Tech investing guru James Altucher claims that a new “breakthrough” has been made in AI, which is at the center of a $150 trillion megatrend that could make investors a fortune.
More specifically, he claims that investors could “see a massive windfall” by owning shares of the supplier behind Nvidia’s new “A.I. device,” which he calls the “A.I. Crown Jewel.”
What stock is he teasing? And what’s he selling?
The whole thing is essentially a sales pitch for his $49 newsletter called Altucher’s Investment Network. But as for what company he’s teasing, that’s exactly what I’ll be discussing in this post, starting with an overview of his latest AI prediction.
So with that said, let’s get right into it!
Breaking Down the A.I. Crown Jewel Teaser
The central focus of James Altucher’s presentation is a so-called “tiny AI device” sold by Nvidia, which he refers to as the A.I. Crown Jewel.

According to Altucher, this is “one of the greatest technological achievements of the 21st century” and “the biggest moneymaking opportunity of your entire life.”
Bold claims… for sure.
But that’s the nature of these presentations. They’re typically very hyped up, and they are purposely made that way to sell as many newsletter subscriptions as possible.
In any case, Altucher claims that this device will disrupt the global economy and unlock trillions in new wealth because it’s supposedly the “only technology in the world” that can “unleash the next generation of artificial intelligence.”
Cool story… but what exactly is this device? And what does it do?
Altucher revealed in the presentation the company that sells the device is Nvidia, a U.S. multinational corporation that supplies artificial intelligence hardware and software.
“‘The Crown Jewel’ is sold by an A.I. giant you’ve probably heard of before:
And based on the image of the device he shared throughout the presentation, Altucher is specifically referring to Nvidia’s H100 Tensor Core GPU, a GPU (graphics processing unit) that the company says can deliver “industry-leading conversational AI.”
According to Altucher, the “Crown Jewel” (aka Nvidia’s H100 GPU) is the “fastest A.I. chip in the world” and the “only” AI chip that can deliver the level of computational power today’s AI needs to operate on.
“… the Crown Jewel is the fastest A.I. chip in the world…
“… today’s A.I. models require ten billion times more computing power than the A.I. models of ten years ago…
“And right now…
“The Crown Jewel is the only A.I. chip in the world that can deliver this level of computational power on a commercial scale….”
Long story short, he claims that “Big Tech” can’t wait to get its hands on this device because the faster you can train an AI model, the faster you can start making money.
“Big Tech can’t wait to get their hands on this device.
“But why?
“Because the faster you can train an A.I. model…
“The faster you can start making money.
“In short:
“Faster computing speeds means big dollar signs.
“That’s why Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Elon Musk are buying Crown Jewels by the truckload…
“They’re all building and training their own A.I. supercomputers…and they need to get them to market as fast as possible.”
So, to sum it up… James Altucher is super bullish on the future of AI and believes that Nvidia’s new AI chip is much faster than any other AI chip out there.
However, he’s not recommending Nvidia itself because he says, “it’s not exactly cheap anymore” since its stock has “already popped above $500.”
Instead, he’s teasing the “little-known supplier” that manufactures this “device” (as he calls it). Here’s a summary of what he said about this company in the presentation and what he’s predicting in terms of how much growth the company could see.
“Every single ‘Crown Jewel’ – the one you see from the manufacturing clip on your screen right now — is supplied by one, single, mysterious company…
“And NO ONE else.
“Nvidia’s little-known supplier currently has a monopoly on The Crown Jewel.
“It’s the only company in the world that makes this technology.
“And it’s a golden opportunity for you to cash in on the A.I. boom.
“I predict this little-known supplier could even become the next trillion-dollar stock.”
Which company is Altucher talking about here?
Read on.
James Altucher’s “A.I. Crown Jewel” Stock
Based on what we’ve discussed so far, James Altucher is pitching a company that supplies Nvidia with its new H100 Tensor Core GPU. And my research reveals that this company is none other than Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC).
TSMC isn’t exactly “little-known.” It’s the largest dedicated semiconductor manufacturing company in the world and the largest company operating in Taiwan.
However, its market cap is just over 1/3 that of Nvidia, and it’s not as well-known as Nvidia among the average investor. So you could say it’s a smaller, “lesser known” stock.

Another clue Altucher shared in the presentation was that the supplier he’s teasing is set to ship over half a million “crown jewels” this year.
“This supplier is on track to ship out more than a half-million ‘Crown Jewels’ this year…”
And that clue lines up with what is stated in an article on about how TSMC is expected to ship about 550,000 H100 Hopper GPUs this year (2023).
So, TSMC looks like a match.
As for whether or not it’s a good investment idea or not, I will leave that for you to decide, as I do not provide investment advice.
That being said, I did find an interesting article about TSMC on the Motley Fool website, which you may find useful if you want to further your research.
And before I wrap this up, there’s one other stock James Altucher teased in the presentation, which he refers to as the “Secret Technology Behind The A.I. Crown Jewel.”
What’s he teasing this time?
Well, here are the hints he shared about this second company:
“Developing a piece of technology as sophisticated and as powerful as the Crown Jewel isn’t easy.
“After all…
“The Crown Jewel is made with the earth’s purest metals…
“It’s produced with the world’s most expensive machines…
“It requires fifteen HUNDRED carefully planned steps…
“Each one executed with pinpoint precision.
“And there’s one piece of computer engineering equipment that’s absolutely VITAL to making this A.I. chip.
“Chip experts even believe this is the most important technology in the entire A.I. supply chain.
“And the best part?
“There’s only one company in the whole world that makes this special piece of computer engineering equipment.
“In short:
“This company is the secret supplier…behind Nvidia’s ‘Crown Jewel’ supplier…”
And based on that, I think James Altucher’s second pick is ASML Holding NV (ASML), a Dutch company that manufactures the photolithography machines used to make semiconductor chips.

Why do I think ASML is a match?
Well, I’m not 100% confident about this one, as Altucher provided fewer clues. But according to this article on CNBC, TSMC relies on machines from ASML to manufacture its semiconductor chips. So, it looks like a match.
Basically, Nvidia sells the chips, TSMC makes the chips, and ASML makes the machines that TSMC uses to make said chips. That’s my understanding of it, anyway.
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Bottom Line
There is a lot of hype in James Altucher’s presentation about the so-called AI “crown jewel” and how investors can supposedly make a fortune betting on its supplier.
And I would recommend taking that with a huge grain of salt.
Because at the end of the day, this is one of many presentations James Altucher has used/is using to promote his newsletter service, Altucher’s Investment Network. And each one is made to sound like he’s stumbled across the greatest investment in human history.
Maybe he has. I don’t know. But remember… there are no guarantees when it comes to investing. So I wouldn’t rush into anything expecting to get rich quickly.
Anyway, at the very least, I hope this post helps you avoid paying $49 just to find out what stock Altucher is teasing. Of course, you may still find his newsletter beneficial, but I hope this has shed some light on all the hype in the presentation.
Thanks for stopping by!
I agree with your research.