Flash Rewards – Scam or Legit Rewards Site? [Review]

Welcome to my review of Flash Rewards.

This is a new site that claims to help you earn gift cards from companies like Amazon, eBay and Walmart. Apparently, it’s fun and super easy to do.

But is this a legit site, or just another scam?

Let’s take a closer look to find out!

Flash Rewards Review

I came across the Flash Rewards site today via a spammy email someone sent me.

And oddly, the URL that email directed to was www.usarewardspot.com

usarewardspot.com Website

So it seems as though the USA Reward Spot website is redirecting people to Flash Rewards.

Anyways, I always like to do my research on stuff like this. So I did some digging to see what people were saying about usarewardspot.com before it become Flash Rewards.

And from what I can see, it was a total scam.

There’s a ton of complaints online about this site. And after reading through many of these, the general consensus is that people were promised a $1000 Amazon gift card, which they never received.

What’s worse, they had to signup for a bunch of paid offers, got tons of SPAM and had to jump through hoops just to ‘qualify’.

Here’s one complaint from complaintsboard.com to show you what I mean…

I’m relieved and disappointed that others are experiencing the same problem I have been having. Join this, complete that, subscribe to this and that, pay this amount. It’s insane! After all that bull I too haven’t been able to get past 60% out of 100. It’s nothing but lies.

Researching further, and howtoremove.guide classifies this as a “browser hijacker” scam. Which is a scam that is all about hijacking your web browsing experience, to sell you stuff.

Also worth mentioning is that this link (flashrewards.us) takes you to the exact same site as usarewardspot.com.

Same site, different URLs… which is odd to say the least.

I’ve reviewed hundreds of programs on this blog over the years and this is something I generally only see on scam sites. So it’s a red flag.

Anyways, according to the website and the who.is database, the company running the show is Deliver Technology LLC.

Read on to see how this site works before signing up.

How Does It Work?

In short, the Flash Rewards website works by offering you rewards for completing various offers.

To get started, you first need to go to the company website and click on the “Get a Quick Start” button, which takes you to a page where you can select from one of four gift cards…

gift card rewards

Once you select the gift card you want, you then need to register your details to create your free account. To create your account you need to reside in the US and be over the age of 18.

You’ll also need to submit your name, email, phone number, address, D.O.B and gender…

create flashrewards.us account

That’s lot of personal information!

Anyways once you go through the account creation process, you will eventually be sent through a series of “offers”.

These are basically promotions from companies Deliver Technology LLC is working with. And you will need to complete these offers in order to qualify for rewards.

According to the website, these offers include signing up for games, mobile apps, subscription products and services, financial services and more.

The website goes on to say that “many of our partner deals require payments for products and services rendered”. Meaning these aren’t just free trial offers, you’ll be forking out cash.

How many offers do you need to complete to get your reward?

It depends on the rewards you want.

The company has “Tier 1 incentives” that reward you with $100 or less, and to qualify for these you will need to complete 4 offers. Then there’s “Tier 2 incentives” that are rewards over $100, which require you to complete 10 offers.

So the more offers you complete, the more rewards you can earn.

Can You Really Earn Rewards Doing This Stuff?

The idea of earning rewards for completing offers is not new.

In and of itself, this is a legitimate concept and there are legitimate sites that pay people (in cash, gift cards and other rewards) to complete offers. Like Swagbucks and InboxDollars for example.

The reason these ‘reward sites’ exist, is because they’re working with third party companies to sell you stuff. So when you signup for (and in many cases buy) the offer, the reward site gets a kickback.

In other words, the reward site (ie Flash Rewards) makes profits off of you when you complete offers.

While this can be a ‘win win… win’ scenario (for you, the reward site and the vendors presenting the offers), it can also be a HUGE waste of your time and money.

Because (like many others) you’ll probably end up spending time and real money, purchasing a bunch of services and subscriptions you never wanted to begin with.

Not to mention, you’ve given a fair chunk of your personal information to the reward site, who will often share this info with other sites who try to push more products on you.

