Exposing The Walmart Mystery Shopper Scam (It’s Not a Real Job!)

It’s a clever scam, and one that could potentially cost you thousands of dollars.

It all starts when you receive a package in the mail with instructions and a check. You are led to believe that you will be compensated for your work as a Walmart ‘mystery shopper’.

Instead, you are the target of a vicious scam that could cost you thousands…

What Is Mystery Shopping?

A mystery shopper (AKA secret shopper) is a legitimate gig in and of itself.

Third party companies, or the company itself, hire mystery shoppers to ‘act’ like a real customer. This involves going into a store and engaging with staff members, and can also include purchasing products.

The mystery shopper documents his or her experience and is paid for their work.

The purpose of this exercise, is to obtain useful feedback. This feedback can help the company figure out what it’s doing right, and areas it can improve upon.

So it does make sense for a company to hire a mystery shopper and it’s a real thing. Which is precisely why this scam works and continues to mislead many people.

Does Walmart Even Hire Mystery Shoppers? Nope!

Walmart does not hire mystery shoppers and they clearly state this on their website…

Mystery shopping, sometimes referred to as secret shopping, is where an individual is hired to “act” like a customer, and evaluate services at a business. Walmart does NOT utilize these services or hire associates to perform services on behalf of other retailers or companies.

This statement alone is enough to expose this scam right here. Walmart is aware, and have been dealing with these scammers who pose as company reps for years now. So they even created a page warning people.

That being said, I thought it would be useful to analyze this scam in more detail. This way you know what it’s about and how it works, so you can avoid these types of scams in the future.

How The Walmart Mystery Shopper Scam Works

The majority of these mystery shopping scams are based on cashiers check fraud.

There are several variations of this scam, so the way each individual scam works will change. But they are all grounded in cashiers check fraud, so I will briefly explain how this works to give you the heads up.

Cashiers Check Fraud 101

Cashiers check fraud begins with some form of advertisement, online or offline. You register your interest in a given ‘job’ and from there you receive a letter in the mail. In some cases you simply get the letter/ package sent to you as pat of a mass SPAM attempt.

In any case, once you receive the cashiers check in the mail, you are asked to withdraw/ use the funds for one purpose or another. Since it’s a cashiers check, you can normally withdraw the funds within one business day.

In the case of the Walmart secret shopper scam, these funds are provided for you to purchase various items in-store.

This catches many people off guard at this point. Because everything seems official and you can withdraw the money they sent you.

I mean, surely if the check clears it’s all good, right? Wrong.

The funds from these checks can often be withdrawn within a day, yes. But the check does not officially clear for days or in some cases over a week. So you are essentially withdrawing the banks money. Which means if the check does not clear, you will have to  pay the money back yourself. As you probably guessed by now, none of the checks are real.

They are all FAKE and they all bounce.

So this is the basis of how these scams work. Exactly how the scammers benefit from this process, really depends on the individual scam itself as I will now explain.

The ‘Money Wire’ Mystery Shopping Scam

This is probably the oldest and most common version of the scam.

Step 1) You receive a fake cashiers check for an amount of money normally into the $1,000’s.

Step 2) Once the funds are available (next day) you go into your closest Walmart store and purchase the products they instruct you to buy. Whatever funds are left over from your purchases, and your fee for doing the work, you then wire to the scammers using Money Gram. The sending of funds through MoneyGram is often said to be ‘part of your job’ in assessing the Walmart.

Step 3) The check bounces, you are left with a few hundred dollars and a few ‘nic nacs’. From there, you’re stuck paying the bank back for the entire amount of the fake check that bounced. Which often results in a substantial net loss, and in some cases, criminal charges for bank fraud.

This is perhaps the most common version of this scam. But there’s a different version that is equally dubious, yet arguably more believable.

The Walmart ‘Gift Card’ Mystery Shopping Scam

I discovered this particular scheme by reading the complaints on Consumer Affairs and a news report on NBC12.com.

Here’s what one person reported on Consumer Affairs…

I was to pick five Wal-Mart Gift Cards, go to the register, and add $500 to each card. I also needed to peel the silver scratch off area and not discard the cards and to send captured images of the card front and back after scratched. It is a scam.

This appears to be the latest trick these scammers are using to steal from people.

Here’s how it works…

Step 1) You receive a fake cashiers check for just under $3k and deposit it into your bank.

Step 2) You are instructed to go into Walmart and purchase five gift cards for $500 a pop and document your experience as a customer. As any mystery shopper would do. The end result is you obtaining $2.5k worth of Walmart gift cards, and keeping $400 for your fee.

Step 3) You are instructed to scratch off the silver coating on the back of the card, which reveals the card number and PIN. You then take photos of the front and back fo the card, and send it to the scammers who are pretending to be Walmart reps. They say you are sending them the photos as ‘proof’ you purchased the cards.

Step 4) The check is fake, so it bounces, and you are stuck paying back all the money to the bank. Meanwhile, the scammers have $2.5k worth of valid Walmart cards to do with as they please.

There are limitations on how you can use a Walmart gift card as oppose to cash. So in that sense it’s not as attractive to scammers.

But it does seem more convincing, which means it could suck more people in.

Why? Mostly because you are not sending any money to anyone. You are simply showing ‘proof’ (along with your ‘report’) that you did your job. Remember, you believe you are dealing with the real Walmart.

Although tempting, I imagine most people wouldn’t use the gift cards either. Since they want to keep their ‘job’ and make more money in future.

In any case, by following the scammers instructions, you will have nothing but a few hundred dollars, and a sizeable debt to the bank. Meanwhile, the scammers profit handsomely at your expense.

Protecting Yourself From Mystery Shopper Scams

You know the saying… if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. When it comes to mystery shopping ‘jobs’ this doesn’t change.

Only deal with known, trusted, legitimate companies if you want to become a mystery shopper. And always do your due diligence.

