Larry Benedict is out with a new pitch centered around his so-called “One Ticker Retirement Plan” strategy, which he details in a report that comes with a subscription to the One Ticker Trader service for $19.

According to the presentation’s host, Kim Moening, Benedict is a “market wizard” who has accurately predicted numerous market moves over the years. And now, he’s forecasting a “massive change to the market” that could impact those at or near retirement.
What’s Benedict predicting?
Apparently, he’s predicting “five years of famine” in the markets…
“I believe all the indexes will be flat or negative for a long time.
“We had 10 years of plenty. Now we’re looking at five years of famine.”
“I think we’re about to see a repeat of the late 70s and early 80s, Kim.”
Long story short, Benedict argued that diversifying into a group of stocks or simply investing in the S&P 500 might work in your twenties, but it’s not a good idea if you’re “near retirement age.” And, of course, he suggested that his strategy is better.
“Maybe that works if you’re in your twenties. But if you’re near retirement age? No way.
“Compare that to my strategy. As you’ll see, it’s possible to make decades’ worth of gains — in a matter of days.”
Folks, that is a very bold statement.
Making decades’ worth of gains in a matter of days, as the presentation suggests, might be theoretically possible, but this is not what the average person should expect.
Not with One Ticker Trader.
Not with ANY service.
So I suggest taking that with a (rather large) grain of salt.
Nevertheless, I was curious to know how Benedict’s strategy worked firsthand and wanted to see how his recommendations have performed for subscribers thus far, which is why I decided to join the One Ticker Trader service.
And in this review, I’ll show you exactly what I learned about his One Ticker Retirement Plan strategy and One Ticker Trader service to help you decide if it’s worth it or not.
Here’s what we’ll be covering:
- What Is the One Ticker Retirement Plan?
- About One Ticker Trader
- My Experience After Joining One Ticker Trader
- Is Larry Benedict the Real Deal?
- Is One Ticker Trader Legit?
- Bottom Line: Is It Worth It?
This is a pretty long post, so feel free to click on any of the above links to skip to a section you want to read first. Or read on for the full review.
What Is the One Ticker Retirement Plan?
The One Ticker Retirement Plan is a trading strategy developed by Larry Benedict that he claims is “designed to help you make all the money you need” using one ticker.
“I call it the One Ticker Retirement Plan.
“Put simply, it’s designed to help you make all the money you need — in any market — using just one ticker.”
According to Benedict, the strategy can help you make money in any market (even down markets), and it’s a strategy he’s been using successfully for decades.
“… I’ve been using this strategy for years. Decades, even.
“As a hedge fund manager, it helped me deliver millions to my clients year after year — in all market conditions.
“And I continue to use it today.”
How does the strategy work?
In short, Benedict says his strategy “boils down to two rules.”
The first rule is to focus on one ticker symbol (aka one investment, like a stock or ETF), and the second rule involves using options.
“My strategy boils down to two rules.
“… my first rule is: focus on one ticker.”
“… rule #2 is, use options.”
As for why he focuses on ONE ticker, from what I understand, this is because that’s how he went from constantly losing money as a beginner trader to making money.
According to Benedict, he discovered this strategy after repeatedly getting fired in the first two years of his 30-plus-year career as a professional trader.
And he eventually realized that specializing was the thing he was missing, so he started focusing on one main thing, which he says “changed everything” and helped him finally start making big money.
“… it changed everything.
“Before long, I was making $1,000 in a day.
“Then, $10,000 in a day.
“Then, $100,000.”
Aside from focusing on one ticker at a time, Benedict also recommends using options as part of his One Ticker Retirement Plan strategy.
Why? According to Benedict, who says he’s been trading options “since the 1980s,” options are “a dream come true for everyday folks” because they work whether the market is going up or down, and with options, a small stock move can be a “huge winner.”
“Here’s what I can tell you: options are a dream come true for everyday folks — especially in a crazy market.”
