Prime Time Profit – Scam or New Amazon Work From Home Program?

I came across “Prime Time Profit” today, a site which supposedly helps you make money with a new “Amazon work from home program”.

The whole thing sounded pretty convincing.

But I’ve seen this EXACT site many times before under different names. So I knew I was looking at yet another scam.

I don’t expect you to just take my word for it though. So in this review, I’ll show you what it’s all about and you can decide for yourself.

Prime Time Profit Review

The first thing I want to point out here, is that this site is a clone of other scams I’ve reviewed such as Amazon Cash Websites. Same design, same pitch, same everything.

Both of these sites are fake and funnel people into a scam called Money Sucking Websites. And they do so under the guise of being a “Amazon work from home program”.

Make no mistake, Prime Time Profit ( is running the same scam. They are just using a new name and swapping out a few details to make it appear as though it’s new.

The PTP site claims you can easily earn $14,000 per month from home. And to qualify you just need to visit the Prime Time Profit application page, which is really just a sales page.

And this time, the sales video is selling people on the idea of a “$500 black box”…

Prime Time Profit Sales Funnel

Apparently, you are going to “copy a free weird trick” to start making $500 per day!

The sales video (  literally says that you will receive a “special little black box”. And that all you need to do to make lots of money is push a button on the black box.

Honestly, it sounds ridiculous just writing this, but this is what they are saying.

Anyways, if watch the video to the end and follow the prompts, you’ll eventually land on an order screen, where you are asked to fork out $47.

So this is NOT free after all. And as I will now explain, the whole thing is complete BS.

What Is Prime Time Profit About?

Prime Time Profit is a scam that tricks people into thinking Amazon is running a new work from home program. In reality, they are using “get rich quick” hype to sell a $47 junk program.

And this is the same thing I’ve seen before with Money Sucking Websites (or MSW System).

There is no such Amazon work from home job offer, and there’s no chance anyone is making money online with a “special little black box”.

The entire system is designed to make money off of unsuspecting people…

How This System Really Works

The way this system really works is by making money at your expense.

The whole thing starts by using SPAM emails to send you to a fake news report about a fake work from home job. One that is NOT associated with Amazon and one that does not exist.

From there, a percentage of people click through to the sales video.

PTP Signup Form

Where you need to leave your name, email and phone number to “get to the next stage”. This is so that, even if you don’t buy, they can send you tons of spammy emails asking you to buy.

Not to mention, sell your information to other unethical marketers for a profit.

Anyways, the final stage is all about getting you to buy the product for $47. And to increase the likelihood of you buying, they use tricks like fake scarcity. Which is why you will see on every page how “spots are limited”.

The spots are not limited at all, they just tell you this because you are more inclined to buy on impulse if you fear missing out. Not to mention, less inclined to do your homework as you are now.

And to top it off, as with all of these get rich quick offers, there’s ALWAYS upsell after upsell immediately after you buy. These are higher priced offers that are made to appear “essential to your success”.

At the end of the day when it’s all said and done, you end up making zero dollars. Because these systems only ever benefit the people running them.

Are Real People Making Money With This? Nope!

Something I see catch many people off guard is the use of fake testimonials.

These scam sites almost always use fake testimonials because for starters they have no real ones. And second, they make more sales by pretending other people are making money with the system.

Take “Carol and Paul Miller” for example…

Carol and Paul Miller Testimonial

As you can see, these people are supposedly making $14k per month thanks to Prime Time Profit. As you may also notice, they stuffed his name up TWICE, by calling him “Chris” instead of “Paul” (lol).

Anyways, here’s proof that this is just a stock photo…

Stock Photo

You can also read either of the three reviews I linked to earlier, which show how this exact story is used on those sites too.

So we have a stock photo and a fake, re-hashed story. Because the truth is, real people are NOT making money with this system- they are losing money.


Prime Time Profits is a scam and will not help you make money from home.

There is literally nothing good I can say about this sort of blatantly misleading hype. This is the reason most people fail to ever make money online at all. Because it gives people the wrong impression about how REAL online business works.

The reality is, you can be successful online.

But it takes time and effort. It NEVER happens by buying into these “shiny objects”. The only thing that does is make the people selling you that BS money, at your expense.

What you decide to do is up to you, but that’s my take. Hope it helps.

17 thoughts on “Prime Time Profit – Scam or New Amazon Work From Home Program?”

  1. Thank you for your time and help I was getting ready to take part in that bull he was feeding me god bless you and haven’t a blessed day

  2. I have fell for so many of these making money from home scams and discounted trips at the worse hotel scams far to often. But I have since made reading reviews n researching sites my pal. Thank you for saving me the hassle of one more let down.

  3. Hi Tim,
    I came across their site and was intrigued. Paid the $47 fee then got a call from the marketing team a few hours later. They spent time explaining that they will help set up my own website similar to the Amazon model and market it for me. I would have to pay the marketing fees. I hesitated and requested a few days to think about it. Not sure what to do now.

    • Hi Anna,

      It’s up to you to be honest, but personally I would avoid giving these people any more money. This is how scams work, they convince you over the phone to spend more and more money, which can sometimes run into the $10,000’s.

  4. Hello! Glad I did the research! I was very skeptical about this as I kept getting calls and messages about this “” site. Now I can definitely place their numbers on the do not call list. Thanks for your honest review.

  5. Good day Mr. Tim

    Thank you so much for your review,BUT am afraid its late for me because I felt for it and paid them 47.00dlrs about 3 week ago after the 2day of my paying them a guy name Christ call me and said ti me that in order for him to set me up I needed to long into my computer, BUT my call drop off because another call came through tripping the caller’s call when the 2nd person finish I emediately call the number back with no answer until this day I still haven’t heard from them..I wish I could had heard and read your posting earlier.

    • Yeah that sucks, but trust me you’re not the first person to lose money to a scam and you won’t be the last. The important thing is to learn from stuff like this and try to avoid these scams in future.

      Thanks for commenting and all the best going forward!

    • Hi Elijah,

      I show people how to get started with affiliate marketing for free here.

      Affiliate marketing is a legitimate business model, and I only recommend tools and resources I use myself. So I know that everything I personally recommend is legit and will actually help you if you’re looking to build a real online business.

      Hope this helps and thanks for commenting.

  6. Thanx for the review. I knew it was a scam just from how they were marketing the hype, but I needed to verify and your review verified it was a scam indeed.

  7. If I didn’t read this information I might of spend the cash. But I got curious when I replied to his email and it came back as failed. This is when I look up primetime profits

  8. I joined this for $47.00 and it was nothing
    Like the video stated. I’m m trying to get my
    Money back but so far I haven’t heard anything from them . It’s a scam .

    • Yeah it is a shame and I don’t think you are alone either, Susan. Hope you get your money back but either way at least you can learn something from this to help you avoid scams like this in future.

      Thanks for commenting.


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