Most of all, never deposit checks from a company who claims to be paying you in advance. Cashier’s check fraud is rampant and it is by no means limited to Walmart secret shopping scams. So if you ever receive a check in the mail that you did not expect, exercise extreme caution. Chances are it’s a scam.

It’s also worth reporting these scams to the relevant authorities, even if you haven’t been burned yet. In addition, sites like Consumer Affairs and the BBB are good for warning others about such scams.


Mystery shopping is a real job and there are real companies out there that employ people to do this. There’s no disputing that.

But Walmart does not hire people or companies for this purpose. Period. Therefore, anyone posing as Walmart in relation to such a job is a scammer.

Mystery shopping scams, whether it be wire transfers, gift cards, or some other variation, are very common. By no means are they limited to Walmart, so it pays to safeguard yourself from and warn the people you know.

144 thoughts on “Exposing The Walmart Mystery Shopper Scam (It’s Not a Real Job!)”

  1. Omg I got the same letter n mail …idk if its a total scam mines from pnrfinancials ncheck fromy12 federal credit union in oak ridge Tennessee Cedric brooks David trial ,Cheryl thompson

  2. Thank God I Googled this Cashier’s check from Community Trust Bank in Pikeville Kentucky From a Chris Thompson and signed by a Hannah Williams. It came to my mailbox today by priority mail in a flat cardboard envelope. It was in the amount of $4770.23. For me to cash and spend at Wal-Mart buying Visa prepaid credit cards that the detailed instructions tell you too purchase the kind that cash can be withdrawn. I am so glad that I looked this up. They were saying I would be Paid $710.00 just to go purchase 8 of the $500.00 cards. Sounded to good to be true, and it most definitely is.

  3. I received a flat rate envelope priority mail, from Hamilton Solutions, 3530 Damien Ave. La Verne CA 91750… with a check for $4707.23. no instructions were inside for anything. The name at the top of the check was Fibre Fidelity, issued by William Karvonen … I lost my mother and got into a car accident about a year ago… I was waiting for my lawyer’s settlement and an answer from my mom’s life insurance, so I guess it was perfect timing… I cashed the check at my local banks ATM. No funds were available the next business day so I called my bank to ask… My online banking AND the phone person from my bank told me the check was posted but alas… No money in my account… Today amazon tried to pull money out my bank for a present for my spouse and i got an email saying it was declined… When I checked my online app… My account was locked! I called in and spent two hours trying to figure out what happened. The check was fraud… And the penalty for cashing a check with my name on it was losing that account and all cards associated with it, and i can’t even use online banking through my bank for 60 days!!!! Fortunately i was able to transfer the remaining funds to a joint account within the same bank.

    This is stupid! These scammers are just going to keep mailing these checks out, with no punishment… And we the people get punished for cashing a check with our name on it….

    Ii didn’t receive anything about Walmart or mystery shopping… So if you get a check in the mail … Don’t cash it at an ATM … Take it to your bank teller during business hours… Your money will be safe…but the sheer headache of losing access to the accounts that you have setup for bills in your life will be affected…

    • Thank you I have just received a check for 4770.23 saying exactly what you said about the scam thank you so much I’m glad I looked it up

  4. Yes, I received a package yesterday for a secret shopper @ walmart.. I was in shock to receive such a large amount of money from a stranger and of all places walmart !!! I took the time to look into this and BANG, Scam, Scam, Scam,…. I am from Connecticut where there are so many places and people who want that money for shopping, its almost the holiday shopping season, so people jump at the chance to get some free money, don’t do it brother, sister… My question is this, if the FED’S, IRS, and ALL these Fraud deception places know about this why are they letting this continue ?? Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain by deception is a crime…Punishable by up to ten years or more in federal prison.. Or is this not a crime that the government is interested in ???? O well enough said about this,what are we going to do about it, or they going to do about it… When one of those Big Shot Government Employees get’s SCAMMED then it’s a big issue, until then life goes on.

    • Richard Orchard, Who is this guy???? Is this his real name??? He is bold to put his name and address on the instruction letter. And this; Hilary L. Lin who is this ??? She is so bold she signed the check !!!! COMMONMAN THIS IS CRAZY. ONLY IN AMERICA !!!!!

    • I’ve had this happen to me 4 times this year! I received my biggest check just today for $4,770.23. It’s unbelievable! I’ve been involved in total 5 employment scams this year.

  5. Got one today, this letter asks that you cash the check then play “secret shopper” and ask for various amounts in Money Orders from Walmart. Since there have been complaints of Walmart Team members not giving multiple money orders or keeping some of the funds. Then I am suppose to mail them back the money orders that I purchased with the receipts and I get to keep $600 of the almost $5000.00 they sent me. These types of things are so bad and to try to take advantage of people especially when in these times people are desperate. DO NOT FALL FOR IT!!!! and why are they not being tracked and being arrested?

  6. I received the FAKE scam today. It’s a cashier’s check for $2550.00. And a letter of instructions. I figured it was a scam, and took pictures of the items that were sent in a Priority Mail envelope. Postage paid $8.95. It was mailed from Orange, California from Faceinfotech INC. The check was written on a bank in Oklahoma. I don’t suppose any of these crooks will ever be caught, not in my lifetime.

  7. Just received a “Official check” for $4,770.23 from TD Bank RE: William Karvonen came priority mail from “ALR Solution 110 Minot Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91910”, with Letter inside Walmart heading Walmart shopper Number# must send a text acknowledging receipt to (858) 833-6017 and (704) 793-8225. Same as the rest above deposit money buy (8) $500.00 valid walmart visa gift cards, but be aware $4.94 added to card because of purchase fee. LOL! So glad I seen this site. I knew it was to good to be true. Name at bottom of letter is signed by a Donnell Studzinski Task coordinator (858) 833-6017 . These crooks need to go to JAIL!!! I would volunteer my time to any police department, or FBI who want to catch these @holes!

