Ever wondered what it would be like to make as much as $500 in just 30 minutes?
According to Shelly West “30 Minute Money Methods” will help you do just that. She says making over $50k per month is EASY. All you need to do is pay her $37 to find out!
Or save yourself the cash and read this review in full. You’ll be glad you did.
What Is 30 Minute Money Methods?
30 Minute Money Methods is a scam that promises people quick and easy money. The person in the sales video, Shelly West, is more than likely an alias.
She claims you will signup and immediately begin taking advantage of a ‘secret loophole’ that will make you $500 within 30 minutes, and over $50,000 per month. Like clockwork.
Unfortunately, none of this is true. The video shows a bunch of ‘income proof’ to show you that it’s real, which in reality proves nothing.
This is fake income proof if I’ve ever seen it. Anyone can show a blurry screenshot of ‘someones’ bank account. This proves literally nothing.
And as I will soon show you, the testimonials are completely fake too.
How This Scam Works
The 30 Minute Money Methods scam works by getting you to buy in at a low price point of only $37. You join up expecting to be making money quickly and easily. In reality, you get some basic PDF training on various topics…
- Voice overs
- Sock photography
- Playing online games
- Online freelancing
Then there’s some ‘bonus’ content about affiliate marketing and social media.
I guess you could argue that, since there is training, it’s not an outright scam. I think that’s a fair enough point of view. But I disagree.
Why? Because what the sales video promises you, and what you really get- is WORLDS apart!
Not one single ‘method’ you are shown will allow you to make five hundred bucks in 30 minutes (or $600k this year) as the video suggests. This is absolute nonsense. The only people making ‘easy money’ here are the scammers running this.
You can make that kind of money performing those tasks online, yes. In fact, you can make much more than this. I personally know people who are absolutely crushing it on sites like Upwork doing freelancing.
But getting any of those money making methods to the point of anywhere near $50k per month- will take you a significant amount of time and effort.
In reality, it will take well over a year, possibly several years. And that’s with a solid, comprehensive training program that actually shows you how to master these methods.
Which this is NOT. This training is a glorified introduction to some generic ways you can make money online. Talk about gift wrapping a polished turd.
Are People Really Making Money With This Program?
The sales video shows you ‘proof’ that real people are making real money with 30 Minute Cash Methods. Testimonial after testimonial from what appears to be ‘real people’.
For example, these folks claim to be making $10,000’s per month with this…
Cool story. Now here they are selling their acting services on Fiverr…
As you can see, the testimonials are pure BS. If the program was really making people such epic amounts of money, why do they need to hire actors?
Not to mention, if you try to leave a comment in the ‘comments’ section of the sales page, nothign happens. You are simply redirected to the order page and your comment never shows up.
It’s normal for comments to be in moderation for a while before being approved. But these comments are clearly fake because they are never approved, and you are sent straight to the checkout page after commenting.
This is not how a normal comments system works. This is a sneaky marketing tactic to make you think people are making money and leaving positive feedback. They’re not.
Worse, by leaving a comment, you are placed into their email list without your knowledge in doing so. Which is not how any legitimate site operates. You should only be placed into an email list if you optin to one. Not through leaving a comment.
Your Email Just Got Into The Wrong Hands…
Most of these scam sites will also profit from obtaining and selling your email to third parties. Which is absolutely the case here…
By submitting your email with these people, you can expect a steady stream of SPAM to your inbox. And not just from the people running 30 Minute Money Methods either. You can expect SPAM from anyone they share your email with (ie other marketers who want to sell you other BS products like this).
Verdict- Is 30 Minute Money Methods a Scam?
Yes, 30 Minute Money Methods is a scam in my opinion.
You could argue that it’s not a scam, since you do get some training for your money. But the marketing behind this product is absolutely appalling. They are flat out lying to you about what you are actually buying and in saying you will make tons of money quickly and easily.
Just because they’ve ‘thrown in’ some basic PDF’s does not legitimise this at all.
The information you are getting access is not worth paying for, there are FAR more valuable resources on those topics online for free on relevant blogs. The only saving grace here, is ClickBank (the third party company you buy through) will give you a refund.
Buy if you must, but there’s no way I can recommend this to you.
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