Bode Pro is a network marketing company which specializes in nutritional weight loss, energy and optimal health supplements including ‘nootropics’.
Based on my research, this appears to be a very legitimate mlm company with decent products and a solid business opportunity.
Bode Pro Review
Let’s face it… most of us want need more energy.
So, we turn to coffee or energy drinks throughout the day to improve our focus and performance and get more stuff done. But what’s this doing to our health, and is there a better option?
Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a product that gave you the best of both worlds…
The energy and focus you need to power through the day, and the balanced nutrition you need to achieve optimal health. That’d be pretty cool. What’s more, imagine a company that offered an opportunity to build a solid income promoting products like this. Even better right?
Well, that’s what Bode Pro says they are all about.
It sure does sound amazing, but I’m not one to buy into something without researching first so I did some digging. Let’s see how it stacks up…
The Company and CEO

The founder of this company is a guy named Benson K Boreyko who’s well known within the network marketing world. He was the founder of company named Vemma back in 2004 which was very successful, but was temporarily shut down by the FTC in 2015 for compliance issues.
Basically, Vemma was in the naughty bin for a while and paid a heavy price. They re-opened the doors since then and overhauled their compensation model to bring Vemma into line with FTC requirements.
Interestingly, “Bode Pro” was the name of one of Vemma’s energy drinks as pictured below. It seems Benson has simply taken the name of that product, and decided to create his new company entirely based on that brand. I’m not sure what his plans are, but it would make sense he’d remove this from the Vemma product line altogether to keep the branding separate and not confuse people.
Anyway, seems Benson (BK) has had a rocky past in some respects, but based on what I have found with this new company, he’s looking to do the right thing.
Nutritional Nootropics
The thing that caught my eye with this particular product line, is how they are based on nootropics. BK refers to these as “nutritional nootropics” because they are based on natural ingredients as oppose to chemicals like some nootropics.
In any case, there’s a massive uptrend in interest for nootropics in general as you can see from the Google Trends data below:
But what exactly are nootropics?
I’m no health expert, but from my understanding nootropics include vitamins, nutrients, herbs and other supplements that improve your cognition, without giving you harsh side effects. And despite what some may have told you, there are key differences between nootropics and smart drugs.
No doubt the company is positioning itself in a good niche here. It’s steadily growing in popularity and I’m yet to see other mlm companies going this route yet so they are offering people unique value too.
At the time of writing this, there are 4 main categories of products on offer as shown below:
As time goes on, the company intends on adding more products to each category.
Focus Supplements
The main product within this category is called “Happy” which Benson says contains nootropics that improve focus, mental clarity and overall cognitive function. They also contain 125mg of caffeine to give you more energy and nutrients that promote healthy hair, skin and nail growth.
- Servings: 24
- Retail: $56.95
- Wholesale: $39.95
- Points: 33
Based on the above info the cost ranges between $1.66 – $2.37 per drink which is pretty good. In fact, it’s cheaper than a can of Red Bull in most cases and if it’s as good as BK claims, a better product.
Fitness & Weight Management
The main product within this category is called “Burn” which is a weight loss protein shake that comes in a can or packet. According to BK this helps you burn more fat, curbs your appetite and delivers all kinds of proteins, vitamins and minerals. Each serving contains 100mg of caffeine to boost energy.
- Servings: 24
- Retail: $83.95
- Wholesale: $62.95
- Points: 48
Based on the above info the cost ranges between $2.62 – $3.49 per shake which is also pretty reasonable in price in comparison to other weight loss shakes on the market.
Cellular Supplements
According to BK, this product is a beautiful tasting, all in one nutritional supplement that gives you all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients your body needs, but doesn’t always get. The main product within this category right now is called “Strong” which is a liquid antioxidant full of vitamins, minerals etc. It apparently also supports a healthy immune system and fights free radicals.
- Servings: 24
- Retail: $69.95
- Wholesale: $52.95
- Points: 42
How this product compares is difficult to gauge, may be best to do some digging yourself on this one.
Clinically Studied Healthy Energy Drinks
This is basically an energy drink packed with nutrients and minerals, that comes in various flavours and levels of caffeine. It seems they are claiming the benefits of this product are backed by science with the name being used, so it will be interesting to see when it comes out.
As of writing this, the price and data sheet on this range is yet to be released on their website.