“Because options work whether stocks go up or down.
“All it takes is a small stock move — in either direction — for you to potentially see a huge winner.”
What is Larry Benedict’s “one” ticker?
According to Benedict, the one ticker he’s currently focused on is QQQ, an Invesco ETF that tracks the Nasdaq 100 index (which itself is very tech heavy).

However, as I later learned, despite the name “One Ticker Trader,” Benedict does NOT focus exclusively on one ticker at all times. Instead, he focuses on one ticker (i.e., stock or ETF) for a month or two (or more) and switches to a different one “when conditions change.”
“Here’s how it works…
“I zero in on a ticker. I use it for a period of time. A month. Two months. Maybe more.
“Then, when conditions change, I switch to a different one.”
So, to sum it up, the One Ticker Retirement Plan strategy is focused on one ticker (at a time), which is currently QQQ, and Benedict’s recommendations involve using options.
How do you learn more about his strategy?
Larry Benedict lays out his strategy in detail in a report called “One Ticker Retirement Plan.” And in a second report called “Larry’s Guide to Options,” he shows you how he recommends trading options “the right way.”
But the only way to access both those reports is to join One Ticker Trader. So let’s discuss what this service is about, and then I’ll show you what I discovered after signing up.
About One Ticker Trader
One Ticker Trader is a weekly trading service run by Larry Benedict that he says aims to help subscribers “get maximum profits” with one ticker at a time.
Each month, Benedict focuses on one ticker symbol and aims to recommend 3-5 trades around it, which are either put or call options.
And at the end of the month, you get a recap of how his picks have performed.
If you’re unfamiliar with options, a put option is when you bet that the price of a stock or ETF (for example) will go down, and a call option is when you bet the price will rise.
So in that respect, it’s possible to use Benedict’s strategy to make money whether the market is going up or down.
Also, because options act as a form of leverage, options traders can essentially control more shares with less money. And this means that (all going well) it’s possible to see higher gains in less time compared to trading regular stocks or ETFs.
However, options are typically WAY more volatile than regular stocks. So there is a high degree of risk involved, especially if you don’t know what you’re doing.
In any case, the general idea behind One Ticker Trader is that, as a subscriber, you can follow Larry Benedict’s recommendations using your own trading account in the hopes that his picks will work out well.
There’s no guarantee that the trade ideas you get as a subscriber will make you money, but that’s the general idea.
How much does it cost?
The cost of joining One Ticker Trader varies depending on which page of the company website you subscribe through.
If you sign up through the website directly, it costs $199 for 12 months.
But I joined through the “One Ticker Retirement Plan” sales pitch because doing so gives you access to the service at the lower price of $19 for the first 12 months ($129 auto-renew after that). And in the next section, I’ll show you how it all went down.
Recommended: Go here to see my #1 rated stock advisory of 2024
My Experience After Joining One Ticker Trader
Similar to another service I recently reviewed (called Distortion Report), the moment I put my details into the One Ticker Trader order page and clicked on the “buy” button, I was met with about half a dozen pages of upsells.
Here are the different offers I was pitched immediately after joining:
- One Ticker Trader Elite – $299
- 3 years of One Ticker Trader (extending the current service) – $149
- Opportunistic Trader – $1,500
- Legacy Inner Circle – $49
- Infinite Income Loop – $79
Personally, I can’t stand this type of marketing. I think it goes without saying that it’s fine for companies to promote their services, but this strategy is quite aggressive.
Nevertheless, I didn’t join any of those upsell offers.
Instead, I skipped through them and followed the instructions on the final page to check my email, at which point I was able to log into the member’s area:

And after spending some time snooping around the different pages, I found that there are basically four main sections of the website worth discussing.

Let’s look at each of those sections now…
One Ticker Trader Track Record (Updated)
The first page I looked at was the “Track Record” page. This page shows you how well Larry Benedict’s “One Ticker Trader” recommendations have worked out so far.