    • Thanks for sharing i just got the same letter and a check in the mail today. And i felt like it was a scam but was not sure.Glad to see your post it confirms that it is.

    • I received my package today with a cashiers check for$4770.23 as well. List of instructions to purchase Walmart gift cards etc. The name at the bottom of the letter was Also Donnelll Studzinski. I knew it was a scan but checked websites to confirm….

  8. Cashier checks are a scammers best friend, right next to the banking system that keeps allowing this scam to happen by cashing those checks and then going after their customers when the funds dont clear. Dont EVER accept a cashiers check for ANY reason. The banks dont seem to care to fix this problem ( that has existed for over a decade ) because they are able to pass along all of the losses to you.

    If they banks absorbed these losses, you can beat they would fix this cashiers check scam issue rather quickly and wouldnt release funds until they are proven legitimate.


    • Just got a txt yesterday about mystery shopper, thought I would Google the human resource rep and this is the valuable information. Thanks for letting others know it’s a scam. I will be reporting this ASAP.

    • Received my official cashier check today. $4770.23 Im so pissed but you are right banks need to be made responsible for allowing this yes I applied but who really knows the authenticity of a Walmart secret shopper? I bet these crooks would be runing for the hills or looking for a new way to cheat people.

  9. I got a text today offering me a “Secrete Reviewer” job. Come on, guys if you want to attempt a scam, at least use the correct spelling.

      • This is typically a scam hatched out by the Indian community.
        This being said, it is exactly the type of red flags we look for from the CISA (Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency) the mispeling of werds.

        This is mail fraud, for one thing. You can contact:
        433 HARRISON STREET RM 3255
        CHICAGO, IL 60699-3255 to learn more or report suspected mail fraud./
        or visit the U.S. Postal Inspection website at: https://www.uspis.gov
        or call: U.S.Postal Inspection Service poffice@ 1-877-876-2455
        The penalty for mail fraud can be $1,000,000 fine, and, or, 30 years imprisonment.

        Hope this is helpful.

  10. Received my ‘cashiers check’ today via USPS for $2830, drawn on PNC Bank. Yeah, right. The SCAM screams loud on this one. Typical crap…buy Walmart gift cards, etc, etc. Will hand all to the post office and let them play with it. To anyone wondering if these checks could be real…NO, NO, NO!! Ask yourself, what legitimate business would willy-nilly send out valid checks for thousands of dollars? The answer is NOT ONE SINGLE ONE!! NEVER, EVER!!

  11. I responded to an online job offer to be a secret shopper for Whole foods, weeks later I received a check from a NANCY BOOKER 7630 Glisten Ave Atlanta G, 30328-2495 via USPS priority mail. In my envelope was a check for $2,530.00 and directions regarding depositing and purchasing gift cards, also to sweeten the pot if I did it within 2 days I would get an additional $250.00!!!!! I just got a weird vibe and thought this is way to good to be true. I googled Walmart secret shopper scam and sure enough I found story after story of people being scammed!!!!! These people are horrible for scamming unsuspecting people!!! words of advice if it seems to good to be true it probably is, always do your research before depositing a check and if your still unsure contact your local authorities!!!!

  12. Thanks for your comments, I am suppose to receive a package today to be a mystery shopper for Walmart, I will not accept it and have it return to sender. Thanks for your fed back and stay Blessed. CFort

  13. Similar story as many of the others that placed comments here. The cashiers check is drawn on GenFed Financial. Glad I Googled this offer before depositing the check into my account.

  14. These are still going out.
    I got a cashier’s check for $2,480, was told to deposit it into my account, keep $350 for myself, buy a cashier’s check for American Medical Corp for $20 and send a picture of it back, then go to two Walmart stores and buy two $400 gift cards and a $200 gift card at each. It was supposedly from some place called TMC Research, but the return address on the envelope is for the MoMA Design Store in New York. The person gave their name as Cindy Luke in text messages, and the bogus cashier’s check is signed Joan Hedges. I filled out a report with the Federal Trade Commission, but it’s a shame I can’t upload any of these documents they sent me.

    • I got a check today for 2600.00 from a construction company out of Alabama accompanied by a letter from Walmart market place. So it almost got me to go cash the check. I waited and thought it thru. I look at the check. Hmmm. It’s a fake. I researched it further. Red flag. Scam. They dam near got me. Nice try

  15. Thanks so much. Was on the way to the bank to deposit the check when I saw your post. You saved a lot of people from being screwed from what i see and I so appreciate it

      • I got a check today that looked like a mouse ate the edges of the wrinkled up envelope it came in.

        Clearly and obviously a scam! Ridiculous!

  16. I never received the check or instructions, but the text messages keep coming (I haven’t responded to any of them) and are getting worse. They’re threatening getting the authorities involved because my ignoring them is “unlawful.” So funny! I also got a text from an unknown source “YouwirePackageNotice 5th notification.” I will not click the link because it’s either a virus to my phone, or a way to see if I’m ignoring them. Which I am! Interestingly, I did get a “check” and letter from Nike that I’m sure is this same type of scam. Probably the same people running them and mixed up what they were supposed to send me. What scumbags.

    • Put them on the scam/fraud list on your phone or block them. If you never use or deposit their check you should be fine, I say keep it as evidence against them, right? I got one too, but seemed fishy so I looked them up and found this article, and I’m glad I didn’t even go to the bank. I’m thinking to keep it as evidence if I ever need to give to the FBI fraud/scam division.

  17. So I responded to a job ad and got the responding text. Got the letter and check instructing me to shop an Apple store. I deposited the check and figured I’d wait to make sure the check cleared, not just that funds are available. We’ll see.