The Customer Bonus Program
Each customer has two options to choose from for being a loyal customer:
- Order 6 months worth of products on auto-ship and get 2 products for equal or lesser value free
- Refer 2 “Happy” product customers (customers can refer customers) and recieve 1x “Happy” product
This is a great incentive to keep customers on board as oppose to keeping everyone buying products based on financial incentives relating to the opportunity. Also, customers get a full 1 year money back guarantee on all product purchases which is unheard of and will help with sales (reduced risk).
Product Summary
Health and wellness is a big niche with plenty of potential, and these guys are zeroing in on an a trend in nootropics which means there is a good point of difference to other companies. Their prices aren’t crazy either so from a business perspective, they could be a winner if people like them.
I also thought it was good how they provide a lot of information about the products on their site. They link to each products data sheet with a full description of the benefits, ingredients, pricing and FAQ’s.
That said, I haven’t tried these myself, and I’m no expert on nutrition, so this is just my thoughts based on what I have found. The products might be amazing, they might not be. I think this is something you would have to consult a nutritionist on, or just try them yourself to see what kind of results you get.
One things for sure, as time goes on there are going to be mountains of opposing opinions from all kinds of people. I’ve seen this over and over with these kinds of companies. There’ll be people shouting “scam” from the rooftops, and people saying they love them so much they couldn’t live without them!
I’m personally not here to sway you either way, so I’ll leave it up for you to decide.
Anyways, time to check out the business opportunity…
The Bode Pro Compensation Plan
The company provides an opportunity to promote their products through the multi level marketing business model. The ways you can earn and get qualified vary, and I’ll run through these below.
Becoming An Affiliate & Getting Retail Commission Qualified
The only way to become an affiliate is to become a customer yourself first, and get at least 1 customer. Specifically, you need to maintain 50 PV (Personal Volume) worth of product orders each month, and 25 PV of this must come from an actual retail customer you enrol.
Meaning, the only way to get and stay qualified as an affiliate is to make real sales to retail customers. In the mlm world, this is a very good thing. It means the company is both ethical and FTC compliant.
Once you qualify, the cost is $29.95 upfront and $9.95 per month to be an affiliate. This fee includes “internet marketing tools, social media training, personal web presence, a back office, business management tools and a robust app” according to the official compensation plan document.
Ways You Can Earn
There are a number of ways you can earn with this company and I’ll run through each of these now so you know what to expect.
Retail Commissions
These commissions are earned based on retail sales to non-affiliate customers you personally acquire. The more customers you have, the higher rate of commission you will receive as shown below:
- 1 retail customer= 15% retail commissions
- 2-3 retail customers= 20% retail commissions
- 4 + retail customers= 25% retail commissions
You must be retail commission qualified as specified above to earn this.
Residual Commissions
Only “Platinum Influencer” ranked affiliates and above qualify to earn these commissions. In addition to this, 50.01% of your total “group volume” (GV) must come from retail customer generated sales.
GV is just the sales volume generated by retail customer orders and sales within your downline. How many points you accumulate depends on the product being purchased. See the product “points” above.
Basically, more sales must be coming from actual retail customer orders as oppose to personal orders from affiliates to qualify for residual commissions. This is a good thing and makes this a longterm opportunity as oppose to the fly by night chain recruiting schemes we’ve seen too many times before.
This is based on a ‘unilevel’ downline system which places an affiliate at the top and an unlimited number of referrals wide under them.
In this case, your downline stops after 7 levels. So your personally enrolled affiliates land on “level 1” in your downline, and their personally enrolled affiliates land on your “level 2” and so on, 7 levels deep.
This pays out 5% per level based on the total GV generated on that level.
For example: if all the orders within the first level of your downline came to 450 GV for the month, you’d make 5% of 450 points, which equates to a $22.50 commission.
Check Matching Bonus
Once you reach “Star Platinum” rank and above you are eligible for this bonus. This pays out 5% based on whatever your level 1-4 downline affiliates earn in residual commissions for the month. It “matches” whatever they earned at the rate of 5% in other words.
For example: if your “level 1” downline earns $1000 for the month, you’d make a $50 commission.
This continues down 4 levels deep as long as you meet the qualification criteria.
Qualifying For The Check Match Bonus
All ranking affiliates from ‘Star Platinum’ onwards are eligible for this bonus, and the commission they earn depends on the following qualifiers.