It’s probably best I don’t reveal his exact trades (since it’s a paid service), but I can let you in on a few things I learned by looking at the service’s track record:
- First, Benedict’s first recommendation for this service was opened in early August (2022), and there have been five recommendations issued in total as of writing.
- Second, they are a mix of put and call options focused on one ticker (QQQ).
- And third, all five of the “closed” trades shown in the member’s area are up. Three of them are up single-digit percentages, and two are up double-digit percentages.
Admittedly, I was pretty surprised by that last point.
But at the same time, the service has only been around for a couple of months.
And as with any service, not every recommendation will work out, so you should expect that there will be at least some losing trades in the future.
So my point is that just because something has done well historically does not mean it’ll continue doing so. As I’ve pointed out many times on this blog, there’s a reason “they” say that past performance doesn’t guarantee future returns… because it doesn’t.
Update (April 19, 2023):
As promised, the following is an update on the One Ticker Trader model portfolio as of April 19, 2023. These are the “closed positions” (trades Benedict has finalized).
I have to admit that I am genuinely surprised at how many winning picks Larry Benedict seems to have recommended since the service’s inception.
However, there are some important caveats I want to mention here:
- First and foremost, just because One Ticker Trader has performed well in the past does not mean it will continue to do so in the future.
- Second, I am a member of this service (obviously), but I have NOT been following ANY of these trades myself. I am not a trader. I am a long-term investor. So what I am showing you here is just what is shown in the member’s area in the “track record” section. I assume it’s legit because I imagine our friend Mr. Benedict would get in serious trouble if it were fake, but I haven’t followed any of the trades myself.
- Third, as another member, William Jacoby, pointed out in the comments section below, some of the recommendations come out too late. So, assuming these gains/losses are accurate, the gains you see as a member will depend on how quickly the trade recommendations are sent out and how quickly you execute the trades, among other things. As such, the gains/losses shown may differ from what you experience if you decide to join and actually follow the trades yourself.
- Fourth, although there appear to have only been two losses so far, the service is still very new, and those two losing trades were steep (-94.59% and -75.32%).
- Lastly, I am (highly) skeptical of the company (The Opportunistic Trader) and the One Ticker Trader service in general. I’m not saying anything fishy is going on, but given all the marketing emails they send, the overhyped marketing campaigns they run, and the service’s seemingly near-flawless track record… I am skeptical.
Issues & Updates
Next, the “Issues & Updates” page of the member’s area is where you will find Larry Benedict’s latest trade recommendations.
Unlike a longer-term investment-style service, the issues and updates aren’t very in-depth. They’re basically just a few sentences about what Larry Benedict is recommending to buy or sell at any given time.
That said, some issues have gone more in-depth than that. For instance, the latest issue was a monthly recap, and that was more or less the length of a blog post.
Also, the “special reports” I’ll discuss shortly are a lot more in-depth.
The “Portfolio” section of the site is where you can see all of Larry Benedict’s latest trade recommendations for One Ticker Trader in one place.
And to my surprise, there were no active recommendations when I joined, even though it’s been more than two weeks since his last recommendation.
I mean, it’s not like I was planning on rushing out and putting a trade on right away.
But I didn’t expect that page to be empty (lol)!
This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, though. What matters more (to me at least) is the quality of the recommendations. So as long as the service gives you 3-5 trade ideas on average over 12 months, then I don’t see this as a big deal.
Anyway, when there is an active trade, the “portfolio” page is where the details are posted. You can also see the details of each trade in the “Issues & Updates” section, and you can opt to receive email and text alerts or get updates by using the company’s smartphone app.
Special Reports
Last but not least, the “special reports” section of the member’s area is where you access the “One Ticker Retirement Plan” and “Larry’s Guide to Options” reports.

The One Ticker Retirement Plan PDF is eight pages long and walks you through the strategy Benedict talked about in the presentation.
