What Is Adam O’Dell’s “iPhone Killer” Stock?

Investment guru Adam O’Dell claims that Apple plans to replace its flagship iPhone with what he calls the “iPhone Killer” on September 10, 2024.

And he’s recommending a “tiny company” that supposedly makes an “indispensable part” for the iPhone Killer, which he says could “20x your investment.”

There’s a lot of hype and fluff in this presentation, but when you look past that, it’s clear what O’Dell is pitching here: a $49 subscription to a newsletter he runs called Green Zone Fortunes (which I’ve reviewed here).

As for what the iPhone Killer is, it’s a rumored upgrade to the iPhone involving artificial intelligence (AI). So, despite all the hype, there is no replacement device… O’Dell is just talking about a potential AI-related upgrade to the iPhone.

What about the stock he’s teasing?

O’Dell is teasing a battery stock that he believes Apple might acquire, as it makes a battery that he believes could power the so-called “iPhone Killer.”

That’s the gist of it, anyway.

Read on for more details about what Adam O’Dell is predicting and what specific company he is teasing (including the ticker symbol).

Breaking Down O’Dell’s “iPhone Killer” Pitch

The main idea behind Adam O’Dell’s latest pitch is that Apple plans to kill its iPhone by replacing it with something far superior.

Basically, it centers around the idea of “creative destruction,” which is where new innovations replace existing technology and shake up the market in the process.

“… in the weeks ahead, Apple could do what Sears, Dell, Blockbuster and the others failed to do — if all goes as expected…

“Apple will commit the single greatest act of creative destruction ever…

“I believe Apple is planning to kill its iPhone, ON PURPOSE.”

Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20240820220412/https://pro.moneyandmarkets.com/p/WMC-SFTIPHONE24-001/ESFT4841/Full

According to O’Dell, the iPhone Killer is “radically different” than anything Apple has been rumored to be developing in recent years.

And he says its sole purpose is to replace the iPhone altogether…

“Everybody thinks they know what Cook’s next big thing will be — a foldable iPhone (wrong)… Apple Car (wrong)… Air Tags (wrong)… Apple TV 4K (wrong).

“At their very best, those products will churn sales for Apple.

“But they won’t spark a revolution… an obsession… a frenzy to buy.

“The iPhone Killer, however, is radically different.

“Its sole purpose is to replace the iPhone altogether.

“As much as you might love your current iPhone, fear not.

“You’ll love the opportunity to make some money in this stock even better, which is the direct result of the iPhone’s speculated replacement.”

Naturally, based on O’Dell’s pitch, you’d think Apple is about to release an entirely new device… but that’s not what he’s predicting when you dig a little deeper.

It’s not until after you wade through a bunch of fluff and sales hype that you learn what he’s (actually) talking about is more of an ‘update’ to the iPhone’s operating system.

More specifically, it has to do with something called “MM1.”

Here’s the part of the presentation where O’Dell reveals this:

“The market for smartphones is fully mature, with “peak innovation” having already been reached… roughly three years ago.”


“In response, Apple called a ‘secret’ meeting at its Cupertino headquarters — its first live, in-person meeting at its 1,000-seat, Steve Jobs Theatre in years.

“The purpose of that meeting?

“Well, according to reporting by MacRumors, it was an employee-only summit discussing their massive push into Artificial Intelligence…

“Or, as you know it as: AI.

“Since then, Apple has been going full-speed ahead to roll out its ambitious AI product.

“Code-named ‘MM1,’ credible sources believe the technology’s highest purpose is…

“To kill the iPhone.

“I encourage you to verify this on your own…

“Simply search ‘Apple MM1’ on Google.”

I’m not an expert on AI or what Apple is developing, but the gist of Apple’s MM1 is that it’s a new language model the company is developing as part of its AI-related endeavors.

I found this article on medium.com and one on macrumors.com if you want to know more about MM1, but MM1 is essentially a new AI language model Apple is working on.

How big a deal this will be and when it’s released remains to be seen, but O’Dell seems to think it will be huge. And he gives some more insight into why in the presentation…

“With that in mind, allow me to reveal the iPhone Killer’s paradigm-smashing feature… the feature Apple thinks you want… you need… you’ll soon become dependent upon… and you’ll use for the rest of your life…

“I’m talking about ‘generative AI’ — simply put, it’s MM1’s ability to use next-generation AI anywhere you go… thus allowing for a fully intuitive, personalized experience.