    • Oh man, don’t do that. It takes upwards of 2-3weeks for a check to reach its actual bank, per se. So you deposit the check, it will clear within a few days and you will think youre good to go. You spend it and do what’s needed, and then after 3 weeks you’ll see the bank caught on and removed the funds. Never deposit the check as now your part of the scam. I’d be very surprised if your bank didn’t contact you but unless you wait a month to see if funds are redacted, I wouldn’t touch a penny.

  18. Received letter with $3348.48 check from Corinthian Yacht Club Tiburon Ca. The check watermark, micro print border heat sensitive icon & foil hologram, from First Republic Bank. also e-mail with instructions to money gram $1694 to Ruffin Sams $1314 to Briscoe Wigfall with Texas addresses. Thompson Drew my guy to e- mail. Thank you sooooo much for your post, I almost did it! Phew glad to have missed that bullet as I’m on perm disability and in no way could pay the bank back. Bless you!

  19. Hi Margit. Received such a package today. Notifying the appropriate authorities. This truly upsets me because most respondents are the elderly. My grandmother always always said “go with your gut feelings,” Thanks grandma and thank you Jesus for giving me WISDOM AND USING COMMON SENSE.” Be blessed.

  20. I received thew fedex package with the cashiers check for $2350 and instructions on what to go buy. I went ahead and deposited the check into my checking account but got to thinking it was just to good to be true so I started researching and came across this article. Thank you for the information, you propably saved me some money.

  21. They are very active in using text messages with links. They post mystery shopper jobs on job sites now as well. You apply through a short form, but from that point forward everything comes through text messages. I ignored it because this is not the process legitimate companies use. I have done mystery shopping work in the past and went through a very formal intake process each and every time. I thought by not responding to their text messages they would stop, but they didn’t.

    More precisely, the texting stopped for a few days. Great! I thought. However, yesterday UPS delivered an envelope to my residence with similar documents as described above. It was for a Walmart assignment and included a check in the amount of $3500, instructions to text 954-314-2147 upon receipt, purchase three (3) money orders for $1000 each and keep $500 as payment for the assignment. The documents alone spelled fraud. First, they included the Walmart logo on the documents.

    This alone is uncommon. But that’s not all. The logo itself was a bad copy of the authentic logo. Second, the threatening language used in the two pages of instruction. Third, the amount of the check enclosed for the assignment. Honestly, it’s not very smart to send someone money and at the same time ask them to convert the money into money orders and mail to other recipients and then use threats if you don’t comply. The content I received tries to create a prisoner’s dilemma–comply or get a visit from us.

    If you receive a package like this report it to the FTC under fake checks.

  22. This Scam continues to this day. I first received a text message about if I would be interested in doing a Mystery Shop of Walmart. Thinking it was a legit offering as I have applied to other companies that are in the business I replied that I was.

    The only reply I made was that I was “Available”. No other information. Today an envelope arrived with a cover letter and a Cashiers Check. The letter had the instructions on how to perform the shop and other pertinent details. The interesting thing was the letterhead was from a legitimate Marketing Research Company “Forrester Research” which has a local office in the DFW area but the business’s main office is in Cambridge MA.

    Luckily I’ve heard about various types of scams asking you to purchase gift cards and them providing you with funds in which to do this. I also visit the company name that’s being used and they have a Fraud Page on their website that specifically mentions this particular scam.

    From my experience, Mystery Shops do not provide money upfront to anyone to pay for the cost of the shop. The cost is reimbursed to you when you file your report and provide them the receipt the same way a traveler for a company is reimbursed when they travel. They also earn an hourly wage that is nowhere near the amount this shop says you are receiving for your time and you receive it again after the shop is completed. I think one needs to remember that “If it looks too good to be true it probably isn’t.”

    It’s just sad that there are con men and women out there that are incapable of earning an honest living instead of preying on individuals that truly need the little money they received each week.


      • It happens all the time, I received a package with a check in it for $2630 and they had exactly what this site talked about, I knew right away that it was a scam and am going to report it to the BBB so some other person doesn’t get ripped off, why can’t these people get a ligit job and stop scamming the poor hard working stiff.

  23. This happened to me today. Fed x delivers packet which by the way was not fed x it was old van with fed x sticker on side. Guy in jeans and t shirt saying he covering two routes today. Ya right! B S!!!!! One they don’t do that two they don’t do that. Three they don’t put stickers on scrappy vans and dress in jeans and t shirt and four they scan their items. Why what a surprise no scanner. I called and notified state police. Roles it up there it away being I love captains daughter I knew it was B S ! So now police on lookout!

  24. Just got my check for $4, 500 with instructions to buy 4 – $1000 money order, FedEx them back and keep the other $500 for gas and payment. Knowing it had to be a scam I researched and found this article. Now I’m emailing my “supervisor” to let him know what he can do with the “check”.
    Thanks for the article!

  25. I also received a cashiers check from Intershop, stating to deposit check, wait till clears, take $500 out for my commision, go to 2 different Walmart stores buy 4 $500 gift cards, scratch off back of cards to send images of cards, spend $100 myself, I thought it was real, deposited check at bank, did not take money out or go to Walmart, Ill have to notify my bank that it is fake, who should I call, local police dept?

  26. I also received a text message from Intershop affiliate, international shopping store yesterday, telling me to expect a package in the mail. I received the package today from Intershop Inspired by Tomorrow. It had a Cashier’s Check in the amount of $2,625 and a letter telling me to spend up to $100 shopping at Walmart, keep $500 for myself and buy 4 $500 Walmart gift cards. I was to scratch off the pin numbers on back of card, take picture and send back to them. Instead, I took pictures of the items sent, called Center State Bank, and researched Intershop. I Did Not Deposit Cashier’s check.