The second report, Larry’s Guide to Options, is a 10-page walkthrough of his options trading strategy. The report also talks about different brokers he has used and shows you how to get yourself rolling should you want to follow his trade ideas.
So, that pretty much sums up the member’s area.
Next, I’ll show you what I learned about the man behind the service, Larry Benedict, and share my opinion on whether or not I think it’s worth joining.
Is Larry Benedict the Real Deal?
Larry Benedict says he’s been a professional trader for over 30 years and that he started his career at the CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange) as an options trader.
“I’ve been a professional trader for more than 30 years.”
“I’ve been trading options since the 1980s. I got my start in the trading pits of the CBOE.
“It’s the largest U.S. options exchange. And I’ve been trading options ever since.”
And as for his track record, according to the One Ticker Trader sales pitch, Larry Benedict is a “market wizard” who has made numerous accurate predictions over the years.
For example, he apparently “posted 23% gains” during the 2008 financial crisis and “accurately predicted the 2022 stock market collapse,” among others.
The site also states that Benedict ran a hedge fund called Banyan Capital, which served millionaire clients. Here’s how the presentation’s host, Kim Moening, put it:
“During a period that included both the 2000 and 2008 crashes — you never had a single losing year.
“In fact, you did so well that your firm — Banyan Capital — made Barron’s list of most successful hedge funds.”
“Larry’s hedge fund was ranked 36th in the entire world.
“Considering there are over 10,000 hedge funds, that puts it in the top 1%.”
Sounds cool, but is any of that true?
There’s no way (that I know of) to properly verify 30-odd years’ worth of trading history, so I can’t say for sure how successful Larry Benedict has or hasn’t been.
However, I spent some time looking into these claims and what I found suggests that he is, at the very least, a real trader who has run his own hedge fund.
Let me explain why I say this…
For starters, the whole “market wizard” thing had me curious. So I looked into that, which led to a book called “Hedge Fund Market Wizards: How Winning Traders Win” by Jack D. Schwager. And chapter three is all about Larry Benedict.
So that seems to be what the “market wizard” thing is based on.
The above link allows you to read almost all of that chapter (which is a couple of dozen pages long). Some pages are missing, but the majority of it is intact, and there’s a lot of info there about Benedict’s career.
In short, according to the book, Benedict was an “option specialist” for a company called SLK in the late 1980s and, due to his success, became a Special Limited Partner in 1993.
Fast forward to the year 2000, and SLK was acquired by Goldman Sachs, at which point the book says Benedict started his own trading firm called Banyan Equity Management.
The book also refers to a firm Benedict ran called “Banyan Capital,” which is the same company mentioned in the presentation (see above quote).
It’s unclear if Banyan Equity Management and Banyan Capital are the same company, but it appears as though they are.
Anyway, according to a document titled “The Hedge Fund 100,” Banyan Capital (which the document also refers to as “Banyan Equity”) ranked 36th out of 100 funds.
Furthermore, the above document shows that Banyan Capital had $529 million in “total firm assets” as of February 2009 and appears to have been ranked based on its 3-year annualized returns leading up to the end of 2008 (or thereabouts).
So, while I can’t verify everything the presentation said about Benedict, and some details surrounding the hedge fund remain unclear, his story (overall) seems to check out.
And at some point (which appears to have been in 2020), he started a site called The Opportunistic Trader, where he sells several subscription services, including One Ticker Trader.
One Ticker Trader itself is very new, it appears to have launched in August 2022, but Benedict runs two other (higher-priced) services. One is called The Opportunistic Trader (same name as the website itself), and another is called The S&P Trader.
What about the company itself?
Larry Benedict is the person behind The Opportunistic Trader website, however, that site is run by a Baltimore-based company called Omnia Research, LLC.
And Omnia Research is the same company behind a different trading service called Jeff Clark Trader, which has teased a similar “one stock retirement” strategy.
Furthermore, it appears as though Omnia Research is owned by Agora, which owns many individual financial publishing companies.
So when you trace it all back, that seems to be where it leads.
