double-digit annual growth” in cash flow.
- Second, he says he looks for companies with a “strong and rising dividend yield.”
- And third, he says he uses a “secret tool” called CROCI.
What’s CROCI?
CROCI stands for “cash return on capital invested.”
“Cash return on capital invested (CROCI) is metric that compares the cash generated by a company to its equity. It is also sometimes known as ‘cash return on cash invested’. It compares the cash earned with the money invested.”
Until now, I’d never heard of CROCI, but Alpesh says it’s been crucial to the success he’s seen.
Deutsche Bank created the metric in 1996, and according to Alpesh, Goldman Sachs started “offering it to clients who had $10 million or more in net value” in the 2000s.
And this is where Alpesh says he first learned about CROCI. He says he first discovered it as a hedge fund CEO while at a luncheon with Jim O’Neill of Goldman Sachs. And after putting his own spin on it, he says he’s used it to crush the markets.
How does this benefit GVI Investor subscribers?
According to Alpesh, he’s “always looking for CROCI scores of 10 or higher,” and he says this helps him eliminate 99% of the roughly 9,000 stocks he starts with.
So to recap, Alpesh Patel says he uses his own combination of Growth, Value, and Income metrics to find the stocks he believes are the best out of his list of 9,000 publicly traded companies. And from there, he shares his picks with GVI Investor subscribers.
And as of writing, there are three stocks Alpesh says he’s interested in. But before we get to that, let’s take a look at who Alpesh Patel is to figure out if he’s worth following.
Who Is Alpesh Patel?
Alpesh Patel is a hedge fund manager, author, and entrepreneur.
According to the Manward Press website, he started investing when he was just 12 years old. And after obtaining multiple degrees from Oxford and King’s College London in economics, philosophy, and politics, he started his own hedge fund in 2005 called Praefinium Partners.
Alpesh Patel is the CEO of Praefinium Partners. And based on my research, it has offices in Luxembourg, London, and Singapore and manages hundreds of millions of dollars for institutional investors around the world.
The Manward Press website also refers to Alpesh as the “Queen’s Billion-Dollar Dealmaker.”
I was curious about this because I’d never heard of a “dealmaker” before, nor had I come across anyone in the financial education space that has supposedly done deals for the queen (lol).
So I looked into this to see what I could find. And concerning the “dealmaker” part, it seems as though he’s worked with the U.K. government to help facilitate investment deals.
Here’s what the Manward Press website says about this:
“As one of the senior-most Dealmakers in the U.K.’s Department for International Trade, he is part of a team that has helped deliver $1 billion in investments to the U.K. since 2005.”
And according to his bio on the ShareScope website, Alpesh is “retained by UK Trade and Investment as part of an expert, senior team of Dealmakers.” In addition, the site says he “sources and introduces early stage technology, IP and entrepreneurial talent” from countries like India, China, and Southeast Asia, for incorporation in the U.K.
So, from what I understand, he essentially finds entrepreneurs from across the globe and helps them secure investment deals so that they can launch successful companies. And he appears to have done this on behalf of the U.K. government at one point or another.
What’s more, according to the Manward Press website, Alpesh “received the Order of the British Empire (OBE) from the queen in 2020” from Queen Elizabeth herself.
So that explains the whole “Queen’s Billion-Dollar Dealmaker” thing.
On top of this, Alpesh has written over a dozen books on investing, hosted his own shows on CNBC and Bloomberg TV, and is the editor of numerous stock advisories. His latest work appears to be GVI Investor, which is published by a U.S. publishing company called Manward Press.
What’s Alpesh’s track record like?
According to the Manward Press website, he has recommended numerous triple-digit stocks over the years, and his recommendations have averaged “about 18% growth per year.”
He also says that his picks have outperformed the FTSE’s 2.5% average over the past five years by 580%. The FTSE (Financial Times Stock Exchange) is listed on the London Stock Exchange, and it’s similar to the S&P 500 but with an index of the top 100 companies based on market cap.
According to Alpesh’s track record on ShareScope, the total return on the recommendations provided to his “Alpesh Patel Special Edition” subscribers has been 795% since 2004.
Granted, that is a different service to GVI Investor, and past performance doesn’t guarantee future performance, but that’s an impressive track record either way. And from what I understand, he uses the same (or similar) strategies with GVI Investor.
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What Are Alpesh Patel’s 3 GVI Stocks?