  27. Received a text from Intershop yesterday, (317) 210-0645, telling me to expect a package in the mail. I received the package today from Intershop Inspired by Tomorrow. It had a Cashier’s Check in the amount of $2,620 and a letter telling me to spend $100 shopping at Walmart, keep $500 for myself and buy 4 $500 Walmart gift cards. I was to scratch off the pin numbers on back of card and take picture and send back to them. Did not deposit. Went to check cashing place instead. I figured if anyone would know it was a scam, they would. Sure enough, it is a scam. I came home and started investigating further and found you. Thought I would comment on here so other could see. I am also going to take a picture of the letter and the check and post on Facebook for friends and family.

  28. I just received a check of $2,337.00 ….. With instructions from a Casey Nelson 623 Cass avenue Detroit,mich 48226-3111…. also the paper signed by Jeff Cummings… Can you help me??? On this check

    • Thanks for sharing. Not sure what I can do to help, other than say I personally wouldn’t be cashing it. Rather, I would be visiting my bank to report fraud.

  29. My friend received a next priority package with a cashiers check in it for $4,900 and a promise of a $500 gift card.
    She was to report on conduct of the employees and how they handled different situations. It as also just as you described. Thank you for posting your article!!!

    Can or shoud law enforcement be notified of this?
    Kris S

    • Glad you found the article helpful Kris.

      That’s up to you really. To be honest I think they probably would be well aware of this scam given the large volume of people these scammers target and have been targeting over the years. With that being said, everything helps so I guess any new evidence could be helpful to law enforcement in catching these guys.

  30. I just received a check for $2,420 the bank on the check is LINCONE Federal Credit union to cash or deposit it into my account. From a FINN BARLEY have anyone elses received one

  31. My wife received one for sending money gram transfers to 2 different people located in Tx.
    Along with a check for 2337.00. Told to take out 250 for commission and 37 for transaction fee. That name was Jeff Cummings and the email is sendreport@mysterynetshopper.com

    Walmart letterhead paper and all.

  32. I definatley received a text about this. Below you will see the confirmation email.


    This is to inform you that your Shopping survey will commence this week. You have been fully accepted as one of our conducting customer survey agent.

    You will simply be evaluating retail stores around you, (not to worry, Guidelines will be given to you.) Further updates with instructions will arrive in your mail next week

    Kindly make sure you check your email often as you will be receiving updates.

    Kindly confirm receipt of this email. It will be greatly appreciated .


    Sandra Glazer

    Shop-Smart Networks 2018 (c)

    • I go the check and all the aforementioned reply about the text. I told them to send me a money order or cash through Western Union instead of a check…… End of story. Haven’t heard from them since. I am keeping the check for evidence.

  33. I have unfortunately fall victim to this scam. I followed the instructions to the tee and now I owe the bank $3000. I will never be able to open bank account with my bank. I feel miserable and helpless. I reported to the police, they took report and that’s about it

  34. I received the same type of letter. So glad i looked into it and found it is a scam. I have worked as a mystery shopper before and thought it was legitimate for a while. Then decided to goggle the web.

  35. Today I received a check for $2150 with instructions to keep $300 for my pay, $50 for gas and use the rest to purchase Wal-Mart gift cards, text picture of receipt and 16 digit code on back of cards. Further instructions would folloe. Was actual check drawn on Chase bank. Took the Check to chase who informed me the type of account this was, from a big account, you have to deposit check first, when it clears withdraw the funds. Seeing as how the bank said it was a real check, deposited it into hubbys account. We became suspicious and started asking g questions. We don’t plan on withdrawing any funds so we won’t be on the hook. Is there anything else we could do or should have done

    • Thanks for sharing, and you are right to not withdraw those funds, because that check will almost certainly bounce. To answer your question, other than not depositing the check to begin with, not really. You’ve done your homework and avoided the worst case, so well done.

  36. if it squeaks like a rat, it’s a rat! I got this today. first i received an email, no text, and in today’s mail was a priority envelope with a $2800 check. just text on paper.. the letter.. pretty much like the article says. of course I know it’s a scam… but where can a person like me or those above mail this to in order to report these people??? I feel sorry for those that fall for this!

  37. while performing a job search online i found a job as a secret surveyor for walmart i applied and sure enough i got a text message today saying that they sent out my kit and to let them know when i received it. i received a fed ex priority overnight package and thought it was something to do with my school since i just started college i opened it and was surprised to find a check for $2,740.85 along with a letter. the letter is what made me think i needed to check and see if this is a scam because it is a very bland letter with absolutely no color well it just looks very unofficial. thankfully i found this before i deposited the check it makes me angry though because i was on a legit job search site when i saw this job and the money would be VERY helpful right about now i just want to find theses people and shove this check you know where

  38. I am very glad I found this article. I just recieved the packet the check and to do a Walmart 2 Walmart transfer . After research and talking to people I found the article. And I also asked for prove that was legit . And recieved nothing back. And I found this which was very helpful. So I am glad I didnt get scamed but it makes me upset that people can do this stuff.

  39. THANK YOU-THANK YOU! I just submitted the Wal-Mart Mystery Shopper questionnaire when I came across This Eye Opening forum.

  40. I received a cashiers check today for $2900 with instructions to go to Walmart and purchase money orders and to keep 400 for my services and 100 for gas and expenses. I am mediately thought if it sounds too good to be true and looked online and found this article needless to say I am very sad but it could be worse, I could be out $2900!

  41. My instructions:
    You have been sent your cashiers check of $2,550.00 You are to deduct:

    Assignment Salary …………………..$350
    Walmart Gift Card ……………….. $400
    Blank Walmart Money Order…………….$1750
    FEDEX …………………$50.00


    You are entitled to a $200 survey bonus on submission of your report within 24 hrs of disbursement of funds to you(confirmation required).


    Followed by a text message w/ phone number: 9179995641, that text me every hour to see if I made it home to receive the check!