“For example, using data it learns from the world at large… let’s say you’re in a foreign country and need to navigate a complex public transportation system…

“Thanks to generative AI technology, the iPhone Killer could provide step-by-step directions in English, making them appear right before your eyes. The iPhone Killer can then guide you to your exact destination without losing a step.”

Anyway, that’s the gist of O’Dell’s pitch.

Now, let’s take a look at what specific stock he’s teasing…

What Is the iPhone Killer Stock?

O’Dell’s main recommendation is NOT Apple shares. He does say it’d be good to own some Apple stock, but that’s not the focus of his presentation.

Instead, he’s recommending a battery stock.


In short, AI uses a lot of power. So, it stands to reason that an AI-enabled phone will also use more energy than a standard phone, and that’s why he’s pitching a battery stock.

More specifically, O’Dell is pitching a battery company that he claims has developed “3D Power” technology that can deliver twice the power of a normal battery.

He even goes as far as to suggest that Apple “needs” this company…

“As you probably know, AI uses an incredible amount of energy.

“Which is why any device using Apple’s MM1 technology will need more power… which means upgraded parts… and thereby making the battery arguably the iPhone Killer’s most important part.

“This company (which I recommend you buy right away) has developed what I call ‘3D Power’ technology… because a) it’s the first 3D battery of its kind, and b) it’s designed to deliver at least TWICE the power of a normal battery.

“In fact, I’d say that without 3D Power’s advanced engineering, innovative science, and sheer power… the enormous power and promise of AI baked into the iPhone Killer wouldn’t be possible.”

And he ends the pitch by saying he believes Apple will try to buy the company:

“See, I believe Apple is prepared to make an offer to buy this little company, thus eliminating it as a potential competitor… and gaining all of its “3D Power” intellectual property in the process. In my buyout scenario, Apple could offer over $50 per share.

“For these reasons (and more), you could see substantial gains on this one stock alone.

“Much like buying Apple’s stock in 1980!”

O’Dell didn’t share many specific clues (at all) about this battery stock, but he did share ONE image in the presentation that led me right to his pick:

Turns out he’s recommending Enovix Corp (ENVX), a California-based tech company focused on developing silicon-anode, lithium-ion batteries.

Chart of Enovix Corp stock as of August 20, 2024 taken from the Google search results.
Source: https://www.google.com/search?q=enovix+stock

This page on the company site details how its battery innovation works, so that may be of interest to you if you want to know more about how it works.

However, the general idea is that the company is working on improving existing lithium-ion battery technology for smartphones, wearables, electric vehicles, and more.

I don’t know how innovative the company’s products are or if it’s a good investment, but this does appear to be the company O’Dell is teasing in the presentation.

And if you want to know more, O’Dell details his research in a report called “How to Profit from the iPhone Killer,” which you can get by joining his newsletter, Green Zone Fortunes.

Is Green Zone Fortunes worth it?


I joined it a while back and published a detailed review of the service, so check that out if you want my complete take on the service.

But if you don’t want to read that… my overall take was that it’s not the best newsletter out there. When I joined (not that long ago), many of O’Dell’s recommendations were down (he pitched numerous tech stocks that saw huge losses in 2021 and 2022).

To be fair, he has recommended some decent stocks over the years, but despite the sales hype, he has recommended some real duds as well.

So, if you do join his service, dig through the newsletter archives (where all his past picks are buried) if you want to know how the service has (actually) performed.

That way, you can get a much better idea of how his recommendations have performed before listening to any of his new ideas (like the one we discussed in this post).

Bottom Line

After watching Adam O’Dell’s presentation, you’d think Apple was about to release an entirely new device that would replace the iPhone… but that’s not the case.

That was mostly a narrative used to sell his newsletter.

That being said, Apple is working on a new AI language model, and if that tech is integrated into the iPhone, a battery upgrade could be on the cards.

But that doesn’t mean O’Dell’s batter stock will make you rich.

So, again, take it all with a grain of salt since no one can predict what any stock will do. He may be right; he may be wrong. That’s why it’s so important to do your own research… so you can make a more informed choice.

In any case, I hope you found this post helpful.

And thanks for stopping by!

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