The end result is losing money, an inbox full of SPAM and (if you’re lucky) a gift card. One that doesn’t come close to being worth all the time and money you’ve spent earning it.

And that’s assuming the site you are dealing with is actually legit…

Bottom Line – Is Flash Rewards Legit or Scam?

At this point, it’s unclear whether Flash Rewards is a scam or legitimate.

On one hand, it is clearly associated with usarewardspot.com which looks like a 100% scam based on what I’ve seen. And using multiple URLs for the same site is a red flag either way.

On the other hand, there are many legitimate reward sites out there. So it’s really going to come down to whether or not people are actually receiving their gift cards as promised. Which only time will tell.

Either way, I never really recommend these sites.

Because (at best) you are spending your time and money completing ‘offers’, which in many cases outweighs the benefit of the ‘reward’.

Not to mention, being the recipient of email, phone and even direct mail SPAM is almost guaranteed when you register on sites like this.

Whatever you decide, I hope you found this review helpful.

40 thoughts on “Flash Rewards – Scam or Legit Rewards Site? [Review]”

  1. saya kesini karna saya juga berharap bahwa situs web flash reward ini benar benar membayar apa yang saya kerjakan, tpi saya belum mengerjakanya lantaran saya ragu…tpi setelah saya membaca komenanan disini ingin rasanya mencoba tapi sayang tak punya dana untuk membayar yang harus dibayar

    • Just for others reading this, I used Google Translate for the above comment and here’s what is says:

      “I’m here because I also hope that this flash reward website really pays for what I do, but I haven’t done it because I’m doubtful… but after I read the comments here I want to try it but unfortunately I don’t have the funds to pay what I have to pay.”

  2. ‼️SCAM‼️SCAM‼️SCAM‼️
    TWICE I’ve gone through the same experience, I did everything I was supposed to, used the same email every time, reached level 70 on this and level 50 on that, signed up for a bazillion things, to get to the cash out identity verification, and be rejected after the system failed to go to the selfie page after the ID page. Like it’s set up to fail you. It makes 0 sense that you have to do the identity verification, you use the same email every time, you’re logged into an account, and you’ve done all the B/S. And why only give you 3 chances before boom! All your effort meant nothing. When I contacted them to tell them that their system failed to go the selfie verification page they sent me 3 emails basically rearranging the wording to say nope you’re disqualified, and we don’t care. We’re sticking to it. There is no way to verify your identity through customer service manually, they do absolutely nothing and are even smugly rude about the fact that they plan to do nothing.


  3. I got bored and wanted to do something so I found this site it was flashrewards I checked it out it seemed to be a scam so I searched if it was safe or not. Well the first thing that popped of some site that said it was legit. I was stupid not to check any other sites but I put all my info in but when I was trying to get $750 it wasn’t working. I started to study and research about it and it’s a scam and it hacks you so I got in a panic and started to find out ways to delete all the info I put in but i didn’t know how so I unsubscribed from all the emails and put it on scam. Now they have the info I’m not sure what to do. I don’t know if Tim is reading this or not but I need to know will they hack me and use my address. I even put my moms phone number in it.

  4. Sounds like a 50/50 split of good and bad. I say that it is a scam straight up bull shit . You wasted my time . All the good reviews are the same all the bad are different . Straight up prices of shit trying to take advantage of good people. people are scandalous. The world is fucked up yesterday today and tomorrow. Lord help us

  5. Hi.

    I’ve recently have helped 3 people each get their own $1,000 visa gift card. I’ve helped like 7 other people get theirs. This is not a scam at all.

    Read and follow the Terms and Conditions. English is not my first language and i am a trilingual………i understand and able to follow the instructions and able to get it every single time for myself and the people I’ve helped.
    I just think that this company deserves better reviews. It is not fair calling them a “scam”, when the problem (likely) is because someone didn’t read or follow instructions.

    • So a bunch of my friends and I saw this offer on Reddit, where someone posted proof of their payout. We made a Telegram chat to help each other complete the offers. It takes about a week minimum to complete, and lots of calling and emailing the company when completed offers do not credit. So far, twenty one of us got the $1,000 and were able to cash out to PayPal or choose Amazon or visa gift cards! We paid on average $50 to complete offers. So it is legit, but you have to take screenshots of everything and submit to the company!