Is One Ticker Trader Legit?
My experience (so far) has not led me to conclude that One Ticker Trader is a scam. I paid $19, I got access to the service, and while I have no idea how the future trade picks will work out, the track record seems good so far based on what is shown in the member’s area.
Not to mention, I got access to the reports I was promised.
So I haven’t been scammed.
That said, there are a few points I want to make…
First, I was hit with page after page of upsells immediately after buying.
It’s not that a company selling higher-priced products or promoting their services, in general, is a scam. But in my opinion, the One Ticker Trader marketing is quite aggressive.
And on that note, it wouldn’t surprise me if I start receiving daily emails from them over the course of my membership because that’s how these services tend to operate.
Second, there are some rather concerning negative reviews about The Opportunistic Trader online (from multiple sites), which make me very cautious in general.
Most of the negative reviews seem to be about the other two services I mentioned. But I did find one review from someone (above) saying that they struggled to obtain a refund for the One Ticker Trader service.
It’s meant to come with a 60-day refund policy, but I haven’t requested a refund myself, so I can’t verify how well the refund process works.
How do you cancel?
Once you’re logged in, there’s a “My Account” link at the top right-hand side of the site. And once you’re on the My Account page there’s a “Subscriptions” link that takes you to a page where you can turn off the auto-renew and cancel the service if you want.

Turning off auto-renew was pretty easy (which I did). And if you click on the “Cancel” button (shown above) you can cancel the service and get a refund.

Not all of the Opportunistic Trader services appear to come with this type of refund policy (I think some only give you a “credit” to use on another service), but it’s pretty straightforward with One Ticker Trader, you just need to cancel within the first 60 days.
In any case, the third point I want to make is that the service automatically renews at $129 after the first 12 months are up. This isn’t exactly a “con,” but my feeling is that not everyone will be aware of this since it’s not exactly advertised in the sales pitch.
In the end, nothing I’ve seen would make me call the One Ticker Trader service itself a scam, but I would recommend exercising caution regarding the upsells.
I’m not saying those are (or aren’t) scams. I honestly don’t know since I haven’t joined them. But I have seen enough to suggest proceeding with caution.
And whatever you do, don’t join ANY service expecting to make lots of money in a short time or spend money you can’t afford to lose.
Bottom Line: Is It Worth It?
Ultimately, I think whether or not you join One Ticker Trader is a decision only you can make.
On the one hand, the “track record” of the trades in the member’s area shows that the service (so far) has done pretty well.
So, assuming that is a legitimate record of every trade the service has recommended so far (which it appears to be), and considering that the method itself (options trading) is legit, then it may be worth a look, depending on what you’re looking for.
On the other hand, however, there are significant risks involved with trading options, and just because a service has performed well in the past does not mean it will in the future.
Despite the sales pitch talking about making a “decades’ worth of gains” in a matter of days, there is absolutely no guarantee you’ll make money as a subscriber, let alone large amounts of money. In fact, as with any service, it’s possible you could lose money.
That’s just the nature of trading; it’s risky.
Anyways, that’s my take.
I hope you found my review helpful.
As mentioned, I don’t plan on refunding this, so I’ll strive to update this post at some point in the future (before the 12 months is up) to keep you in the loop as to how it has worked out.
Thank you, Tim.
Thanks everyone who left practical experience with this service. I was on the site about to close on the intro $19/month sub when I came across your site Tim. Thanks for the in-depth analysis!
I’m curious – any updates the past year from anyone?
No probs, Jon. I updated this post on April 19 and you will see what I wrote in the “Update (April 19, 2023)” section above. I don’t think I’ll update it again, nor will I likely renew my membership with OTT, but that update may be useful to you.
Hello Tim just want to thank you for taking the sharp end on exploring the OTT service.
I have been trading options with a service called MarketMastery for a year + now.