    • I had a gentleman contact me to work for him and that’s the number attached. I searched it and it’s a VOIP number, probably via Google. This is the email I received:
      I’m an Interior Decorator & Art collector with a large client base and due to the nature of my job I’m a constant traveler and presently on an exhibition in Turkey, My former Assistant just got married and moved to Canada. If you accept and are capable of this my offer.

      I will need you to take charge of my mail pick-ups and drop-offs and all other things will be relayed to you step by step.

      The job is flexible so you can do it wherever you are as long as you are reaching the post office, You get paid once we begin work and more details will be giving from time to time.

      All expenses and taxes will be covered by me and you are to work for just a few days of the week. You will be doing this for 4 weeks until I get back to town so we can formally meet and discuss the possibility of making this arrangement long term if I’m satisfied with your performance.

      Just like I stated i’ll be offering $600 weekly in pay and will cover gas and other expenses separately, If you accept this offer please reply with the following details: FULL NAME, RESIDENTIAL CONTACT ADDRESS, APT #, ZIP CODE, PHONE NUMBER, AGE AND CURRENT OCCUPATION AND AVAILABLE HOURS, I’ll be needing this asap if we agree on the same terms so we can get started with the errands needed.

      I redacted the phone number and the gentleman’s name, but the number is the same as the one you provided: 917-999-5641

      Im thinking this is a variation of a 419 scam, right? Basically he’ll send me a check (I think he was offering $600 a week to “run errands” which he said was dropping things off at the post office…) for the expenses and, if im correct, it will be over the amount, so instead of $600, he’ll “accidentally” send $1600. Then he’ll tell me to cash it, keep an extra $200 “for my troubles” and send him the remaining $800. I could be off base here but something smells… scammy?

      Im really interested to know if anyone else thinks this is a scam? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

      • I found the exact ad on craigslist. I live in Austin, Texas. He put his name as Kevin Gonzales in the ad. Since it’s the same number as the other poster, it should be safe to assume it’s definitely a scam.
        If you didn’t make your post with the phone number, maybe I would have fallen for it, so thank you.

  42. I received a check today for $3350.26 and a letter to go buy the Walmart gift cards. I knew this was a scam because I’ve heard of this before. Where or when would I report this to?

  43. My check was written from a cattle ranch why on earth would a cattle ranch wanna know about Apple gift card availability? Thanks again.

  44. I received the same check and instructions in the mail, actually 2 in 1 day, 1 to buy walmart gift cards the other was to buy apple gift cards. I haven’t deposited them thanks to your webpage. I didn’t see anything mentioned above about the Apple gift cards so I just wanted to bring that one to public attention as well. I’ve contacted my bank about what to do with the checks and I’m just waiting for a response. But I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart because I live with my disabled father and we are already struggling to get by from week to week and if I went through with this scam we would literally be out on the streets. Thanks again (glad to know there are still some honest people, like yourself and others that have posted on your site, out there). Wish more people thought of others like the way you do. You should be awarded for bringing this scam to the people’s attention!

    • Up to you but personally, I wouldn’t withdraw the money and I would contact my financial institution immediately, expressing my concerns.

  45. I just received the same information but the webpage was too plain looking. I googled the link and this article was at the top of my results. Smh this is just as bad as the so called lawyers that call and try to scare money out of people. Now if you really want to make money check out [promo removed].

  46. Hi Tom, I too received a package today with a postal money order in the amount of $989 and the same instructions regarding purchasing gift cards and sending photos of the front and back of each one via phone messages. I’m taking everything to my bank in the morning and letting them do what they need to do to get to the bottom of it. Don’t want to be the victim of a scam!

  47. I just received a check for $2382 to purchase $900 in itunes gift cards ($100 each card) at 2 different Walmart Stores.. scratch the backs & take photo & then text & email the pic of 16 digit code.. i did deposit the check yesterday but common sense did kick in before i spent the money.. i did contact my bank & report as possible fraud but can u tell me who else i need to report this to??

  48. I just received a large priority mail envelope with a check for$ 1,980.00 today with an accompaning letter like the one you described.
    All I have to say is that I was born in the afternoon, but it wasn’t yesterday afternoon.
    I do have a question: what should I do with this the items that were mailed to me and will I be getting calls from attorneys in the not so distant future for not responding to these scammers?
    Thank you

    • Hi John,

      I would go personally contact your local police and see what they say, or do nothing and throw it out. Up to you really but whatever you do- don’t cash the check.

  49. Thanks for all the info. I got the check and the letter, but it just didn’t seam right. The letter was poorly put together to be a real business and wanting me to cash it at my bank then go to UPS, and the post office. I didn’t do any of it. Thank goodness for Google. These people need to spend time getting a real job.

  50. I to got a package sent FedEx. The check is for $2850.00. I should get 5 $500 GC from Walmart and keep $350. The top of the letter says Consumer Protections, LLC and has the Walmart Logo on it. I was suspect so I told them I could not do it the day I received it. They asked when I could and I said a week. They said that was ok. I wanted time to research. Glad I did.I guess this is a scam.

  51. I just received a check for $2,294.00 to go to my nearest Walmart and shop and keep $300.00 for my trouble and keep whatever I purchased.
    Excuse my language but I was screwed before and it cost me $5000.00 I had to pay back to my bank.

  52. My wife received this package in the mail today; it had a blank postal money order in it for $998. it came priority mail w/ similar instructions to those listed above; she also started receiving text messages from (888)316-1857 this was a welcome message and she received one from (347)991-7567 questioning if she received the package identifying themselves as Frank Morgan. I have reported this to local law enforcement.

  53. I received tge same scam. I could tell
    It was bogus right away. Tge return address was from Encore Flight School. (what?) then I started to received text messages right away, trying to get me started cashing the check. There were a lot of grammar mistakes in the letter. Is there anywhere we can turn this into, to stop these people?