  6. Ok this may come as a shock, but I’m in the uk and flash rewards has recently started over here. I thought it would be a load of rubbish but went through all the steps and a few days ago received the £750 reward, yes SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY BRITISH POUNDS that’s got to be about $1000 right? As for spending money on offers blah blah…rubbish! I paid for ONE offer, 20 lines of lottery numbers for £1.00 all the other offers were free trials which I cancelled immediately so never cost me a penny or free games downloaded and played, one offer was 30 free spins on an online casino, no deposit, I did that and WON £11.00 so after paying the £1.00 for the lottery offer I’m up £760 for spending a couple of hours signing up for free trials, then cancelling them, or playing games. After my experience a friend did a lower level offer and got £75. Yes they are thorough, after completing offers you have to sign a claim for and send proof of address, BUT THEY PAY it is NOT a scam!!

    I’m not on commission I’ve got nothing to do with the company, I’m just somebody who took the chance and got paid!!!

    • If you dont mind me asking. After doing everything with show proof and sign document paper and get it notary. How long does it takes for them to send the cash to your cash app card or mail?

      • I recently took that chance and I’m waiting on $750 to be added to my cash app, I spent well over enough money to receive it

      • Started 9/24, signed up for required number of programs, Notified 9/25 via email was eligible for reward, Sent photos via email of id and utility bill 9/25, got paper notarized and sent photo via email 9/29, notified by email 9/29 they were sending it to claims-processing Dept, received email I am approved 10/7 & expect money in 2-4 weeks, received phone call was getting reward 10/15, received money to purchase amazon card 10/15.

        Now I have $750 amazon for Christmas shopping! I did rewardspotUsa in 2004 ($2000), 2013 ($1000), and 2019 ($1000).

        All you have to do is follow the directions people! It is so much easier in 2019 and with this FlashRewards this month bc now you instantly get credit for each reward where before I had to wait several weeks for the company to notify that I complied with the requirement.
        I was super psyched to see another program bc you can only do rewardspot USA once every two years.
        Just take good notes of each offer including contact info and when you have to cancel by to avoid being charged again and make sure you cancel it!!!!

        • I completed all required forms and they keep resending me the same email saying my deadline is near and submit all required documents. So i sent all documents in 6 different emails and now i have a schedule interview on Tuesday Nov 2..so lets see if this works

      • To add to my previous comment:
        I signed up for
        Harlequin, got four books
        Skillz solitaire
        Free: Had to play 20 games
        Feeding America
        Feeding America & save the children I’m keeping

  7. Well after reading the comments I’ll be more patient and wait couple more weeks to see my Starbucks card in the mail. I followed EVERY single instruction, sent every single requirement, address proof and ID (which I blurred the lic #, I assume they don’t need it) and been waiting since June 7 when I finally completed everything. I was some kind of smart I think because I only downloaded the free apps and didn’t spend a cent… but now I’m paying the free stuff with daily tons of texts messages that I don’t know how to get rid of. So good luck to me and all of you who still waiting for this maybe “not worthed” gift card.

    • My initial offer was a $75 Amazon gift card. When I finished all the offers they emailed me a claim form and I noticed it changed to a $50 Visa gift card. I filled everything in the right way and sent it in. It’s been over a month now and I haven’t received anything. I been checking my spam also, to make sure that one didn’t miss it in there. I have sent them numerous emails to ask them why I haven’t received it and they haven’t replied to any of them. I really don’t want to sound negative because trust me, I want my gift card too…. Even of it is a $50 Visa and not the original offer they offered me but I really think that site is a scam, sucking in people like us because it sounds super easy to earn “sum what” Free money. I can’t believe that people are that evil!

    • Just reply stop to texts and unsubscribe from email! $250 an hour is great pay!
      The reward confirmation email says:

      If you have not received your reward after 2-4 weeks, please reply directly to this message.