I have only traded PAPER options not my own cash. The group’s inner circle cost
$5k US to join and have a workshop once a year in Las Vegas. They offer use of a very friendly platform called Trade Tool which is continuously upgraded. A monthly fee (discounted) is required to use the Trade Tool
As an inner circle member of MMG there is access to a large library of past coaching sessions online. As with Investopedia they give good explanations of trade strategies but also market sentiment and conditions and rational for weekly trade ideas.
One of your followers commented on the downside of weekly recommendations is that they must be timely. However with a little bit more experience a trade can sometimes be selected for a different strike and expiry when the recommended entry price is obsolete.
I am not tooting the horn for this group service – everyone must find what they are comfortable with. MMG is very conservative in trade ideas with a range of trades for different pockets.
Looking over the trades Larry has recommended and the returns – they are probably where most people would be comfortable. I found your review of this really helpful – and also other folks comments on this review.
It sounds like you can gain wisdom if you read all of OTT’s weekly notes.
Life is a gamble and Trading more so, we all know this. MMG’s success rate they claim is high 80 to low 90’s %. When working with any investment group so many more ideas and tips are exchanged than working alone. During this past years’ downturn in the market I tried day trading with a virtual options account and was up ~ $12000 after six weeks with 90+% success. When I tried real time trading it was a disaster because I had been using market orders in my virtual day trades and once I found the real key to day trading was getting entry with limit orders I gradually reached a success of about 4% and so goes the battle.
I hope this verbose missive offers a perspective on your review of OTT and I will considers Larry’s service seriously.
Does anyone know if OTT’s service deals only with straight Calls and Puts. ie no shorts or multileg options trades ?
ross mcgeachy
Nice article. Thanks for sharing. I bought into his “One Ticker Retirement Plan” but it’s now $29 in April 2023. I also did NOT purchase any of the upsell options as those annoy me to no end. Hopefully I can make a few trades, make a little money and learn how to effectively trade options.
Did ya all see Larry’s recommendation yesterday to buy TSLA Calls on One Ticker Trader? I opened it 13 minutes after I got the email, and for the next at least half hour I could have gotten in at his max buy in price of $4.80. I hesitated, as I shouldn’t have! Lol Did you see those Calls this morning? I saw them when they could have been sold for $5.75, 15 minutes after market open. That’s almost a 20% gain. The trade isn’t over.
Good points you made this afternoon in response, Tim.
Re: the chapter in Market Wizards about Benedict that you linked, I found the following paragraph (on the bottom of page 78 and the top of page 79) very interesting, informative, and comforting. Sounds like such a great strategy to employ! Just taking it at face value (I could not copy and paste it, so I’m re-typing it here): “Risk management dominates Benedict’s approach. To say he is cautious is an understatement. If he loses in any month approaching 2.5 percent, Benedict will liquidate the entire portfolio and start with a clean slate the next day, trading at a reduced position size. Typically after a 2.0 percent to 2.5 percent decline, he will cut his unit size to one-half or less the normal level. Benedict will continue to trade at a smaller size until he starts making money again. The rapidity with which Benedict cuts his exposure explains why he has never had a large monthly loss. His worst month in thirteen years of trading (7 years in his fund and 6 years previously in a managed account and proprietary account) was a moderate 3.5 percent loss.”
Hopefully he does the same in this service! We will see as time goes on.
Thank you for this nice review as other “Is this a scam?” reviews about this service are on websites which look suspeciously like a copy-and-paste of the company’s own promtional material.
Other than signing up for OTT, are there any other descriptive articles on line which give a good example of how options work, within the context of actually sitting down online and doing a put or call trade?
Yeah, you are right about that. There are many fake reviews from sites that are promoting this service. And unfortunately, this sort of thing is very common.
Investopedia is a good site for learning about investing/trading in general. I don’t have any specific videos or articles I would recommend, but there are plenty of resources on that site and also some useful videos on Youtube.
Thanks a lot for the read.
Pleasure, glad it helped.
Great article, thank you. Look forward to the update
No probs.