- Recruit a “Platinum Influencer” affiliate to earn a 5% matching bonus on your level 1 affiliates residual income
- Recruit a “1 Star Platinum” affiliate to earn a 5% matching bonus on your level 1 and 2 affiliates residual income
- Recruit a “2 Star Platinum” affiliate to earn a 5% matching bonus on your level 1-3 affiliates residual income
- Recruit a “3 Star Platinum” affiliate to earn a 5% matching bonus on your level 1-4 affiliates residual income
Leadership Bonuses
This is an addittional bonus of 1-5% paid out based on the sales volume of your downline and varies according to your affiliate rank. See affiliate rank chart below.
Rank Advancement Bonuses
Each time, you reach a new rank, the company will pay you a set bonus. See affiliate rank chart below.
Affiliate Ranks
Now that you understand the different ways you can earn within this compensation plan, it’s important to understand how “ranks” fit into the equation. How much you earn from each income stream above, is directly related to your rank within the company.
The following shows you how to earn each rank title, and what benefits come with doing so.
- Qualify by personally enrolling 1 active customer
- Earn 15% on non-affiliate customer orders
- Rank advancement bonus of $5
Note: An ‘active customer’ means 25PV or more worth of purchases in a calendar month.
Gold Influencer
- Qualify by personally enrolling 2 active customers
- 20% retail commissions non-affiliate customer orders
Platinum Influencer
- Qualify by personally enrolling 4 active customers
- 25% retail commissions on non-affiliate customer orders
- 5% unilevel commissions on levels 1-3 of your downline
- Rank advancement bonus of $20
Note: This rank entitles an affiliate to start earning residual commissions as long as they maintain 150 GV each month.
Star Platinum
- Maintain at least 500GV per month
- 25% retail commissions on non-affiliate customer orders
- 5% unilevel commissions on levels 1-4 of your downline
- Rank advancement bonus of $200
1 ☆ Platinum
- Maintain at least 2,500GV per month (no more than 60% from any one ‘leg’ as with all ranks moving forward)
- 25% retail commissions on non-affiliate customer orders
- 5% unilevel commissions on levels 1-5 of your downline
- Rank advancement bonus of $500
2 ☆ Platinum
- Maintain at least 10,000GV per month
- 25% retail commissions on non-affiliate customer orders
- 5% unilevel commissions on levels 1-6 of your downline
- Rank advancement bonus of $700
3 ☆ Platinum
- Maintain at least 20,000GV per month
- 25% retail commissions on non-affiliate customer orders
- 5% unilevel commissions on levels 1-7 of your downline
- Rank advancement bonus of $1,000
4 ☆ Platinum
- Maintain at least 100,000GV per month
- 25% retail commissions on non-affiliate customer orders
- 5% unilevel commissions on levels 1-7 of your downline
- Rank advancement bonus of $2,500
- 2% leadership bonus
5 ☆ Platinum
- Maintain at least 200,000GV per month
- 25% retail commissions on non-affiliate customer orders
- 5% unilevel commissions on levels 1-7 of your downline
- Rank advancement bonus of $5,000
- 3% leadership bonus
- Maintain at least 350,000GV per month
- 25% retail commissions on non-affiliate customer orders
- 5% unilevel commissions on levels 1-7 of your downline
- Rank advancement bonus of $10,000
- 4% leadership bonus
- Maintain at least 500,000GV per month
- 25% retail commissions on non-affiliate customer orders
- 5% unilevel commissions on levels 1-7 of your downline
- Rank advancement bonus of $25,000
- 5% leadership bonus
Final Thoughts
Based on my research on this company, I’m happy to say it looks totally legit.
You’ve got a decent looking range of products that people want, for a reasonable price and there are some great incentives to keep customers on board for a good amount of time. You’ve also got a very retail focussed compensation plan which means this company is in it for the long haul.
When an mlm is all about mass recruiting and places very little emphasis on retail sales, it delves into chain recruitment which never lasts and does not work out well for the majority of affiliates in the end. Based on the setup of this company, they are interested in doing things the right way.
Nothing’s perfect, but this is an ethical company and the opportunity looks solid. Since you need to become a customer first, it’s worth trying the products out and seeing if you like them before deciding what to do about the opportunity side of things. It also pays to make sure you have a strategy in place to get customers beyond your warm market as this will only take you so far and is one of the key reasons many people don’t get the results they are chasing.
Anyways, whatever you decide, I hope this review has been helpful! If something changes in the comp plan/ products or you just want to share your thoughts, feel free to chime in.
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