  54. I too received the same scam deal with a check for $2950.50 with the instructions to purchase several Wal-Mart gift cards at 2 separate Walmart’s and text them when complete to 856-441-6944. It did look very legit at glance but looking more into it made no sense with discrepancies along the way. And the package arrived via United Postal Services with a return address form Encore Flight School, so what would a Flight School have to do with Wal-Mart gift cards and secret shoppers? Definitely a scam!!!

  55. I received the same package. I actually went and deposited the check in my bank. But, before I did anything else, I decided to do some research online and found this. So, this is a scam. Obviously, I will not follow thru with the instructions.
    When the check bounces and since I will not use any funds, will I get in trouble with my bank? or what will happen since I did deposit the check!

  56. I can’t believe people are really doing this kind of stuff, this job is posted on job website, .what happens if someone wasn’t knowledge able of these kind a scams and did deposit, but it bounce. Should they notify Walmart so they won’t get in trouble

    • Yeah it’s pretty hard to believe but it is the unfortunate reality.

      From what I understand, if someone deposits the type of check these people send, it will initially clear. However, if the person withdraws those funds, they will then need to pay those funds back to the bank, once the check eventually bounces.

      So if you fall for this scam, you will in fact be in trouble with the bank itself, which is a shame and they have both the resources and the right to take you to court to recover those funds. Meanwhile, the scammers are nowhere to be seen.

      This is why doing your homework (as you are now) is so vital. It really is the best way to avoid scams like this.

  57. I just got a e-mail in my spam he said this job was right for me,what a joke NO WAY,will I respond thank you for all infor

  58. Rec’d the mystery shopper with check for $2294. Called Navy Federal Credit Union and there is no such account. Note “Cashier’s Check” is typed on it – and there are so many red flags that only an idiot would act upon it. However, I took it to post office, WalMart and bank and reported to FTC – giving them all the names that you are supposed to send money to – can’t hurt – I also called the “text” number for Rick Walter and swore at him. Shame on them!

  59. I LITERALLY have the check sitting on my night stand. Something told me to go online and research. I’ve never been a mystery shopper so I didn’t know what to expect. I’m definitely not going to the bank. However, is there anything I can do to help catch these criminals? I have the letter they sent, the check, a couple of texts and emails. Let me know what I can do!!!

    • Hi Annette,

      I like the previous commenter’s suggestion- give this stuff to your bank. Because they stand to lose with this scam which means they could put some weight behind catching them. I would also always report this stuff to the FTC. Maybe make copies and give the documents to both. Up to you though really.

  60. I received a fed express envelope for INTELLI MYSTERY SHOPPER with a money order and instructions to buy I tune cards scratch off front and back photo them and send back via cell phone. I am taking it to my bank and have them investigate and trust me they will because they stand to lose money if they are FAKE. Your police depts will throw it away. As a result some needy and hopeful person will be hurt if this is not stopped.

    • Thanks for sharing and I think that’s smart to give it to your bank, because as you say they stand to lose with this scam.

    • It is not that the police wont help it is because in most cases these thieves are really in other states or foreign countries and therefore out of your jurisdiction. Most law enforcement can not help you if the crime is committed out of your city or state etc. You would be asked to contact the law enforcement in the area where the crime began. These thieves know this too and they also know that most people cannot afford to go overseas to follow up on the crime, and some cannot even afford a trip two states over to put them in jail where they belong. You can however, check with the FBI and see if they can do something. They have the authority to cross state lines to catch them. I wish all of you luck. It is too bad that some one found a loophole and is taking money that the victim can’t afford to lose in the first place. You can go to the FBI site and search for information on secret shoppers and other scams.

  61. michaellittletonllc.com/newmartjob

    This person’s supposed website was sent to my cell I know it’s a scam cuz first of all I didn’t ask for it so it’s illegal to send it to me !
    201-982-3924 is the number I was texted from on my cell I’m sure it’s not even a real number I didn’t even try to call it back or text it ! Parasites!!

    • That’s odd. I just checked that link and it’s literally the website for a local US painting contractor? Either a fake painting service or someone is using their site without permission. Very strange.

      Thanks for the comment anyway Rob (I removed the profanity incase you were wondering).

  62. I applied too. $3900 on one. Walmart and Money Gram wire transfer and answer questions. One for $2900 and buy five gift cards scratch off stuff on back and take pix. I have not presented to bank. I have been researching for over a week. Not going to respond and will no longer answer e-mails and will tear up checks. So fraudulent. I am elderly but haven’t lost my mind yet. I wish these awful idiots could be arrested and jailed.

  63. I just received one of these checks today for $2420. Told me to keep 420 and to get 4 $500 gift cards and scratch off back take a picture and email to them. Really need the money but it sound to good to be true.

  64. A person named Steven has be texting me since Feb of this year. I received a cashiers check for 1750.54 by priority mail. this week. I was instructed to get the cash out and then go to walmart and send transfer gram in the amount of 750.00 and send it to Texas. Then today I was instructed to send 970.00 to Ukraine . Which I did. I feel sick right now. Tomorrow I am to go and purchase a 50.00 and 25.00 I tunes cards. Scratch off something and take a picture of the code and send it to them. Of course I will not be doing this.I feel like crying.The
    check looked so real. It was a cahiers check.

  65. Thanks for the advice, people!!! Now I know it’s a scam, I’m not going to participate in this scam, because, I don’t want to do it and he in trouble!!!