      Their email address

      Did you email?

  8. I won a $1,000 Walmart gift card. I followed all the instructions. That was May 14th. I haven’t heard a word from them. Yesterday I received a email stating my ticket was closed and merged to Flash rewards. I contacted them a got on where

  9. Flash rewards is totally a scam, everyone talking right now is a literally a robot or some shit bc I just wanted a free $75 Taco Bell card bc what the hell right I’m a poor college student just tryna get by. And I thought ooh do some surveys I’ll get that Taco Bell card and I’m sitting here and now it starts asking me to download some other shit, gotta complete all these levels and make some purchases and I’m like alright well obviously I just wasted my time here, bc this wasn’t even free to begin with. I’m already poor to begin with. So ima just stop right there and stop letting this stupid thing scam me bc I can assure u I need my damn money more than y’all scamming mfs.

  10. Its not a scam. I’ve done it twice. I got $2000 in 2005, and $1000 Visa card in 2017. Read the fine print and follow the directions. To get $1000 you have to do several offers in all three categories. You spend around $60-80, and you have to cancel the memberships you sign up for if you don’t want to continue the service. Sometimes you have to accept a first or second shipment. Like I said, read it and follow the directions. Why would anyone give you $1000 for doing two things? I probably spent 40 hours doing this each time. Pretty good pay, I think.

    • This used to be Reward Zone USA, apparently just rebranded (unless if Flash is completely separate, the original URLs were owned by RZ). Also received $1k back in 2017, I’m now eligible again so was going to complete it this weekend but now I can only find $100 from Flash. Anyone have links to Tier 2 rewards for flash?

      Felisha obviously did not read the terms/requirements before completing those surveys, so yes if you don’t do that ‘you’re gonna have a bad time’.

        • Also I only spent 20 dollars for a phone that’s over a thousand dollars is a great deal! I love this site. I used reward zone USA when it was that name I believe it changed their name?

      • So I just did this for the first time, and honestly I have been having some pretty bad anxiety about it. They did send me the true 2 250 dollar shell gas gift card but I’ve never seen anything like it. I have to print it out and get it notarized and send it back it with a photo scan of my drivers license.

        Also i stay with my finance and my address aint on my ID and I have no mail coming here. So in which case they want me to delegate it to her and want both our IDs now and mail proving that address as well as an affidavit from the fucking court house proving an address….. Sounds shady to me and I’m honestly worried all my info is going to be sold to a third party

        • It will be sold to a 3rd party. That’s how they get money to pay you. You’ll receive the card but you’ll probably want to change your number and get a new debit card afyer

    • Yeah I’m feeling pretty stupid as of right now ! I really thought it was legit , I ended up doing a simple tier 1 Popeye chicken $75 , actually had to do a free trial which I didn’t stop so ended up paying for a month, and I never even used it . TOTALLY A SCAM !!!! Bullshit !

  11. I completed the requirements for the $1,000 and just received my reward today (I chose to split it between a VISA debit and Amazon credit)!! This is totally legit and I found the people at Flash Rewards / RewardsZone USA to be very professional and helpful.

    I think the reason that lots of people complain about this and think it’s a scam is that properly completing the offers is a rather complicated process (keeping track of Gold vs Silver vs Platinum offers). But if you’re diligent and carefully follow the instructions, you will absolutely get your reward.

    All in all, I probably spend 5-6 hours & $5-10 completing the offers and filling out the necessary paperwork. Totally worth it!

    • So did you ever get your IPhone ,I did everything perfect, had a actual check list,that away I couldn’t miss anything , it’s been over a month, completed 6 -20 sent in same day, it’s 7-29, I don’t think I’ll be getting my reward.

    • Steve , now you posted that you actually received a $1000 g, c ?
      As I went from one level to the next, silver and so on , wasn’t complicating , I went for a simple tier 1 ,completed all that was needed, I was sent a form to sign given further instructions followed, sent still nothing it is 7 -29-20

        • u even talk like a bot tbh…but then u misspell words so idk…. could be one person responding to every comment with a different name, since apparently, u can do that here


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