Can it work here in Jamaica an get pay to my visa debit card an can you tell how it work am going through some challenges of life
Rose is my name how can join this trade from country Nigeria I mean the one ticker trade
I don’t know, but I’d assume it would be the same process for every country, except maybe how you are able to pay.
The recommendations have been able to make money in the last 6 months of my membership.
The only problem is that the maximum price advised to pay with one exception we’re not possible.
The last call for dis was advised at a maxim premium of $6.55. I got the notice at the moment it was sent out. 6.55 was not high enough. The best price was $6.70. Today it’s 6.70. So as good as the recommendations are, they come out too late. A time when their insiders may have already have been able to buy at these prices that the subs can’t touch. Oh, there was only one exception. The last and previous qqq was available at $2.55 while the recommendation was no more than $6.50. That’s the only advice that was accessible and made money.
So do these trades have average contract prices of $2.50 to $6.50 (so the position would cost $250 to $650)? The video said the strategy should be possible for “modest” investments, and that portion of the ad pitch wasn’t covered by the review.
Latest “closed positions” portfolio update:
So of these 4 months, the least amount of gain for a month was + 20% and the best was +43.36%, all with zero losses. Three months with 2 completed trades each, and one with 3 completed trades. The average trade lasted 6.5 days (approx). Were these your own entry and exit prices, Tim, or stated entries and exits on Larry’s website? If you trade this service, have you also experienced not being able to generally get in at or below the max buy in price, like another poster wrote about? Thank you for sharing with us all you have, I have more reading to do. I really appreciate the info you’ve shared!
The screenshots I’ve shared have been taken from within the One Ticker Trader member’s area. These are not my trades. I have not followed ANY of the trades myself because I’m not intrested in becoming an options trader. I prefer long-term investing. I joined this service out of curiosity and to share my findings with others.
I’m not ruling out ever following his ideas, but before I’d even so much as entertain the thought of that, I’d want to see how his recommendations play out over a much longer period of time. Anyone can have a winning streak for a while, but how does it work out in the long run?
Another thing to consider is the timing aspect, which is something William alluded to in the comments. Unless you’re lightning fast at executing the trades exactly when Benedict sends out the trade alert, you’re not going to get the same result as what’s shown in the “gain/loss” column as him.
This is one of the biggest problems with trading services in general and it’s something I’m going to be pointing out when I update this post with the latest screenshot of the service’s “closed postions” because there are so many “wins” showing and I think people need to be aware of this.
I signed up for OTT last night. Could paper trade his recommendations, but think I’ll trade a couple contracts for now, risking about $1000 max. I’m more attentive when I’ve got money on the line. His trades are spread out far enough (2 or 3 per month) that I’ll lose interest if I don’t have skin in the game.
In answer to you, William Jacoby, regarding what you wrote about the price of the option being above Larry’s max buy up to price in all but one trade, I copied and pasted from “Larry’s Guide to Options” – the following about setting a limit order for that max recommended buy up to price. Then wait and see if it hits. Sometimes it will hit and sometimes it won’t. We can only do what we can to get in on his trades. A Limit Order is the way to potentially get in without waiting and watching, which few have time and focus to do. I like what he instructs us to do. Larry wrote: “Once you find the option I recommend, open
an order ticket and set a “limit order” while
specifying precisely which price you want. If you
want to buy an option, and it’s trading above the
top of my recommended range, set a limit order
for the top of the range and wait for it to come in
to range. That way, the order will only execute
within my recommended guidance.”
Good trading to ya all! I’m excited to see if his posted track record, based upon his great picking skills, anywhere near matches his coming 10 trades or so.
Hi Tim,
Just finished reading your review, i`m so impressed as it was an interesting read.
I`d like to thank you so much.
Kind Regards
My pleasure, Roy. Glad it helped.
Will strive to keep this updated over the coming 12 months too as new trades are closed out. That way people can see how the recommendations have worked out.