    • Hello
      Thanks for sharing this information, because I apply on line and just received a $2350, Ck drawn on Investsr Bank, in which it’s a legitimate Ck. But I am sure it will be insufficient funds before cleaning,300 for me and $50 to spend. In store , and to purchase 4 $500, gift cards., instructions to picture front and back to send to them with reports on customer service ( SCAM) red Flag went up automaticity
      So please be careful and don’t get sucked into these Scams

  66. I just received a check sent as Priority mail to be a secret shopper for Walmart! It is in the amount of $2350.00. I was told I had three options! I could cash or deposit the check. Mobile deposit, ATM deposit or bank deposit to withdraw the funds instantly or the next morning. I was told to deduct my commission of $300.00 from the funds, and $50.00 for shopping for merchandise of my choice. I was to then give an evaluation of the store. Claiming they are evaluating the availability of Walmart gift cards and the arrangement of the cards display. They wanted me to purchase four $500.00 gift cards! I was told to scratch off the label on the cards to reveal the code on the back and capture a clear image of the front and back and email it to the email address they provided. The check they sent appeared to have been a Wells Fargo check and looked authentic!!! I got suspicious when they asked me to obtain gift cards because I have heard of crooks with gift card scams. I figured this was too good to be true and wish these crooks could be stopped!!

  67. I almost victimized of $1690 but, thanks to my sister I asked my sister about it find out it was pure scam. They want me to deposit the check to my account and waiting 24 hours to go to my local Walmart spend $50 and send them back $1320 back to the person name Tyrone Udemaffo and they make sure to be send it to altamomte spring Florida FL 32701.
    They also send me a text message I will receive a check of$300 for being a secret shopper for Walmart
    The manager name is Michael collinsworth

  68. What’s frustrating is that no one seems interested in catching these criminals. I keep getting thousands of dollars in checks and money orders and would love to help put a STING on these guys but law enforcement seems disinterested. Like when my car got stolen…the cop told me they just don’t have the resources to investigate the crime. It happens to often.

  69. I have received these fake checks four times. Not once have I deposited one. I always e-mail these scammers and ask what they think I should do with the check–police, FBI, or just tear up and flush down the toilet where it belongs? I really thought the WalMart scam was legit until I got the same kind of large envelope with a $3,000 check inside. Isn’t there anything we can do to stop these dirty dogs? Is there no internet security to screen the posts? Many people just wanting to earn some money have fallen for these scams.

    • Hey Dot, wow that’s a lot of times to get one of these checks and love your approach lol.

      The FTC are fully aware of these types of scam, as are other government agencies within the US and abroad. The trouble is, and this is how many scams continue for many years, is the people running them switch things up once they are discovered. So they’ll start a new company name/ website/ use new email accounts/ phone numbers addresses/ fake alias’ and change the scam up so it seems different, even though it’s the same.

      So in this way it’s virtually impossible to stop. It’s really a case of doing your due diligence and getting the word out more than anything.

  70. This same excact thing happen to me last week thought it was legit i got a check for $1800.50 and was told to take to my bank but i took it to a check cashing place instead thats how i found out the check was fake why do people do things like this it messes up the legit jobs people are looking for now im very caution about doing on- line work

    • Yeah it is a shame. I guess it’s the same as the offline world in that respect, there’s no shortage of people who would rather rip others off rather than create an honest living.

      The internet is a wonderful place to learn how to build a business and/ or create an extra income, but it’s full of scams at the same time. So navigating your way through all of that and figuring out what’s legit and what’s not, is no easy task.

      The first step is really exercising caution and doing your homework. Not buying into anything on impulse, especially not when it sounds too good to be true. This will help you avoid scams at a much higher rate if your goal is to create an income from home.

      Anyways, thanks for commenting and all the best going forward.

  71. I believe this is the scam you are describing in the article above. This email and an earlier “confirmation” email both arrived within the past week. Please let me know how I can help you catch these people and stop this scam.

    Marvin Baar

    Andy Stacey
    Attachments8:33 AM (5 hours ago)
    to me

    We trust you are doing great and had a wonderful weekend. Our sincere apology for the inconvenience and delay we may have caused you in reference to your first assignment.

    Your assignment package with the check of $3850, was posted via USPS Priority mail and will be delivered today Monday 23th April.

    Kindly proceed with the assignment when the check arrives and email us your feedback report upon receipt of completed. The evaluation can be done at any nearby Walmart and many other grocery, drug, and convenience stores with Walmart Gift cards.

    Below and also attached is your assignment guideline and commission instruction.

    Kindly confirm receiving email with instruction by replying this email.


    1: Proceed to your bank or credit union to have the check deposited. Funds will be available immediately or in 24 hours.

    2: Deduct $350 as your commission and $100 for your logistics fee.

    3: Proceed to nearest store with Walmart Gift Cards.
    (The cards are available at Walmart Stores and also many other stores)


    5. Go to the register and add cash of $500 to each card. $500 X 7 = $3500
    Note: If the $500 Card are not available, then you may purchase other denominations ($100, $200, $250 etc) to total $3500

    6. Evaluate the quality of customer service delivery, condition and arrangement of cards at the store and fill out your observation in the Feedback Section below (Page 2).

    Note: Under no circumstance should you acknowledge that you are evaluating their services as that will deter the purpose of the program. If asked if you are a mystery shopper, kindly answer NO.




    Open the pack, scratch off label to reveal code at the back of the cards and capture clear image of front and back of each card and email to us along with Page 2 of this document. (Phone camera accepted)



    Open the pack, remove the label in front of the cards and capture clear image of front and back of each card and email to us

    along with Page 2 of this document. (Phone camera accepted)

    Note: Do not use or register the cards until you are told to do so.
    The cards are required for the next assignment. You will also use the funds to carry out future assignments.
    This eliminates the need of posting you checks for other upcoming assignments.






    Three (3) things that could be improved in this store (Services).




    4. How long did it take to purchase the cards?


    Thank you for your services.

    • Hi Marvin,

      Thanks for sharing this. Without a doubt this is a scam and you are smart for not following their instructions. Doing so would mean you cashing a fake check, giving the proceeds to these scammers via a Walmart gift card, and being stuck paying the money back to your bank.

      Hopefully your comment helps others avoid this scam too. Cheers


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