You could turn a small $100 investment into millions of dollars just by using a “secret formula” that scientifically selects winning penny stocks. And you don’t have to do any work or crunch any numbers, all you need to do is invest.
That about sums up the Seven Figure Formula sales pitch.
These are some bold claims to say the least.
Thankfully, you are smart enough to be here, reading this review. I’ll show you exactly what this is about, so you know what to expect before buying.
What’s Seven Figure Formula About?
Seven Figure Formula is an ‘investment system’ that supposedly shows everyday people how to turn small penny stock investments, into life changing income.
A penny stock is just a low cost stock you can purchase on the stock market, for typically less than a dollar per share. The SFF promises to help you find the penny stocks that are about to skyrocket in value.
All of which is made possible with the help of Greg Guenthner, Jonas Elmerraji and a supercomputer they call “Factor 148”.
Apparently, developing this formula took years of work and cost over $265,000.
Sounds exciting.
I mean, who doesn’t want to take $100 and turn it into millions, right?
Exactly. But we need to dig deeper to find out if this is legitimate or just another scam…
Who’s Running The Show?
As mentioned, Greg Guenthner and Jonas Elmerraji are the brains behind the operation.
Apparently, they’ve teamed up to give you the “market edge the pros on Wall Street wish they had”. So their aim is to help the ‘little guy’ win by using their investment strategies.
Greg Guenthner is the editor of ‘The Rude Awakening’ and ‘Profit Spy’. Which are investment publications run by Agora Financial. And Jonas Elmerraji is the “math whiz” who apparently worked with Greg to develop the computer program that selects these winning trades. Who also works for Agora Financial.
Both have been featured on Forbes, CNBC and the Wall Street Journal to name a few. And both claim to be helping everyday people cash in on the stock market.
However, this doesn’t mean the system is legitimate.
I say that because you can’t trust everything you read. I think this goes without saying.
And it’s not the first time I’ve come across one of Agora Financial’s programs either. I’ve also reviewed Lifetime Income Report and Income On Demand on this site.
Neither of which I consider scams. However, they do use a LOT of hype to convince people to buy their publication.
And if you consider some of bold claims and “buy before it’s too late” tactics with Seven Figure Formula, this isn’t much better.
Anyways, if you do buy, you get more than just the “Seven Figure Formula” itself. You also get a monthly newsletter run by Greg, which shows you the best penny stock to invest in. And a bunch of other reports and resources from Agora Financial.
Recommended: Go here to see my #1 rated stock advisory of 2024
How Does This “Secret Formula” Work?
To get started, you will need to purchase a Seven Figure Formula yearly membership. Which costs $89 per year for ‘Gold’, $79 per year for ‘Platinum’, or $49 per year for ‘Silver’.
Each come with different bonuses but they all come with the core SFF program.
In any case, your goal is to follow their advice so you can ‘hopefully’ pick winning trades. And take a relatively small investment, and turn it into a significant profit.
According to Greg, the penny stock opportunities they provide are rock solid and are based on a proprietary algorithm.
Specifically, he says there are 4 main criteria for determining a viable penny stock investment opportunity as follows…
- The stock must be cheap with;
- Real businesses behind them where the;
- Stock goes up for the right reasons and there’s a;
- Spark to ignite the big moves
Also, each stock they recommend is predicted to rise by at least 100% within a relatively short period of time. So (all going well) the gains could be quite high.
To reinforce this, Greg repeatedly uses examples of turning a several hundred dollars, into three, five and even six figure returns.
Which certainly sounds good. And there’s no doubt you can make massive returns if you select the right penny stock at the right time.
But that’s a very big IF.
Are People Really Making BIG Money With This?
At this point, perhaps the biggest question you’re asking yourself is- does this actually work? And are real people making real money with this?
These are both very good questions! And questions I’d want to know myself before investing in something like this.
So the first thing I did was look at the testimonials on the sales page…

They seem pretty legit, but I always do my homework. Because I see a lot of fake testimonials in this space. And it turns out these people are just stock photos.
This doesn’t necessarily mean the testimonials are fake. The people giving them may just want to protect their identity. But it is a red flag in my experience.
I wasn’t able to find many reviews for Seven Figure Formula beyond this. So it’s difficult to tell if people really are seeing much success with this or not.
I guess time will tell.
If you’ve had some experience with this, feel free to comment below.
Is Seven Figure Formula a Scam?
Seven Figure Formula is not a scam. You are getting access to real products and there is a 30 day money back guarantee.
However, this doesn’t mean you will sign up and get rich following some “secret formula”.
I very much doubt it, because nothing is ever that simple.
And I’m always skeptical of anyone saying it is. I’m also concerned about some of the hype and marketing tactics they use to convince people to buy.
For example: they use a fake countdown timer on the order page, which gives you 15 minutes to buy.
I’ve seen this across every Agora Financial product I’ve reviewed so far, and it’s total BS.
If you let the timer run out and refresh the page, the timer simply resets.
This sort of thing is not very ethical in my opinion, because it tricks people into buying on impulse. And makes it harder for people to make an informed decision.
Agora Financial itself also has a lot of negative reviews and complaints. Check out their BBB page to see what I mean. It’s not good.
So I guess you could say I’m not a fan of some of the marketing tactics they use. And the company has its fair share of negative reviews.
But to be fair, that doesn’t make the product itself a scam.
Seven Figure Formula claims to help you make big money with penny stocks. At a cost of $79 per year, it could be worthwhile checking out.
However, I don’t recommend joining expecting to turn a hundred bucks into millions anytime soon!
Making that kind of money is possible if you make all the right trades over a period of years. But this is far from the typical scenario.
What you do is up to you, but hopefully this review helps you make a more informed decision about buying either way.
I read an Advertorial describing a great investment opportunity for something that will change everyone’s life….
The article was from Seven Figure Publishing. Being the skeptic I am, the first thing I always do is check BBB! Agora Financial/Seven Figure Publishing had over 300 complaints in the past 3 years!
The bottom line is by the time you get the stock information on a great prospect the timing to invest has passed.
This page was returned in my search, BBB: seven figure solutions. Although I knew I want interested in anything Agora Financial had to offer; I am interested in finding a way to make money. Due to my health, I need to find an opportunity that isn’t physically demanding, can be built slowly as but energy and health allow, and that will not fall apart if I’m not able to do ANYTHING sometimes.
I’m hoping your website will have some possibilities for someone like me.
So are all the money revealed programs scams, seems everyone is pitching something, even Mr rich dad
Too bad it sounded like a good idea, who would know what the real motive was
Hey, looks like this service does not exist anymore.
I allowed myself to be sucker in by the phony sales pitch and spent over $5000 buying these service of Jim Rickards. After 20 recommendations with 18 of them losing money I decided I had had enough and quit playing the trades he sent. I tried getting a refund knowing that would be close to impossible which was impossible. I can blame no one but myself for not doing my homework before purchasing but PLEASE people don’t fall for it and keep your money.