During the presentation, Alpesh Patel says his GVI system is “pinpointing three new stocks” that have “scored a 7 or higher on Growth/Value” and that each has an “outstanding CROCI figure.”
He doesn’t reveal the names of the companies in the presentation, though.
So to find out what these companies are, you need to join his GVI Investor service and read the following research reports he put together about each company.
- The Rapidly Expanding Homebuilder With a 22.3 CROCI
- Uber’s Go-To Software Company With a 28 CROCI
- The ‘Explosively Profitable’ Computer Services Company With a 32.5 CROCI.
The first report details a U.S. homebuilding company that Alpesh says could become the “most dominant homebuilder in America.”
The second report details a San Jose-based software company in the food delivery sector.
And the third details a computer services company based in New York that he says has acquired several artificial intelligence platforms.
All three reports give you the details on why Alpesh is bullish on each company and all the info you need to follow his recommendations.
What Do You Get If You Join GVI Investor?
The main thing you get access to as a member of GVI Investor is Alpesh Patel’s stock recommendations and the research and analysis behind each of his picks.
Since the service is brand new, Alpesh says there are only three stock recommendations in the model portfolio (the ones detailed in the reports mentioned earlier). However, he says there will eventually be 15 to 20 positions in total within the model portfolio.
According to Alpesh, five will be Core-Quality Stocks (larger-cap stocks), and the remaining 10 to 15 will be “High-Performance Stocks,” which he says have the ability to “deliver you multi-bagger home runs in a single year.” And he says they all meet his GVI criteria.
Alpesh also states that the goal is to “stay disciplined to a 12-month target outlook” on all of the stocks he recommends and that he sets a 25% trailing stop to limit risk.
In any case, that’s the main aspect of the service. And from what I can gather, Alpesh intends on recommending at least one new opportunity each month.
Aside from stock picks, subscribers get access to The GVI Investor Handbook, which details Alpesh’s G-V-I investment strategy, trade alerts to keep you updated on the positions he’s recommended, and charter members get access to a monthly video call.
Cost and Refund Policy
According to the Manward Press website, GVI Investor usually costs $4,900, but as part of the “Queen’s Billion-Dollar Dealmaker” presentation, the cost is $1,900 per year.
Or you can get a two-year subscription for $2,900.
Based on what the Manward Press website states, it’s not possible to get a cash refund on this service. However, there is a 365-day satisfaction guarantee which essentially allows you to cancel if you’re not satisfied and receive a credit to use on another service by Manrward Press.
Which I’m guessing means either Alpha Money Flow, Venture Fortunes, or Manward Letter since these are the only other services Manward Press runs that I know of.
Bottom Line
GVI Investor is a new Manward Press service headed up by Alpesh Patel, a U.K. hedge fund manager with three decades of experience.
The core idea behind the service is to help self-directed investors outperform the S&P 500 using Alpesh’s “G-V-I” (Growth, Value, and Income) and CROCI system.
And based on what I’ve seen, Alpesh has used a similar strategy to make an average return of around 18% per year with a different service he runs in the U.K. called Alpesh Patel Special Edition. So while GVI Investor doesn’t have an established track record yet, Alpesh does appear to have beaten the market (on average) since 2004 based on the ShareScope data.
Is it worth joining?
Ultimately, only you can decide what’s right for you. I personally chose not to join the service, not because I don’t think it’s worth it, but because I already have a full plate with other services I follow. However, based on everything I’ve seen, I do not believe it’s a scam.
For the most part, I say this because Alpesh seems like a real investment guru. Based on my research, what he says about running his own hedge fund, being a “dealmaker” and so forth, seems to check out. And Manward Press is a legitimate U.S.-based financial publishing company run by Andy Snyder. So it looks like a legitimate, potentially worthwhile service.
That said, there’s no guarantee you’ll make money following Alpesh Patel’s recommendations. Just because he has a good track record doesn’t mean his recommendations are guaranteed to keep performing.
Nobody has a crystal ball. And since all investments carry risk, it’s possible you could lose money on some of his recommendations.
In the end, whether or not it’s worthwhile will come down to your personal goals and investment preferences. My goal with this article wasn’t to try to sway you one way or the other; it was simply to share what I learned to help you make a more informed choice either way.
So with that being said, I hope you found this helpful. And as always, I encourage you to do your own research before making any decisions. Thanks for reading.
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