Let’s get one thing straight…
There is no such thing as a legitimate email processing job. Period.
Really? Yes.
In this article, I’ll show you what they really are and why you should avoid them completely.
What Is An Email Processing Job?
These so called ‘jobs’ come in various shapes and sizes but the common thread is that you will just ‘process emails’ from home and earn $25 per email.
One website claims the following:
Our members are currently earning on an average $250+ per day by doing email processing work for just 30 minutes to 2 hours every day.
Source: http://www.emailprocessingjobs.info
Running the numbers, they’re saying people are easily making $125-$500 per hour.
I would literally pay money to see ONE single person prove to me that they have an actual job (not chain recruiting) processing emails, that pays them anywhere near this amount.
Safe to say, I’ll be waiting a while!
Another similar website I reviewed called the Email Processing System is essentially a chain recruitment cash gifting scheme. These guys are clearly targeting people that do not understand how making money on the internet works, which is a common theme among scammers.
Here’s how they describe their program:

Allow me to translate the above email processing job description into reality:
- SPAM social media with an offer to join the same system
- When someone clicks on your link and joins, they are actually paying you $25 directly
- You send them an email showing them how to do what you just did
- The company takes a 25% cut of your earnings
- Your job is to SPAM as many people as possible into joining the same program
Folks, this is (for a fact) promoting a cash gifting scheme and has absolutely NOTHING to do with processing emails, other than sending the people who have gifted you with information on how they can do the same thing.
Are All Email Processing Jobs a Scam?
I’m yet to find a legitimate email processing job online after extensive research.
The thing with these schemes is that you can actually make money. What the? Yes, it is possible to make money with a cash gifting scheme so you might say that technically they are not an outright scam.
This is why many people are misled and fall into many scams online. Here’s the thing… just because you are getting paid does NOT make something legitimate or a good idea.
Schemes like this do not last because your entire income is based on recruiting new people into the same system as you. There is no tangible product or service, and it’s not a job.
It’s a recruiting scheme. Given the fact that there are a finite number of people on the planet willing to join to such a scheme, they mathematically (and historically) simply do not last and do not make decent money for the majority of people.
Then there’s the highly unethical behaviour of spamming social media accounts.
Ask yourself, if this really was a legitimate job then why do you need to pay for it AND why do you need to recruit people? This is absolutely not how any real job operates, as I’m sure many of you know.
Any Free Email Processing Jobs Without An Investment?
Surely if it doesn’t cost you any money to join, it can’t be sketchy right? Not quite.
There are some websites claiming to give people a no cost email processing job, but in reality these are sneaky sites designed to get your name, address and email. Why? So they can spam you, and sell your information to others unethical marketers.
Here’s a screenshot taken from one such ‘free’ opportunity:

On one hand, they say they “don’t sell your info” and in the very next sentence, say that they do share it with people they work with.
I’ve been on the receiving end of SPAM from sites with that exact privacy policy and (mark my words) they absolutely will sell your information. This is big business online among dubious internet marketers, and it’s the sole reason sites like that exist.
These schemes will never be free because they rely on member-to-member cash gifting payments.
Complaints About These ‘Jobs’

This is very similar to the age-old link posting scam in that, there are many versions of these email processing websites online. Once enough negative reviews come in, they simply change it up.
The people behind these sites remain anonymous so they can continue running these scams untouched.
One of the more popular websites was “Email Processing 4 Cash” which sucked many people in while it was running. It has an F rating from the BBB.
This was an exact replica of almost every version of these email job sites, so this is undeniable proof of the schemes illegitimacy. The BBB have even filed this under “Job Scams and Work-at-Home Schemes”. Need I say more.
Not that it matters at this point, but a common theme among low-quality and scam programs is paying people to write fake reviews for them.
It is very easy to publish a favorable comment on a website, anyone can do it. In this case, the majority of the first lot of reviews from members were overwhelmingly negative.

Then… suddenly almost every review was 5/5 as you can see below:
Call me skeptical, but I’m not buying it.
If there was ever an obvious attempt to post fake reviews, there it is. On the same site, the real reviews (that weren’t posted by people with skin in the game) are much less positive:

Believe what you will, but this comment sums up the entire concept of an email processing job. It’s also much more believable than the BS ‘amazing’ comments coming from the people behind these sites, and their affiliates.
It would be nice if you could just plug into a work-from-home job and start processing emails for cash. Unfortunately, this is not the case.
The reality of these “jobs” is that you sign up to a chain recruitment scheme by gifting your sponsor, and spend your days spamming random people on social media who will then do the same thing.
Despite what these sites, and their unethical affiliates claim, this is not a legitimate job or business and I do not recommend getting involved in anything even resembling it.
I want to join with you, please send me step by step user manual at your earliest.
I’m not really sure what you mean, Samares?
If you want to learn how to get started online (following the same training I did) then all you need to do is visit this page and follow the steps. If you have any questions along the way, just shoot me an email through my contact page.
Hope this helps! Cheers
I’ve been searching the internet non stop I’m like a crazy decetive lol thank you for this article I wish that I’ve read it before I was scamed into paying money If youre unemployed how can spend money on training material and reg fees
Im happy and i hope im safe.. thansk for ur infor Sir.
But pls help me with a real online jobs. A real one. Im new into this fild.
Hey Kobby,
I personally don’t really recommend ‘online jobs’ as such. There are legitimate jobs online and some sites where you can do surveys and the like for a few extra bucks, but if you’re serious about earning online, I recommend starting an online business.
It can take a number of months to start making decent money with an online business, but the longterm rewards are well worth it.
Thanks for commenting and all the best! Cheers
Wow,, infact I almost signed up in the first site you have said, until they asked for a $75 registration fee. I am glad, you have explained it in a wonderful way.
Glad the article was helpful Nicholas, and thanks for commenting! Cheers
email sending is good job or not??
I think the article answers it best 🙂
There are legitimate email marketing related jobs and email marketing is an excellent marketing strategy. But the majority of these so called “email sending jobs” you see marketed online, especially those requiring a fee, are not legitimate.