Avoid Sarah Johnson’s “Top 3 Work at Home” Scam

Sarah Johnson’s “Top 3 Work at Home” claims to show people the best work-from-home programs online. However, upon looking into it, the site appears to be a scam.

In this review, I’ll walk you through what this site is about, how it works, and why I don’t believe it promotes reputable work at home opportunities.

About Sarah Johnson’s FAKE Work At Home Sites

The first thing I want to point out is that the “Sarah Johnson” the website portrays is not a real person. Instead, this is a fake persona that has been around for a while.

According to WorkatHomeTruth.com (among others), this alias has been used in connection with at least two known scam websites including ‘Web Fortune Vault’ and ‘Big Pay Jobs’. These programs are both defunct.

There are many fake aliases in circulation that are connected to this same group of scammers such as Mary Johnson, Katie Johnson, and Kerry Johnson to name a few. Sometimes they admit their use of a fake alias in the fine print, other times it takes having reviewed a lot of these websites to find the connections.

As I am about to show you, it is clear that this fake review site is directly connected to known scams. And unfortunately, the further I dug into it, the worse it looked.

Sarah Johnson’s WAH Site (Version One)

Believe it or not, there are multiple versions of this same site. And from what I’ve seen, they are all pushing one common fake home job known as link posting.

Here are the “top three” WAH programs this version of the site promotes that I came across, which I’ll refer to as “version one.”

  • Work at Home Edu: This is the old name used for a website I recently reviewed known as WAH Edu which runs the typical single Mum ‘rags to riches’ story they are so fond of using.
  • Online Riches University: A link posting scam no longer in operation.
  • Home Job Institute: Same as above, also defunct.

This site claims you can “sign up and start making hundreds/ thousands of dollars in just weeks.” However, the unfortunate reality is that none of those jobs are real.

Steps of the program are fake

How do I know?

I know it’s fake because there is no such thing as a legitimate link posting job. The link I shared earlier takes you to a post I’ve written that shows (in detail) why posting links for money is not a legit thing. Instead, the whole thing is a fake work-at-home job designed to enrich the people behind it, because you have to pay to access the “job.”

It’s one thing to pay for training to start a legitimate business, but you should never have to pay to get a job. And regardless, the concept the site “teaches” you doesn’t work.

What’s more, instead of linking you to the above programs I mentioned (the so-called “top 3 programs” the site lists), the links redirect you to a totally random site called “The Free Bucket.” And based on my research, this site seems like a way to harvest personal information.

Free Bucket

I do not recommend giving this site ANY of your personal information. The above could be a form to facilitate spam or worse, identity theft. If you look at the sort of questions they are asking people… just to give out free “coupons,” it’s concerning.

Sarah Johnson’s WAH Site (Version Two)

I thought I was mistaken at first, but after I went back to this website during my research I saw a whole new set of programs being promoted!

They should rename this scam to: “Here are our top 3 programs depending on which version of our website you land on.”

In any case, I’m going to refer to this as “version two.” But there could be many more versions that promote who knows how many different WAH programs.

This time, all three links (supposedly different recommendations) link you to the ‘Cash From Home’ (CFH) program. And this is directly connected to a fake news website.

Have a look at this screenshot from the CFH sales page:

Mary Rogers-Cash From Home website

Now take a look at the disclaimer on that same website that states that Mary Rogers is her pen name and the images are stock photos.

Fake Alias

So, as before, the person on the site is a fake alias. But instead of being “Sarah Johnson,” this time it’s “Mary Rogers.” And here are the programs “version two” of this site promotes:

  • Cash From Home
  • Online Cash
  • Online Riches University

Mary Rogers is featured on the CFH sales page and Online Riches University, along with who knows how many others. So, my point is, the whole thing is fake and there is no substance to what is being recommended. The programs are fake and so are the characters.

By now your mind is probably boggling at the sheer depth of this scam. It really is quite extensive when you start digging into this can of worms.

Ask yourself… why would a genuinely legitimate company need to constantly change names, aliases, URLs, use stock photos, fake testimonials, create fake news websites, and alter site designs just to sell the same product? It makes no sense.

I won’t go on and on but everything on these websites is misleading and I urge you to continue your research and think carefully before sharing your information with these sites or buying anything, as it could prove to be a mistake.

And in my opinion, it won’t lead to helping you get a genuine home job. Instead, it could end up costing you a lot of money if you buy into all of the fake programs they sell.

Is Your Personal Information Safe?

Apart from making money by selling fake work-at-home programs, the main reason these sites exist, in my opinion, is to get your personal information.

If you give ANY of these sites your information (for example, your name, address, email, and phone number) this could be misused. And in case you’re wondering why they’d want that information, here are two main ways they can make money from this info:

  • The first is spamming you and pressure selling you into much higher ticket products that also will not make you any money.
  • And the second is renting, selling and sharing your information to whoever they want for a profit. This is unfortunately very common among these types of sites.

The bottom line is that giving the people behind these sites your personal information could be a mistake as it could lead to all sorts of annoying spam, upselling, or worse.

Final Thoughts

One word sums up Sarah Johnson’s “Top 3 Work at Home” site: SCAM.

I do not recommend this site because it’s not recommending legitimate home jobs. As soon as you see a website with news logos on it that is not actually the official news network- run for the hills! That is the single biggest ‘tell’ I’ve seen with these sites to date.

Aside from that, there are numerous red flags that, at the very least, would suggest extreme caution is needed. From what I’ve seen, none of the programs these “Top 3 Work At Home” sites promote actually help you make money.

Instead, they are designed to sell you as much as possible and get your email, which makes the people behind the site money at your expense.

It is possible to start a real online business and there are genuine work-from-home jobs out there, but unfortunately, these sites are not designed to recommend legit opportunities.

12 thoughts on “Avoid Sarah Johnson’s “Top 3 Work at Home” Scam”

  1. Hey man, been trying to obtain some online income due to this coronavirus bullcrap and this was an ad that popped up on duckduckgo. They really started pushing this crap again from what I can tell with the previous comments

    • Yeah that wouldn’t surprise me, we are going to see a lot of scams being promoted online now more than ever. Which is disgusting but that’s unfortunately what is happening because scammers see this as an opportunity to profit off of fear.

      The best thing you can do is what you’re doing, educate yourself before signing up to something. All the best.

  2. Hello,
    I am glad I found your page. I have been looking for a legit way to earn money from home. Was really hoping the post links thing was legit. Have you found anything that really works online? Jackie

  3. I searched for a work at home job and found the website you mentioned. I did click on all three of the recommended sites and found them to be the SAME. Thats when I decided to search further and found your site.

    Thank you for posting this. But my question is,…why does it still appear in the search engines?????

    • Hi Michelle,

      I am not sure which URL you are referring to but many of the ones I noted when I reviewed this over 3 years ago are defunct. So what often happens is they keep these scam sites running, just under different URLs (domain names).

      Either way, nice work doing your research, that is the best way to avoid scams like this.

      Thanks for commenting and all the best going forward.

  4. I was scammed by them a week ago out of my own desperation and stupidity. I need my money back and assurance of its safety. Can anyone help me or guide me to some way of getting my money back?


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